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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Literally millions

    Literally bullshit. Calling someone who uses violence to further a specific political goal a terrorist is correct. Calling someone who does so to further the domination goals of their religion a "insert religion here" terrorists is also correct. Calling someone a christian terrorist because they used violence to further a specific political agenda and happen to be christian is bullshit.
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  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Narc ok gadz, whatever man.


    I came to your defense over a pretty egregious act.

    Now you're playing the "no u" card to everyone.

    Maybe understandably so...

    You either:
    * Posited some hypothetical scenario in which you kiss an 8 year old and tried to troll us as a result, OR,

    * you actually kissed an 8 year old, and tried to troll us as a result.

    And I went and put myself out there in your defense.

    Either way, normal people don't make entire threads about kissing 8 year olds.

    Either you did it, or you thought about it in some capacity.

    I could forgive either of those in and of themselves, but instead you chose to drop UNO cards and call everyone else a "nonce".

    That's some ignorant bitch shit.
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  3. HTS highlight reel
    And converted to Islam.

    I'm growing my beard out and have been going to the local mosque every Friday. Sudo inspired me, and when I read the words of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) I knew that I had made many mistakes. I will do right by God and live a good life, and hopefully be able to make amends for the transgressions the jedis deceived me into committing, inshallah.

    الله أكبر
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  4. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    I was amazed how shitty they were when I went to Istanbul on my way home from Nairobi. Give me niggers over turkroaches any day.

    Turks have invaded Northern Syria (what Kurds call Rojava) in order to literally "change the demographics" - meaning what changing demographics always means, ethnic cleansing.

    Germany have cut off arms to Turkey, Trump has said he is ready to crash their economy, Russia is on the point of intervention, and basically the whole world is realising what shitty worthless people Turks actually are.

    It's all over for Turkey.

    The Washington war party is moaning that Trump has ‘betrayed’ the Kurds. Their unofficial head, Sen. Lindsey Graham, is demanding more war in Syria – the same warrior senator who dodged the Vietnam War by joining the National Guard as a lawyer.

    The Kurds have been used and betrayed since 1918. They always seem to get the short end of the stick. The old Kurdish saying, ‘no friends but the mountains,’ is painfully true. Washington does not want to get involved in a new Kurdish state carved out of Syria or Iraq even though Israel is pushing it hard to further splinter the Mideast. Iraq’s and Syria’s oil deposits are still a powerful lure for imperial-minded powers.

    Trump rightly calls the fracas in Syria ‘a stupid war.’ But many pro-war forces play on this tired, confused president who has gotten himself deep into the Syrian morass, a problem of largely American but also Turkish making. Ironically, former president Barack Obama foolishly authorized America’s effort to overthrow Syria’s Assad government under the guise of a phony civil war.

    At least Turkey may hopefully send the Syrians within its borders, who are scummy, home. Trump, by withdrawing and letting the Turks beat on the Kurds, may have saved Europe from another threatened wace of rapefugees.

    The middle east is a shit place with shit people.
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  5. This should be a weekly feature in the compton gazzet
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  6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Technologist So Narc, what happened?

    Apparently he kissed an 8 year old.

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  7. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
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  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Was she at least hot?
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    he's just upset he can't talk shit to paedos on here anymore
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I'm at work hitting refresh and sniffing a paint marker
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i cant find a shiny tyrone

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  12. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Getting a rusty old freighter and kitting it out with the kit to launch missiles would be so much cheaper than buying an aircraft carrier.

    Even in WW2 everyone was bitching about how shitty piloted planes were, and doing different things to try to replace piloted planes with missiles. Piloted planes are slow, heavy, inefficient, expensive, unreliable, a logistical mess, a PR disaster waiting to happen, and travel twice as far as they need to.

    Missiles are faster than planes, smaller, lighter, cheaper, only need to do the journey one way, and don't produce any negative PR when they get shot down or captured.

    It Hitler or Goering were alive today (and we all hope they are) they'd be all in on missiles, and would retire the entire Luftwaffe besides a few cargo planes.

    The only problem would be that Stalin might notice that Hitler was on ebay 24/7 buying GPS modules and arduinos with free shipping from various sellers in Shenzhen.
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  13. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Mission accomplished w/ boat dick str8 up sons

    I don't think I left any you out. I almost forgot STER0S was like damn...not today nigga *stared into horizon*

    Could be fancier I dunno it was hot af god damn

    I RECKON boat dick would be THERE

    THere ya go might be cool might suck whose to know, but I'm feeling...a 5 star tingle....oh, WHO KNOWS



    and lowercase Wren


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  14. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    Christ can you niggers make any more REVISIONS? This is NOT a vandalize Wendys thread 4j, as much as that would be in the totse spirit, but I'll put you on the fucking boat.

    Now theres BIRD DRAWINGS involved

    Let me find my BITCH ASS sun tan lotion, and drawing materials. And its probably low tide so I'm going to be walking through MUD AND CLAMSHELLS while people on yachts wave at me like assholes. Wish me luck.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM Lol what.

    He probably just never had to cook for himself because the women do it. Teach him to be a good American and show him how to use a grill.

    load up an AR with blanks and cook with the muzzle flash
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    As the enormous bulk of the western corporate media has had a laser focus on whether Donald Turnip did anything wrong in asking Ukrainian President Zelensky to either release or reopen a previously-shelved investigation into Joe Biden's son Hunter, I think it's worth digging into what was going on that was being investigated in the first place. The information on this matter is DENSE AS FUCK so I'll try to keep it concise.

    Back in 2015, US Vice President Joe Biden pressured the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian then-President Petro "Porky" Poroshenko into firing his chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. He'd made it a condition of the release of roughly $1 billion in IMF loans and openly bragged about it after the fact. The question that's been brought to the fore is why Biden desperately wanted that prosecutor fired - with the two sides in the US arguing over whether Viktor was fired for being 'too soft' on corruption, or whether he was fired for investigating the 'wrong kind' of corruption, namely Joe Biden's son Hunter and his activities relating to the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

    Viktor himself made a statement on his 'firing' (he was forced to voluntarily resign). While Porky admitted to him that he was being forced out due to pressure from Joe, the official reason given was that the prosecutor's office had 'lost the public's trust', which is an extremely ironic thing to come out of Porky's mouth given his abysmal approval ratings.

    Viktor goes on to say that he strongly believes his dismissal was tied to an ongoing investigation into Burisma Holdings, where Joe's son Hunter had been hired as a salaried board member (not an investor). He reports that on several occasions Porky had asked him to either reduce the scope of or end investigations entirely.

    “In my conversations with Poroshenko at the time, he was emphatic that I should cease my investigations regarding Burisma. When I did not, he said that the U.S. were refusing to release the USD$ 1 billion promised to Ukraine. He said that he had no choice.”

    Assuming that he was telling the whole truth, the question then becomes, what was actually going on at Burisma, and was Hunter actually doing anything wrong?

    Burisma changed hands a lot in the early 2010s, but it's difficult to trace - according to anti-corruption efforts at the time, the government was obfuscating ownership information of most of the larger companies and holders of rights to natural resources, specifically coal and LPG. From what could be gleaned, there was an 'official' owner and a 'real' owner who was not publicly affiliated with the company, typically someone who was either politically connected (often the Maidan-deposed Yanukovych’s family) or one of the longstanding oligarchs.

    You can read about it yourself in a link I'll include at the bottom, but the best guess as to who really owned Burisma was the infamous Ihor Kolomoisky. The Zlochevskys, who the Western media largely paints as the owners of Burisma, founded the company but later (prior to Hunter's appointment) sold all of their shares to Kolomoisky's Privat Group. This is important because Kolomoisky is deeply involved in Ukrainian politics, financing both Porky and Zelenksy in no small measure. Digging too deeply into Burisma would lead directly to the President's boss.

    This is important to the Biden question because Kolomoisky is a jedi. About as jediy as they come really, which makes his control of Burisma a difficult optic in the highly fascistic order that crystallised after the Maidan - most of the volunteer battalions that Kolomoisky himself raised were ultranationalist groups who were fashioned after - and idolised - the UPA, a pro-nazi Ukrainian organisation that operated during WWII. As a result, it seems that he tried to transform the image of Burisma to that of an American organisation, going so far as to appoint a conveyor belt of American businessmen to the board, such as Hunter Biden among others (many of whom were connected to other US politicians). Hunter and his (business) partner, Devon Archer, were reportedly paid around $3 million for their year of 'service'.

    I'm getting bored so I'll just summarise the rest:

    1. The main reason Viktor was fired appears not to be related to Biden specifically, but that he was originally directed to investigate Burisma in order to go after Zlochevsky, who was connected to the deposed (Pro-Russian) government of Yanukovych. He started to follow the trail to Kolomoisky, who is connected to the coup-imposed (Pro-US) government of Poroshenko, and US foreign policy could not allow one of their most important domestic supporters to fall under a federal corruption investigation.

    2. Kolomoisky is well-known for large-scale corruption; in some circumstances he's used military operations as a pretext to clear inhabitants from land in order to start fracturing and oil-drilling operations.

    3. Fuck
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  17. whoami Tuskegee Airman
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  18. Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Spic, Spic, Brown and Slick
    Sucks us dry just like a tick...
    Crossed the Border without a cent...
    Now Gringos buy his food and rent.

    Won't learn to read, but has the balls
    To scrawl graffitti on our walls.
    Prays to God both day and night,
    But still steals everything in sight.

    His smelly wife so squat and dear,
    Will spit out beaners twice a year...
    Upon her loins, a duty hangs,
    To swell the ranks of local gangs.

    A Trashy race,
    A Tacky culture,
    Save what you can-
    From this Beaner Vulture.
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  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny can you write poems on them ?

    Broken stern and tempest tossed
    I lay upon the des'late shore
    Recounted all the things Id lost
    And loved, and err'd so long before

    Content to languish in the sun
    And rust until but bones remained
    Until the tide returned one night
    And pulled me home to sea again


    I had like 8 quatrains. Be glad i deleted all that.

    The last line was about what a huge throbbing dick the boat has, so its okay that its handicapped now. I like metaphors in my work. The boat represents a broken man, and the dick represents a huge urcircumcised boat-dick.
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  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I just wanna say I love this place so much and I love every last one of you.

    If I didn't have NiS I'd be... I don't even know... But I'm glad I have it right now.
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