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Posts That Were Thanked by CASPER

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    after november I hope there will be militias prowling the streets in APCs playing the Venga Boys so all you hear for miles around is 'we like, we like to party' between machinegun bursts
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What if the mother needs healthcare to get an abortion??

    There will be no abortions on my watch. I'm making it illegal. I'm also abolishing child support. Single parents will now have to pay a yearly fee to retain ownership of their children.
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  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby The push boys I've met seemed like good guys, they dont act obnoxious like antifa fruits.

    I used to think antifa was cool during occupy wall street, but they go about is really especially these days.

    Im trying to get a job as a security guy for the frat by ut and I have a hammer, a baseball bat, and i know to use them.

    Im not allowed to own a gun ever.. but I want to get a switchblade but im not sure if I got those rights back to own knives.

    Switchblade is my favorite weapon, just something you feel when you're walking up behind some inspecting asshole who has it come and clicking it out and facing the blade away from you holding at your side before you swiftly start walking circles and their fat big ass stabbing them multiple times and bailing

    Security Officer Krolo reporting for duty.

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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I definitely cringed for most of it but mindlessly listened to all of it in the background. I couldn't handle watching it because I kept getting anxiety when Biden was talking and he'd start to slip on a word and I felt personal embarrassment for him.

    Trump didnt do anything out of the ordinary so I didnt really have any strong feelings about his part. Obviously nothing he said or did was even remotely surprising.

    Chris Wallace was a joke even granted what he had to deal with. Way too painfully obvious that hes biased, not that it wasnt obvious already, but if you're moderating the presidential debate for the entirety of amerixa on live tv at least try to APPEAR to be objective.

    I had some good laughs though. Just hearing biden and trump talking at the same time loudly while Wallace repeated "Mr. President, Mr. President!" was comical. Obviously I wasnt the only one who felt like he was just watching a random youtube video of some toddlers in a fight. I guess Biden kept his composure a bit more but I'm sure that was his gameplan.

    I hate both of them. Thank you.
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  5. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm What do u care, you haven't spoken to me since may.

    Just joshing. I will be unhappily voting for trump.

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  6. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by CASPER If Biden walked back the social justice, had any running mate who wasnt kamala harris, and limited his gun reform plan to universal background checks, id probably vote for him.

    but he won't, so whatrugonado
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  7. Originally posted by CASPER Same. I think we’re all socially stunted as fuck. In conversations in person i usually feel comfortable staying quit long enough to consider what im gonna say. Not on the phone for some reason though. Idk im weird.

    Silence is comfortable and natural in conversation I think. In doses, anyway. Kinda like eye contact where you gotta do it a lot to get creepy.

    On the phone the silence is deafening.
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  8. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Biden won. Biden also said some dumb shit but Trump would do a lot better if he could just act like an adult and own up to his shortcomings. Im not sure why he always thinks he has to be "the best"at everything. I dont know why he couldnt just say things like "First ill remind you that Democrats thought closing borders in Feb was xenophobic and a political ploy. I feel for every family thats lost a loved one. We didnt ask for this. This was a completely unprecedented disease, and i had the unenviable task of balancing cointaining the spread, with making sure the American people arent left broken, penniless, destitute. Could we have done better? Absolutely. But considering the scope of the virus and the fact that only 3% have contracted it, and many states are already reopening, i think weve done an admirable job walking that line".

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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Wait why is the penis teal. Am I sucking off the love child of Blanka from Street Fighter and Beast from X-men?

    Dr. Manhattan's drunk and bored
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  10. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Wait why is the penis teal. Am I sucking off the love child of Blanka from Street Fighter and Beast from X-men?
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  11. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Ok. That's a lot better than how you started out in this thread. I respect your opinions. I don't necessarily agree with everything, like trying to turn this into some racial issue, but I am also not an American myself so what do I know about American problems?

    I'm mostly glad you agree that cop should lose his job.
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  12. Originally posted by Solstice Some people report that he still takes Adderall.

    He most definitely is taking something. Biden too. I don't give a fuck. Give them large amounts of amphetamines and let them have at it. Do it on Joe Rogan like Trump wanted. If this debate isn't a total fucking shit show I will be disappointed. The last thing I want is for these people to get up on stage and discuss policy calmly and rationally. I want to see a fist fight. That is what 2020 needs. Strip them naked and give them daggers.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. frala Avant garde shartist

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  15. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Pretty fucking sick, bro.

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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by CASPER idr but he was young. I thinkhe consulted on how to kiss girls n stuff. Someone will remember. Bunnykid or something. Idk. Shit was like 8 billion years ago lol

    bunnymeatball I think
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    super noncetendo entrapment system
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  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    If you're going to tell me |wait till I get you alone so I can murder you". You just name the time and place. don't act like you're some spook who's gonna wetwork me like some hitman.

    Shirts off my man. flex all you want. You threatened my life. not the other way around. Now I'm gonna give you a fair shot to do so.
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    Originally posted by Wariat No you dont. Even if somehow you knew my name or can prove I am who you think (all you have is ancedotal evidence which I have excuses or reasons for like me stealing some other guys art to make you think Im him) in Poland there is no such thing as yellowpages or some public directory of peoples addresses by name nor did i ever have it included in any document or resume. so quit dreaming and stay worried about your covid.

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  20. I just realized this 'shut up cock nose' video has a racist lyric in it which is pretty messed up since Lil Pump got cancel cultured for using the line "They call me Yao Ming cuz my eyes real low CHING CHONG"

    While this guy literally says "Motherfucking eyes all chink like the motherfucking asian" which is way worse.

    "Wicked clown drive around mothafucka running up ICP mothafucking bumping in my damn trunk
    whats you got to say bitch, what the fuck you gonna do, what the fuck you gotta say
    looking like your scooby doo. Fuck you cock nose i'll be goofy like the shit
    dont really give a fuck cuz you can't come lick my dick. Oh, once again fucking geeking
    on this shit. Mothafucking eyes all chink like the mothafucking Asian"

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