2019-07-28 at 10:27 PM UTC
Dont lay in bed all day
I believe in evolution but not in the holocaust
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2019-07-28 at 7:34 PM UTC
Holding hands
Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
Originally posted by Ghost
Some girls have penises
It's 2019 not 1970, retards. Get with the times
"some girls have penises" he quietly sobbed with his mouth full of trannycock
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2019-07-26 at 4:59 AM UTC
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2019-07-26 at 4:53 AM UTC
JIDF Controlled Opposition
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2019-07-25 at 3:18 AM UTC
So Lanny, why Wintermute
JIDF Controlled Opposition
wintermute was the AI from the neuromancer book you full tilt autard
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2019-07-23 at 10:46 AM UTC
Serial Killer General
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
Watching serial killer documentaries with your girlfriend instead of raising a family and watching wholesome shows
Society is dying
>bitching about how other people aren't doing wholesome things with their girlfriends and raising families when you don't even have a girlfriend or any hope of raising a child yourself
Society is dying and you're the one of the ones killing it.
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
the fact that he specified 'unplanned shutdown' indicates that there were times were it was brought down for maintenance
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2019-07-22 at 6:40 PM UTC
I hate whites
Whites hate u too, hajii.
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
If you're going to go outside with weapons you should be required by law to have them in sight so people know you're packing
why? if you allow concealed carry, attackers can't immediately tell who's carrying a weapon so they'll typically be much less likely to attack. that way violent crime gets reduced on the whole rather than simply being redirected to people who are visibly unarmed for whatever reason.
further, a gun is a purely offensive weapon - you're at a distinct disadvantage if you're forced to use it and the attacker knows you have it.
also the 'open carry' culture is weird and fetishistic, it's truly disgusting to see how they brandish their weapons and ogle others'.
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It's common knowledge that whenever you get two or more CS grad students
together, the conversation will inevitably drift to the same topic: automatic
weapons. Lately, we've noticed that whenever we attend a CS party, picnic, or
bull session, we always hear the same questions and discussions, usually from
the younger grad students:
"I want to mount an M60 in front of the sun roof of my Tercel, but
the mounting bracket wasn't drilled for import cars. How did Josh
Bloch do his?"
"Some of my friends at the MIT AI Lab don't like M203's because the
grenade launcher adds too much weight, but I wouldn't have gotten
out of IJCAI-85 in one piece if it hadn't been for those 40mm flechette
rounds. What do you think?"
"Do you have to be a god-damned tenured professor to get teflon rounds
at this place?"
"Does the 'reasonable person principle' cover hosing down a member
of the Soar project after he's used the phrase 'cognitively plausible'
for the fifteenth time in a 20 minute conference talk?"
"Where *did* Prof. Vrsalovic get that Kalashnikov AK-47?"
"I used to use Dri-Slide to lube my M16. How come my advisor says
Dri-Slide is for momma's boys and Stanford profs?"
"Does the way Jon Webb keeps flicking the safety of his Mac-10 on
and off at thesis defenses make you nervous, too?"
In short, there is a lot of concern in this department for the proper
care, handling and etiquette of automatic weapons. So as a service to the
department, we are starting a two week daily series on "The Care and Handling
of Your M16A1." Every day for the next two weeks, we will post on the wall
outside our office the day's helpful hint on care and maintenance of that good
old departmental standby: the M16A1. Our thanks to the US Army, whose
training manuals we have shamelessly cribbed for material.
We would like to encourage other knowledgeable members of the CS community
to share their expertise in a similar fashion. There is a real need for this
kind of dialogue in the department. The new students come in here every fall,
and are totally unequipped to handle the realities of graduate student life at
CMU. Computability theory and lexical scoping are fine things to know about,
but they just don't cut the mustard when somebody from the Psych department
opens up on you with an Ingram set to full auto.
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2019-07-21 at 5:28 PM UTC
Thoughts on 4 and or 8 Chan?
Originally posted by Helladamnleet
Hell no. The trolls aren't funny, the administration is a joke, shit that would be funny on 4chan is banworthy here.
If you want a good site that's on the upswing head over to https://newtotse.com
Subscribe to pewdiepie
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Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
Originally posted by DietPiano
dubious chicanery
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by Ghost
I only like girls. You just want HTS to be male because it will satisfy your degenerate homosexual desires. Well guess what pal she might have a PENIS but she is nothing close to the same gender as us.
Also if you like dicks than a tranny that's been on hormones for years and had surgery is the last thing a gay person would want. It shrinks the penis and makes it not work and not be able to ejaculate which makes them UNABLE TO FERTILIZE A FEMALE EGG IN HER VAGINA which is the entire point of being male
I don't know why the fuck I have to explain this to you because it's widely known. Just goes to show how ignorant, stupid and backwards thinking you are.
You are the most classic example of an insufferable judging homosexual that makes everyone hate the LGBTQQIAAP2+ community always trying to push your perversions onto other people with your gay lover captain faggot
Having a small useless penis doesn't make you a woman.
If it did, you'd be a woman too.
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Originally posted by Sophie
She should be a robotic pony.
Why can't james bond be an imaginary pony?
James bond is a fiction character after all.
The time is ripe for a CGI James Bond/My Little Pony crossover.
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Originally posted by WellHung
Meanwhile, brownies from all over the world illegally come to the States, and opportunistically suck up our resources, until they get their fill.
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If you don't call in to stand up with your cam off and rip bongs while everyone is giving updates you're doing agile wrong. Is this your first job or something?
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
I dont understand people calling the migrant camps conentration camps… no one made them go there lol
because they need to learn to concentrate. if they got caught they obviously didn't try very hard
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