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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Don’t quote me on this, but they were saying that Soleimani was making plans that was going to put us in eminent danger. Can’t say what trump is talking about for sure.

    Originally posted by Erekshun Iran asked for this, Trump is giving them what they asked for.

    Yeah how dare he actually bulldoze ISIS instead of just shuffling them around.
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  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    im convinced
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Please stop schizphreniaposting in a serious thread.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    We're starting the New Year with a bang, apparently - Iraq appears to be going up in flames, and it's quite likely to spread all across the Middle East.

    This current episode starts with a rocket attack (MLRS rocket artillery) on the Iraqi K1 Airbase on the 27/12/19, killing one US contractor, two Iraqi military and injuring several Iraqi and US soldiers. The US immediately blamed an Iraqi PMU, 'Khataib Hezbullah', for the attack and launched airstrikes against five installations that it characterised as 'KH bases'. The airstrikes killed 32 and injured 40+, among the dead and wounded both members of PMUs (which are now officially part of the Iraqi military) and Iraqi military regulars in the Missile Brigades. Following this attack hundreds of protesters attempted to enter the US Embassy in Baghdad (following on from mass-funerals held for the killed soldiers), overwhelming Iraqi security forces and pushing into the 'Green Zone'. In response the US military deployed around 100 marines to defend the embassy, using tear gas and less-lethal munitions to deter the protesters. The majority of them were eventually dispersed at the request of the Iraqi government and PMU leadership. On the 3/01/2020, a new attack was launched against Baghdad International Airport, ostensibly with the same 107mm rockets that'd been used previously. The rockets did little material damage to the airport but started fires, forcing it to be temporarily shut down, and destroyed the vehicle of Mohammed Redha Al-Jabri, a high-ranking official with the PMUs. Two others traveling with him were also killed, though their names have not yet been released - at the moment, one is thought to be Qassam Soleimani.

    There's a lot to unpack here, so let's start from the beginning - the facts of the original K1 attack.

    The Iraqi K1 airbase is known to be a hub for US PMC (Private Military Companies such as Blackwater/Academi etc.) activity, though it's also manned by Iraqi and US regular military. The attack was a barrage of ~30 107mm KAYTUSHA-style rocket artillery and killed one US contracter, two Iraqi soldiers and injured several others. The US immediately placed the blame on the Khata'ib Hezbullah PMU (Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Units are paramailitary groups that were raised to fight ISIS and were later officially folded into the Iraqi military) without providing any evidence or explanation as to why they would have targeted an Iraqi military installation rather than US forces directly. Iraqi Special Forces found what was thought to be the launch site, a makeshift MLRS rack welded into the bed of a truck, and took several photos:

    There are some interesting points here:

    1. Missiles do not appear to have been fired from here. Blowback would've blackened the entire enclosure, not just the actual racks.
    2. Racks are at much too low an angle for rocket artillery and do not appear to be adjustable.
    3. Four unfired missiles were left in the rack, likely to prove an 'Iranian link'.
    3. The missiles, Iranian-made KATYUSHA clones, are of the very same batch that have been recovered from (US-backed and armed) SDF/YPG bunkers in Syria (

    So we have an indiscriminate attack that happens to kill a US contractor and what is likely a staged launch site meant to point the finger at Iran. The US immediately blames an Iraqi PMU called 'Khataib Hezbullah' on the basis that it regards Hezbullah as a terrorist group, even though KH is not officially affiliated with it and does not fall under its command. Hezbullah literally translates to 'Party/Group of God' and is not an uncommon name among fighting units in general. KH in particular has fully Iraqi leadership and reports directly into the military chain of command.
    It's also worth noting that the name of the contractor killed has not been released, which is strange as the US media usually plays up deaths and the loss felt by their families to generate emotional support for a military response. It is possible that the contractor death was entirely fabricated.

    Next - in response to the attack, the US launched airstrikes against 5 installations it claimed to be 'Khataib Hezbullah bases'. First and foremost, KH is an Iraqi PMU and does not operate alone. The bases attacked were combined PMU/Military (PMUs are now officially part of the Iraqi military, so these attacks were directed in whole against the Iraqi military), and there were significant casualties among both the PMUs and Missile Brigades. I'll leave this one at a few notes because much more pressing issues have come up.

    1. None of the bases were within 300km or so of K1, meaning none of the people killed could've been directly involved in the initial attack.
    2. All of the targets were either part of or in the region of the Al-Qaim border crossing, which has long been a point of contention. It's the only border checkpoint between Iraq and Syria currently open, and it was opened by the Iraqi government to incessant protests from the US and israel. Since its opening it's been regularly attacked by israeli assets operating out of US bases. Essentially, the US wants to be the only party able to control transit into and out of Syria.

    Finally, there was a barrage of assumed-KATYUSHA missiles against the Damascus International Airport. The airport itself wasn't significantly damaged, but it was temporarily shut down due to fires and it was initially reported that a car was struck in front of the airport, killing its occupants.

    This was immediately treated as suspicious because the road in question is a highway with almost no traffic, meaning that the car struck was not parked and likely would've been traveling at 80+km/h, making a random strike unlikely. As it turned out, the initial missile barrage was used as a distraction to mask a targeted drone strike against that car, which killed at least two high-ranking Iraqi PMU officials as well as Qassam Soleimani, the Iranian head of the Al-Quds force and IRGC (which was only very recently confirmed).

    As it stands, there are more questions that answers. It seems to me that the initial attack was staged in order to enact a pre-planned 'response', but several of the steps still do not make sense. This leads me to believe that parts are still in motion. Will post more later.
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  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I got a colonoscopy directly after a gastrocropy and it was exactly like being gang banged. I felt a ton of shame afterwards and needed drugs to cope
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  6. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Originally posted by Sophie Your care package sounds lit, why are you getting it? Or even better who is sending it and for what reason?

    I am getting it because I am part of a group that organizes events in my american city. Once a year we organize an event here in honour of our grandparents who fought. There is more to it, but yeah. We get packages with various uniforms, kit, etc. Sometimes we organize auto shows (which are rare when compared to political marches, because Russian cars are lol, especially around here). But nevertheless we get all sorts of goodies. This was tied to the local Russian consulate general.

    Funny story about this actually. Via university we made connections with the rather politicized Russian community which has led us all the way to personal acquaintance with the Russian consulate general. We were invited to hang out with their crew on consulate territory once. One of our guys was not 21 yet, but the consulate general had a bar in the back, and we were all getting drunk. They told him "do not worry my son, for you are over 18, and this is Russian territory, where at this age you can drink legally"; he got drunk with all of us regardless of age. Nothing significant but lulzy nonetheless.

    The Russian consulate in my city has since closed due to political tensions, but we get all yearly support supplies as usual. Our big brother does not forget about us; our people went to war to protect fellow slavs before.

    These supplies are sent by various NGOs as a sort of "charity". I will not name any particular entities, but few years ago I was given a whole box of these beautiful ribbons.

    Attached are videos of our organized marches in my city over the last few years.

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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    TFW you're America's most dangerous web admin 😎

    Originally posted by Fuck Your World It only does what ICANN is doing.

    Lanny didn't register this domain with the official ICANN which since 9/11 and I'm guessing the patriot act that anyone who doesn't register their domain with ICANN in a certain amount of time (I think 2 days) won't complete the registration and be considered a possible risk (nefarious?)

    Hey, THANKS ALOT FOR THE PATRIOT ACT. the people who created it are some of the biggest murdering bastards on the planet.

    Lol that's not how it works bud
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  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]

    You guys, this site is dangerous.

    Stay safe.

    Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.
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  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    poems dont have dialogues.

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
    Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten loreβ€”
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
    "'Tis some visiter," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber doorβ€”
    Only this and nothing more."
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo holy fuck I went to church and it gave me severe anxiety. I cant deal with all these white people

    Did you sing out loud? Did you WORSHIP YOUR MAKER?
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  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    he has before but he just uses an alt lmrao
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by tyrone everything is designed to expand the security state to protect the aristocracy from getting a repeat of the 1789 french revolution where aristocracy found themselves at the end of a short rope and a long way to where terminal velocity ceased.

    *cough*hong kong*cough*

    they've obviously been steering the movement toward that end, but I think it was mostly organic to start with. This whole wave of 'populism' (ie. popular rule, as opposed to being ruled over by people who at the very least do not care about you at all) came as a result of people seeking an alternative to the status quo... People sick of austerity, forced immigration, crumbling infrastructure, endless war, utterly reprehensible 'leaders' like Hillary etc. Most people didn't vote Trump because they liked Trump, they voted him because he represented something different and yeah, both Trump and they got collectively F'd in the A in that regard.

    Point is it doesn't make sense that this whole movement was cooked up as some sort of false flag or controlled opposition simply to justify a krekkdown
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  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    epic gamer moments
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i touched that queer

    lol gay
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  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    one time I was trying to squeeze my step sisters titty in her sleep and then my step dad woke up drunk, started stumbling around the living room and then he whipped out his dick and tried to piss in a beer bottle but instead pissed all over the floor and his hands

    And it was a piss of someone who was drunk and passed out all night. It went on forever, i could hear the stream hitting the carpet for a few minutes with the occasional break when he managed to aim the stream in the bottle

    my mom quit drinking and stopped associating with drinkers. She has been single ever since I feel kinda bad for her. I've never seen her in a relationship with someone that wasn't a drunken retard, my dad included.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by G Science begs to differ.

    science is a method, it doesn't agree or disagree with anything
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