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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Very likely, all the pieces are in place. The biggest risk at the moment is another israeli false flag attack to try and draw the US into open conflict, especially considering how Bolton is moving carrier groups about based on vague Mossad 'intelligence'.

    I've been compiling information on this, will make a proper thread soon.
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Tesla Coil I have not been following this regions politics as much as most people. how was Ghadaffi's assasination or murder by the people (stoned to death?) apart of Syria? Making friends with them pissed off the local people of Libya?

    1. Ghadaffi was not stoned to death, he was sodomized with a bayonet then shot in the head as he bled out.
    2. The bulk of the fighters in Libya were foreign.

    The destruction of Libya was largely organised by England and France, but was only really successful thanks to US involvement. In short, Obongo did not want to get involved but he was pressured into it by Hillary, then-secretary of state. I won't go into how it was organised, but it was basically an information-warfare campaign, then the country was flooded with foreign fighters, then NATO created a 'no fly zone' over Libya in order to neutralise the technology advantage the government had over the rebels.

    The claim was that the people were being 'freed from a dictator', but the true purpose was to punish the state for daring to trade oil in their own gold-backed currency instead of the dollar and to crush what appeared to be a state thriving under socialist policy.

    This is the exact same blueprint that was later used on Syria - Obama was wary of putting too much overt pressure on the state though, fearing the impending collapse would affect the US' international prestige so he took it very slowly. This gave Russia an opportunity to intervene, as they'd learned from Yugoslavia, Libya and the Ukraine that late-stage diplomacy and even non-confrontational military action would fail - once Russia had deployed to Syria, Obama recognised that it would be extremely dangerous to continue the plan and declined to implement the proposed 'no fly zone'.

    Hillary, on the other hand, howled about 'appearing weak' and Russia being a 'paper tiger' and talked at length about how she'd ground all aircraft over Syria and wasn't afraid to shoot down Russian jets. That insane rhetoric garnered a lot of support among the powers that be, with the establishment neoconservatives truly believing that Russia at the time would simply back down and be unable to defend itself - even now many of them still think that hypersonic missiles are either 'fake' or not a significant threat, that aircraft carriers can do more than bully brown people with no military to speak of.
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Wrong. Atlanta paid 2.6 mil to fix a $50,000 ransomware attack. They did not pay the “ransom”. Soi is right, they will not bow to terrorists.

    Atlanta officials haven't said whether they paid the ransom, or even tried, but it seems that they may not have even had the chance; the attackers quickly took the payment portal offline, and left the city to fend for itself.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by CASPER Bout to hit le Pirate Bay. Stuff like this makes me want to make a show. I'm trying to figure out what made the first seasons feel so epic, and these last seasons feel so color by numbers.

    you see it with a lot of series, the ones that really make sense have had their overarching story written in advance rather than just for the next season or even episode.

    the first few seasons were written by Arrrr Arr as a coherent story; the producers had the task of chopping it up into episodes and making sure each episode had enough interesting stuff in it. they're doing the same now, except they have to write the story as they go - they're not as good at it, and the overarching plot will always come second to checking the boxes to make each episode interesting to watch
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  5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
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  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Ghost It's serious when you intend to marry the person

    That's so adorable and old fashioned. Please don't adopt
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  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    The older I've gotten the more my appetite for young girls (18+) has grown. I could draw a converging graph showing my chronological age vs the median age of girls I desire but I'm scared it will show the point where it gets me arrested
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  8. Tesla Coil Tuskegee Airman
    Tesla CEO Elon Musk faces trial for 'pedo' insult of diver

    This british dude stated Elon Musk had a PR stunt in mind when Elon offered to help save the Thailand soccer team trapped in a cave, so in a classic "Welcome to Totse..Totse Forever" moment of reply-, the angst Elon fires back he was just being a greedy pedo with his own self interest (directing it at Vernon Unsworth, specialist search & rescue).

    Vernon Unsworth is suing Musk. LOL.. WTF? for defamation of character/slander/wwhatever

    First off.. Elon lives in the USA now and the comment was directed at a Brit in Asia. Elon is being dragged into court in the USA with an American Judge setting the court date.


    clearly it was schoolyard reference insult.
    clearly it's not in the same county, provence nor state let alone the same nation.
    clearly these schoolyard insults are made daily by a billion people on the planet
    clearly things are changing to newspeak
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  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    That's actually cool. Can you write me a story about Palestinians banging joo girls in the middle of a war zone? Please use lots of contextual references as metaphors (rockets, Gaza strip, spreading "desert eagle" etc)
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  10. whoami Tuskegee Airman
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  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
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  12. whoami Tuskegee Airman
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  13. whoami Tuskegee Airman
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CandyRein Shouldn’t you be getting stomped out by “ niggers” in a bar somewhere stfu mq

    Marlon doesnt say "niggers".

    Also, i think he was legitimately asking what it was that made you fall so madly in love with our dude.

    When he gets drunk. he gets very invested and introspective.

    In short- he wants to know what love is, and he wants you to show him.

    That is all.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    In short, there was an African Swine Fever outbreak in Eastern China (Near the North Korean border) which has spread like wildfire over the last six months. It was first detected in a pig farm in Shenbei housing around 400 pigs, infecting 47 with a 100% kill rate, mostly inside of 7 days. It's since spread rapidly to 23 other provinces, possibly more given that some farmers have been found to be hiding infections to stop embargoes and/or purges of their livestock.

    China's pork production sector is huge, with an estimated 700 million pigs destined for both (primarily) domestic consumption and the export market, and the current outbreak has chopped around 200 million off of annual production, driving prices up and forcing China to import from other sources to satisfy domestic demand.

    If the infection and spread of African Swine Fever among Chinese farms was intentional, it serves several geopolitical goals.

    Primarily, crippling Chinese pork production forces them to seek foreign exporters to satisfy domestic demand; the US being one of the few exporters with the capacity to make it up. There's currently an embargo after China applied tariffs to US pork in the ongoing trade war though, so in order to import US pork, China would be forced to negotiate new trade agreements based on Trump's trade deficit complaints. Given the urgency of the Chinese requirements, the US would have the upper hand in negotiations and could likely pursue other demands such as ongoing demands regarding US 'intellectual property' and copyright enforcement in China.

    Secondarily, the epicenter of the infection is close to the North Korean border - if it does (or for that matter, has) spread into North Korea, it would be devastating to local food production. Pigs are their primary livestock for domestic consumption, and given existing sanctions and trade embargoes, they have little recourse but to cave in to US demands if their food source is further decimated. It's worth noting that it's impossible to know if NK has been affected as their state media would not disclose it unless forced to.

    There are several reasons to suspect biowarfare, specifically initiated in this case by the CIA. First and foremost are the outcomes above - no other state stands to gain so much from the decimation of the Chinese pork industry, especially during the US-Chinese 'trade war'. Secondarily this is the first time there's been a significant outbreak of ASF in Asia, again calling the timing into question. Third and most interestingly, the CIA has a history of using ASF as a weapon.

    Back in 1971, during the cold war, Cuba suffered an outbreak of ASF which led to the destruction of around 500,000 pigs and the decimation of their entire pork production industry. It was declared an international crisis and a mystery as to how the native-African virus (which had previously only spread to Europe through contaminated meat products) appeared in South America. Several months later, an anonymous source within the CIA came forward and reported to the San Francisco Chronicle that he had been tasked with passing the virus on to anti-communist rebels in Cuba, but was not aware of the package's contents at the time and only discovered it several months after the fact. Six years later the Manchester Guardian did an investigative piece on the incident, finding several CIA sources to corroborate the operation, as well as ex-rebels who claim to have handled and passed on the package knowing what it was. None were willing to testify publicly though, so all we have to go on are anonymous sources cited in decades-old newspaper articles. As an aside, the CIA was questioned by the senate over its role in the incident, but the probe was closed without further investigation when the director denied involvement. They further made the claim that the US hadn't predicted the outbreak and as such pigs were vaccinated on a large scale, which was immediately denied by the Department of Agriculture on the basis that there was (and is) no vaccine against ASF.

    Assuming this is true and the CIA did in fact infect Chinese farms with ASF, it's likely it was done without the knowledge or approval of the US president. He's been at odds with the intelligence agencies since (and before) his inauguration, and the CIA in particular has essentially worked under its own authority with little to no oversight since its inception after WWII.

    I fully expect that China will find out if the infection was intentional though, which will likely lead to a covert response rather than an overt political or military one. Russia, China's primary ally, has as much if not more expertise in biochemical warfare as the US so we can very likely expect an escalation of competing epidemics in the coming years.

    Finally, Infinityshock PM'd me about this, so thanks. I'd read about it briefly and didn't know the scale of the outbreak so I didn't think much of it at the time.

    Sources are unfinished, I'll paste more in and add descriptions later:
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  16. whoami Tuskegee Airman
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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by mmQ Frankly, the only guy that really tickles my fancy is Palmer. Palmer and his Easter Friends collection including and especially his hollow white chocolate flavored lamb with bell. 70 cents on clearance.

    That lamb has seen some shit.

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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, tramadol isn't a benzo
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  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra 'this stuff tastes like ass'

    probably more likely "is this was ass tastes like?"
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  20. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Octavian What a victim, he shot a kid.

    jedis kill little kids all the time in Syria and Palestine, and no one ever cares.
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