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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sophie POLIOPHILES

    what's underneath that iron lung
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  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also lol, Jorell, you're posting on the same board as thieves, drug dealers, junkies, and at least one self admitted rapist and domestic abuser. Meanwhile Sophie has hurt no one and has been perfectly cordial to you but this is what you feel the need to go on a crusade over?

    I'm not saying you were diddled as a kid, but you were probably diddled as a kid.
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  3. apt Tuskegee Airman
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  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Cause he gave you four dollars for a blowjob.
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    In an offensive dubbed Operation HeebHUSH, ##HAMRADIO operators crowdfunded the purchase of over one hundred Baofeng two-way radios. Channel members attached the radios to external batteries and then concealed them in the Hassidic neighborhoods of New York City. The radios were modified to continuously broadcast recordings of speeches by Adolf Hitler on the frequency used by the Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Service. As a result, EMT operations were significantly impacted. The NY State Attorney General is currently investigating allegations that increased response times may have caused the deaths of as many four Hassidic jedis who died en-route to the hospital during the attack. While I personally find this commendable, it does go against Freenode policy.

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The insecure ones are the ones wearing the blinders scared to discuss the condition of pedophilia in a rational manner lest they get labeled a pedo apologist and assumed to be one themselves.

    It's sad when people think defending and understanding something is the same thing as encouraging something. If I defend someone with a mental illness of depression, explaining why they do certain things like miss work or sleep all day, I'm certainly not advocating for depression or encouraging people to fucking be depressed, right?

    As has been mentioned this isn't a black and white issue and most aren't. If one is unable to acknowledge that fact then yes we will just go back and forth with NO U, NO U, ad nauseum, rather than anything meaningful.
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  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    we are fucking with humans that cant comprehend a 3 part post,, all some humans can do is dwell on the one part that pisses them off,, its Niggermind syndrome y'all will scream the same one line 50,000 times expecting others to fall in line behind you,, thats niggermind,, its color neutral all races are effected by this simpleton affliction. there is no hope for people like you as you do not have the ability to see past the irritation in the post to continue being a part of the ever evolving conversation.
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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by joerell Wrong again…patriot Trump supporter who doesn't need a safe place and can't stand corrupt lefties…and no cooling off needed as I am calm so no assumptions please. Lol.

    I bet you get mad at people for "virtue signaling" when you feel the need to explode in moral outrage on an internet forum because some guy on the other side of the planet likes something you don't think it's OK to like.
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  9. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by EllariaSand You think someone being raped as a child is funny?
    Perhaps because as “confused” as you seem to be you don’t seem to understand that a child lacks the maturity or mental capacity to actually consent to sexual activity….children who have been sexually abused all seem to know in their gut that what they’re being manipulated into doing is not normal or natural or right….they know it’s wrong.

    These kids who are being forced into child pornography lack the capacity to understand how they’re being taken advantage of by seriously depraved adults who apparently think victimization of a child is funny….even wors, the adult who manipulates a child into performing sex acts with absolutely zero regard to the degree to which they are fucking this kid up for life. People who do this deserve to be burned alive…or fucking skinned alive.

    Archer hit the nail on the head with his spot on description of several of the lost souls who thrive on a virtual environment where they can play keyboard warrior

    Sorry Sophie….whoever you are

    You’re a sick fuck and a disgusting waste of a human life…

    its pretty fuckin funny that Jurell got raped as a child
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sophie's a good gont. You're exaggerating his predisposition for being attracted to young teens and children in lieu of a knowledgeable, good-natured, humorous, intriguing individual that needn't be defined by the hebephilia but rather the content of his character.

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  11. DH niggers to the ovens
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  12. All I read was “I’m amazing and can do no wrong” lol. Gtfo.
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  13. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell Not really…there are well established medical benefits. Less risk of STDs, UTIs, cancer and many more if done right.

    Even if these were all true and even if you could make the argument that those benefits outweigh any potential risks ("if done right" is a pretty big if), it doesn't excuse doing it to newborn children/people who are too young to provide medically ethical consent. The fact that circumcision isn't as bad as some forms of FGM doesn't mean it's not bad. Botched circumcisions are pretty atrocious too. And of course, even a perfect circumcision results in less penile sensitivity.

    America is literally the only country in the world that routinely performs circumcisions for non-religious, non-therapeutic reasons. I can think of ZERO secular countries that have medical associations that condone non-therapeutic circumcision of infants other than America.
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist I’m pretty sure these newest indictments will lay it out for us as to the hows and whys. I have not read them.

    Saying that other countries, as well as ourselves, have done this before, does not minimize what is going on now. If other countries feel we’ve meddled in their elections, then bring charges against us.

    Just because it’s been done before does not make it right.

    It's not just that it's happened before, it's ongoing and will be ongoing as long as the current order has the capability to bend other countries to their will. If you look into the basis for foreign policy for most of the powerful western countries (see US, UK, France, Germany to a lesser extent) they're specifically designed to get around the concept of national sovereignty, to give them the power to do whatever they want to cultures and governments that don't fit their ideals and policies through broad ideas like 'responsibility to protect' and 'sovereignty of people', which, at the risk of summoning joerell, are ideas that have been created, pushed and implemented by globalist NGOs and think-tanks. The FUKUS (lol) and co. don't report to international legal bodies, they ARE the international legal bodies and they're absolutely not impartial.

    That's going a big off-topic, so I guess I can summarise as follows:

    "just tell the gorilla to stop bullying you"
    - how to get folded into a banana costume and fucked.

    I'm looking over those documents now, pain in the ass to get good information without relying on someone else's analysis but he's only accused several members of the Russian GRU of crimes. This literally means nothing because they will never set foot in a US court so whatever evidence is claimed (I haven't gone through it all yet) will never be tested or challenged in court.

    If this were a serious indictment, it'd be against the people supposedly working for the Russians because they aren't able to avoid US court - on the flipside though, he would need actual, significant evidence to prosecute or they could expose the investigation as the sham it appears to be.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Are we supposed to be best friends with a country that tries to control our electoral outcome?

    last I counted, the US has interfered with 80+ separate countries' political systems in the last 50 years or so - ranging from rigged elections, failed states, assassinations, supporting terrorism, genocide... Even while this was supposedly happening they were collapsing Ukraine's government, turning Libya into a failed state and attempting to do the same to Syria (the only reason they failed was the combined effort of Russia and Iran). They're hardly in a position to be crying about 'foreign interference'.

    Even if it were true, what evidence do you have that any such thing took place? Try to find some evidence that the Russian government had anything to do with the US election; I have and I've come up with nothing reliable.
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  16. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Lanny We all live in walnut creek where we run our secret carpentry operation

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  17. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Every line of code I write chips away at the foundation of capitalism. In ten years, I'll need only to pull a thread and watch the banking system collapse. Excuse me, I need to go pray to the banner of Marx's genitals in my officebedroom.
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  18. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No it's not possible, I disagree…thereby proving it's not possible…only take 1 to disagree lolololol

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  19. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell Hitler and Nazis killed millions of innocent jedis during WW2 out of hatred, evil and mental illness…leftist who are just as pathetic claim we should forgive and forget. If anything socialists are the ones who are narrow minded and dogmatic and fear justice. It's not a valid question if you ask the victims or ones who suffered. You have no intelligent argument (that I'm willing to acknowledge) to support pedos who kill (sic) children… in my opinion there's no evil in removing them and potentially saving the lives of future victims is more important. Also sociopaths who promote this garbage or believe pedos should be cuddled or admired. Why the fuck would I want to debate you… I'm an idiot.

    Edited for clarity and intellectual honesty.

    Also: if they kill children, they're murderers. Child murderers. That's an entirely different beast. One that pedophilia is entirely secondary to. In fact, stigma against pedophilia could even be an explanation for WHY they kill the kids (sometimes) - wanting to insure the children don't get them in trouble.
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  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i don't care how much you sympathize with a pedo's plight. you're still not gonna advocate him harming children.

    I agree. We're not meant to advocate it, but the least we can do is understand it and do our research on it so that we are better equipped to deal with it. Calling them psycho's who needs to be castrated, beat the shit out of them, kill them, or put em in prison and let that be that doesn't solve anything long term. It discourages them from ever talking to someone about their issues, which might result in abuse. You don't want to go out and tell people that you are attracted to children because odds are it will get you killed. If we accepted that these people are sick, then we can also accept that they need help. And as a society we should give it to them. What the help is though is for another debate imo.

    Besides, peado's are more than their sexual preferences, just like faggots, goat fuckers, carpet lickers etc.
    Every human being has something to offer, and their sexual preferences shouldn't be what brings them down. Society made em this way, we shouldn't judge them for being what they've been turned into. Believe it or not. Peado's are just like the rest of us. Some of them are good hearted, large, intelligent and have a functional life, others are nasty fucks without empathy who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves and they have a horrible life.

    Originally posted by NARCassist and i noticed you spell pedo the english way with an A in it. are you british by any chance?

    No, i just find the original word distasteful for some reason.
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