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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace lol seriously nigga

    its russian state media

    it's also more reliable than most corporate media
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    someone PM the coathangers on facebook and tell them it's all their fault
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  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    This was the fastest I managed to get:

    #define buflines 2048

    int main() {
    char *lu = malloc(3*256+1);
    for (int k=0; k<256; k++) {
    sprintf(lu+(k*3), "%03d", k);
    lu[3*256+1] = '\0';

    char *buf = malloc(buflines * 16 + 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < buflines; k++) {
    buf[k*16 + 3] = '.';
    buf[k*16 + 7] = '.';
    buf[k*16 + 11] = '.';
    buf[k*16 + 15] = '\n';

    int p;
    char *bufp;
    unsigned int i = 1 << 24;
    while (i) {
    bufp = buf;
    for (int k = 0; k < buflines; k++) {
    p = ((i & 0xff000000) >> 24) * 3;
    bufp[0] = *(lu+p);
    bufp[1] = *(lu+p+1);
    bufp[2] = *(lu+p+2);

    p = ((i & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 3;
    bufp[4] = *(lu+p);
    bufp[5] = *(lu+p+1);
    bufp[6] = *(lu+p+2);

    p = ((i & 0xff00) >> 8) * 3;
    bufp[8] = *(lu+p);
    bufp[9] = *(lu+p+1);
    bufp[10] = *(lu+p+2);

    p = (i & 0xff) * 3;
    bufp[12] = *(lu+p);
    bufp[13] = *(lu+p+1);
    bufp[14] = *(lu+p+2);

    bufp += 16;

    //printf("%s", buf);
    write(1, buf, buflines * 16);
    return 0;

    [lanny:~/killme]$ time ./a.out > /dev/null
    ./a.out > /dev/null 0.07s user 0.00s system 97% cpu 0.081 total

    16 million lines in ~0.5 seconds cold, ~0.08 on the second run. Interestingly `printf("%s", buf)` outperforms a direct write which surprised me, but I'm guessing printf has some buffering going on because when I added the internal buffer it got a lot faster.
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  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Is a cool person
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  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by We are running live here. In Iran.

    You idiot.

    I feel no sympathy for you. You jumped in. You weren't pushed.

    actually 4srs tho, I'm interested in this thread and the shitposting is starting to get obnoxious. If you want to sick the CIA or whatever on people then go do it, stop threatening to do it, just shut up and do it and let the rest of us get of with it.

    Thank you for your cooperation, now fuck off.
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  6. cyberneticxmasghost Yung Blood [meaningfully realine our fugu]
    Apparently that isn't the real ande anyway. That's an imposter fed.

    I'll try to clarify some of the things you mentioned in OP.

    To preface, I spent years and years on ez before I even thought about becoming a mod. When I became admin, a big reason for it was the site's lack of income/ and value. N (based on some info I looked at recently I see why you only call him this...) gave up on making money with it. The website had lost value for him because he came up with original brilliant scams which earned him a lot more than ever running the site. Instead, we focused on board culture and prided ourselves on being one of the hacking/warez/gore/weapons/evil forums that had thousands of daily users.

    For the next several years before his arrest, N and I had some business together. I would contact him and tell him how ez was going and always defer big decisions to him. I don't remember him being around when viraL came into the picture: He stopped talking to me after scamming me for 1500USD, which I would have totally forgiven him for.

    Singletrack was hacked by a proud new Evilzone user and cost the owners of the magazine 20.000GBP in damages. This was nothing new to me and I didn't see the significance of the event at first, but the board went through a radical cultural change at this point and ideologically split evilzone's staff in half. In the Staff Only forum, we would have lengthy discussions about our direction and what we were all about. I've personally grown a lot but my childish argument to my peers at the time still stands: it's not called benicetopeopleZone and we're not trying to make people happy. 'Evil isn't just a meaningless theme on EZ' was my attitude, probably. In a lot of ways I still hold the ideology that data is just data and the only moral obligation one has is to themselves; We're not obligated to provide a moral safe space for people on a fucking website called Evil zone or anywhere on the internet for that matter.

    Still, this newfound empathy among staff had splintered us and then things just started getting harder from that point on (e.g. viraL).

    viraL (read about him on ED if you don't know him) was a pain in our ass and in 2009??(or earlier?) I wasn't skilled enough to protect us from DDoS attacks properly. He took us down for a month. During this time, stathis and I did something incredible and spun up new Plesk servers *every single time* the website went offline. And sure enough the website would be DDoS'd a day or two later. Usually my process for fixing issues like that would work and the DDoSer would give up fairly quickly, however because of the noise we made during that time (SingleTrackWorld) he was pretty incessant with his attacks.

    If you didn't know the following you may respect me less: I wanted EZ online desperately. I asked the old owner of a rival hacking forum we had hacked (yes, that little piggy boy who got arrested for Adobe warez) to host us for free, which he did because he thought I was a girl. Even his hosts couldn't stop viraL's DDoSing. At this point viraL gave me personally an ultimatum: let him host us or he'll do this forever.

    The decision took me a day but the staff accepted it and we were online for another week. During this time, ez was hosted on the same server ed was. There were some cool files on that server. But the best part of this story is that after that week of hosting us, viraL saw that EZ doesn't make money, so he dropped us and we were back on a plesk server. You can tell that I was never in it for the money.

    Both of these decisions I feel bad about -- compromising our basic securities in order to stay online is not a good option, and if I had known what I know now we might STILL be online today properly.

    After this whole debacle, EZ continued on at less capacity and I loosened my grip on the community's culture. Joepie91's version of Evilzone is one in which staff stayed conscious and felt responsibility for the actions of ez users and their posts. That's how it was for some time - moderation became heavier and staff discouraged public defamation / data seizure/erasure with link backs Evilzone. "It's hurting people."

    N and Ande had been working on a blackhat operation for some time (N thought of it, Ande would do the work, N involved me as the public face) and around the same time I started caring less about EZ because of the culture shift, the site was plucked from under our noses by N and Ande. I confirmed this happened when I noticed the DNS servers changed and Ande told me I wasn't in charge anymore. I could be remembering this part wrong but I also remember Ande successfully hacking evilzone to gain admin access. Also I don't remember leaving kicking and screaming, I hope not. After that I bid ez adieu, peeked my head in '15 (or something), nobody remembered me and I felt like I didn't know what the forum was anymore, so I moved on.

    Yes, from what I hear his admin/mod style was utter shit compared to N's time. Anyway, from my view, I have great memories of ez. I loved the community before the existential moral crisis of jp91 and others, and I loved every post that helped me become what I am today. (Especially N's posts)

    I'll finish this later (and try to remember dates better). Good times.

    edit during pandemic: i think ryan has been out of jail for a while, hope n is in good health and rich from bitcoin.

    ps fun trivia facts:
    - stathis and N were IRL friends
    - jmscobra was my on-call global mod, and I'd phone him on a big ass nokia phone If I couldn't do something with the forum that I needed done.
    - betabet agency listeners go crazy when you spell out N's full username (and i accidentally already)
    - ez moved around way too much to be raided. the only person who ever took the heat for anything EZ did was N and 1 other poster
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Cly African Astronaut [foredate your moneyless friar's-cowl]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I lasted about 7 rotations of the sun before my insomnia and depression started kicking in and I broke down and bought a bunch of weed and alcohol. I just can't deal with life when i'm sober maybe someone with a non fucked up life can do it but nothing has ever been normal for me and the only way i can cope with that is by slowly killing myself

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  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER lol. did you drop a couple on the carpet for the homie?

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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    probably due to what I've been reading, google's started putting this in my suggested ads:

    I've always wanted to be a tactical gimp
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  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Cheyes i (un)ronically took 2 loperamides today because I had legit really bad diarrhea and was going to a play in a few hours

    i felt kinda bad about it, like I was doing something in bad taste by taking it

    lol. did you drop a couple on the carpet for the homie?
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Calm down guys, the only thing I murdered was spectral's mom's pussy
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Sploo has gotten endless amounts of advice and support even from here. If he wants someone to care, we have cared. The fact is, he doesnt. Or didnt.
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  14. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Didn't read. No one cares. Gas yourself. Maybe you'll be able to con some cunt do gooder into caring about you, despite you being basically a low class nigger. Congrats nigger.
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  15. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood AA GANG

    Cellular asphyxiation is how most cells in the body die, and always have.

    Unless you're lucky enough to get nuked from a few metres away.

    Being consumed in a nuclear fireball is the only way to ascend.
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  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Back on topic.

    Aldra, you hearing anything new?

    As it stands at the moment, Iraq is symbolically uniting against the US. There's going to be a parliamentary vote to expel the US military presence in the next few days and I'd be very surprised if it does not pass. I'd also be very surprised if Turnip respects it. We're likely to see uncontrolled escalation between US forces and Iraqi PMUs; given the attacks on their leadership and personnel I don't think the government will be able to talk them down - it'll be like going back to 2005 or so.

    Iran has no option but to respond but they have so many options available that it's impossible to guess how - it won't be something as direct as a missile strike on a US base or warship, and they have no time constraints.

    This is an interesting read; the guy used to be a Russian military analyst so he knows what points are important.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Solstice Why do you creepy fuckers save this stuff

    I have a sploo folder on my laptop
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]

    This is weird, as I had internally taken to calling them that myself.
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