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Posts by antinatalism

  1. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Dude every website has one.
    innovation, man, not imitation. don't be a cuck
  2. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Malice Not really, most aspies, myself included, really aren't well functioning and have extremely poor outcomes. Sad nature of reality.
    I used to lurk wrongplanet years ago and I remember it made look r9k like a pool of betamale nobel laureates whose social skills are second to none and who never whines no matter how bad the shitstorm is
  3. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    > mfw I receive appreciations
  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Well that's an odd comparison. Are those two things in any way related?
    indeed, they both exist
  5. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Vaginas are pretty disgusting but what are we comparing it to, the beauty of a penis? tee-hee
    the beauty of a soul
  6. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter there's a reason you feel sick to your stomach whenever you see public displays of affection

    because you know it isn't natural for the human male to be tied down to a walking vagina
    ^ this.
    > walking vagina
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I cannot stress enough how much vaginas are disgusting
  7. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Malice Did I post about a paper I found on "child prodigies"? I was looking up information tangentially related to PRL-8-53, the famed "hypermnesiac" (I don't believe it's actual MOA may involve the strict enhancement of memory capacity, but the improvement of the organization of it) that I had incredible results with when delivered intranasally. Anyway, in the paper they found that, and this was for children with a variety of talents far beyond the typical level of their age group, the common link was working memory in the 99th percentile, high 99s IIRC. They found various neurological/cognitive-behavioral differences and described it as essentially being a form of "moderated autism", autistic neurological qualities lacking the crippling disabilities.

    But, yeah, the overwhelming majority of autists are either absolute retards or wholly unremarkable. Weapons grade autism can be a terrifying, destructive thing, though.
    so basically they were aspergers
  8. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie

    If i get a garden i should deck it out with a thousand cherry blossoms. Full weeb mode, NO REGRETS!
    I'll burn your garden. I swear to god, bro
  9. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny The autistic genius meme has got to end.

    Do you people know people with actual diagnosed autism? They're not all fucking sevants.
    the end of the autism meme would trigger the fall of the whole chanculture. sometimes we need lies to serve the greater good
  10. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Ofc I don't have a pure heart. Neither do you. I'm inclined to believe you don't have a soul either, depending on your definition of the term I suppose. It's hard for me to get on board with such a belief having never been presented with any evidence supporting it. So, calling women soulless sounds, to me, no different than calling them penis-less.
    but penises exist. and you compared them to the concept of soul.
  11. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mojo jojo Niggas always wanna complain about their life but dont do nothing to fix their situation. Toss aside the meth and tall boys. Fix your diet! get some exercise! read a book! Niggas complain about women like its there fault. You attract what you put out if your a whiney betta with nothing going for you your gonna attract shitty women and shitty things.. yall niggas be spiraling down the tunnel slide instead of climbing out of it. From my experience life is taking 3 steps foreward and then getting knocked 2 steps back. When you get knocked back just be strong and realize your still one step ahead from where you once were dont let the knockback discourage you further down the slippery shit slide.
    > le improve urself to get women meme
    sup, reddit
  12. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Ofc I have a soul but you can see it only if u have a pure heart. Do u have a pure heart?
  13. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    it's the most violent. women are sociopath. also, they think like they're one single entity, without any personal opinion: vox populi vox dei is their philosophy, they're soulless ant people. like chinese on steroids.
  14. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
  15. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    hey OP, how're u doing? vida loca + when u've lost everything u're free to do anything = ricky martin

  16. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie Rude. And i will have you know, that that's no way to treat a lady. Also are you sure? I could be fat, i could be underage, i could be a tranny, i could be a liserd, you just don't know man…
    did you know that sophie is my favorite girl name? I wanna bang you
  17. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie I lol'd. Do you have a hentai waifu pillow?
    of course, my lovely sophie. I have a senjougahara's pillow (bakemonogatari). tbh it's only sex with senjougahara. my real platonic love is with lain. but I do not want to sully her perfect soul with my sinful and wicked thoughts
  18. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    another curious fact (I'm sorry for those who have already read the spoiler in an another thread): 3D women's vaginas are ugly
  19. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny In general I lean nominalist and while that doesn't totally commit one to believing mathematics is invented rather than discovered it lends itself to that conclusion and it is my general inclination. I watched a walk by Philip Wadler and he made this argument about how three or four mathematicians seemed to independently discover the decidability problem and that that was an argument for a discovery model of mathematics. Wadler is a really smart guy but I thought that was kind of a disingenuous move, it fails to acknowledge the distinction between axioms and theorems, the decidability problem is the product of systems in which it emerges, yes we may "discover" new properties of a formal system as in this case but that discovery is predicated on the invention of the system to start with. I'll claim that nothing which is discovered can be fully reduced to invented parts (I recently discovered my phone has a "do not disturb" feature, that's not an argument that my phone or that feature are discovered properties of the universe rather than something invented).

    One might naturally make some argument from isomorphisms between our mathematics and the world as being evidence that mathematical systems are founded in natural, discovered elements of the world. But this fails too, to model the world post-hoc is not to be discovered. Consider natural languages model the world yet no one would claim that English was "discovered". Likewise the relationship of mathematics to the world is an intentional product of its genesis, it contains similar structures not because it is similar to the world but because it exists to model it.
    I agree up to a certain point with you. I'm more of an intuitionist than a platonist myself, and I think that axioms are invented and theorems are discovered within the structural limits drawn by the design of the axioms, which is basically what undecidability is all about (I guess that the three mathematicians you were talking about are godel, emil post and turing). So, for instance, working in number theory using the peano axioms rather than the presburger arithmetic is a whole different thing, and that's what I think has been the finishing blow to platonism: the fact that there are undecidable statements within a system implies that there's not such a thing as a perfect bijective function between the mind and the so called perfect platonic realm. Actually, I don't see much difference between religion and platonism since the last one asks for a blind faith in the aforementioned hyperuranion and it makes sense from an historic perspective since platonism stems from the pythagorean mysticism.
    However I find your critics of the analogy with the "do not disturb" phone feature kinda fallacious. The designers of a phone will know (virtually) every property of the phone they're developing, so there will be nothing to discover. But mathematics is on a whole different level of complexity. When cantor single-handedly created set theory he could have not predicted that the continuum hypothesis is undecidable, so this is something that has been "discovered" by paul cohen, but of course it was already a sort of "built-in feature" of axiomatic space they were working on. I dunno, man, it's fucked up and I'm getting confused, but I'd go as far as to say that the very fact that when you invent a system you cannot virtually know every property means that then everything else from that point forth is discovered.
    About isomorphism between math and the real world, those are discovered too and since I think that the so called "pure mathematics" is an hoax and doesn't exist (fuck that faggot of harold hardy), I infer that every mathematical model will eventually be linked to something in the real world (that doesn't necessarily imply the opposite): for instance, category theory, which is known as the most abstract field of math, has been proved useful in many real-world fields (computational linguistics, sorting algorithms, AI and so on): ah, with real-world applications I talk about things that are discovered (such as new physics shit) and things that are invented (such as computer science stuff, artificial intelligence, automata theory). So math could be invented and sometimes only used for other things that have been invented and not discovered. Sounds very autistic.

    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Does the mind have no mathematical properties? Is there any way we could define it as a mathematical object? If I was a smarter man I would say perhaps but all I can say now is I don't know.
    Yeah I think we could define the mind as a mathematical object and eventually we will in a much more rigorous way. But we do now by now is that the mind is not a turing machine because we do not crash by bumping into the halting problem when we reason around undecidable statements (at least we can prove that they undecidable, a computer cannot)
  20. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    > advocating for the less kike culture in the world after north korea
    > being a jedi
    pick one
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