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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie
2017-02-22 at 7:04 AM UTC in To any higher beings or force that can hear/receive this: Please have the replies to this thread have significant specific meaning to to me.the jedis are not sorry
2017-02-22 at 5:38 AM UTC in Posts per day graph
2017-02-22 at 5:22 AM UTC in PST extract
Originally posted by Discount Whore Let me know how it goes and also what your ratios/weights were.
Did 16 tablespoons and just enough everclear to cover the seeds in a bottle, agitated for a while and strained into a pan. Gave it 24 hours, got a sludgy substance, probably should have given it a little longer to dry out but w/e:
ended up using a credit card to cap it. Consistency made it infeasible to weigh so the split between capsules is just an eyeball estimation:
2017-02-22 at 4:32 AM UTC in Post number 16 decides if I post Bill Krozby's phone number or not
2017-02-22 at 4 AM UTC in Post number 16 decides if I post Bill Krozby's phone number or not
Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol , he just grabbed a handful of ass, no fingering took place.
He must have confused reality with your fantasy then.
Originally posted by Bill Krozby And I was not neglected as a child, I grew up upper middle class and my mom and dad helped me with my homework and studying for test. They were pretty cool
They must be so proud of you.
And your baby mommas.
And your drug habits.
And your shitty dead end job.
And your alleged rape victims.
And your illegitimate children.
And all the women you've beaten.
2017-02-21 at 7:14 PM UTC in Petition to ban Bill Krozby
Originally posted by RisiR You remember Bill Krozby's daughter's birthday 6 months later?
Daz kinda creepy.
I don't remember which month it was but Bill Krozby went on and on for like two weeks about how he got a job at chuck e cheese to get his kid a free birthday party before quitting (I shit you not) and it definitely wasn't a few weeks ago so Bill Krozby is lying about his kid's birthday one way or the other. -
2017-02-21 at 6:57 PM UTC in Petition to ban Bill Krozby
Originally posted by Captain Falcon I used to find Bill Krozby fairly inoffensive. Not a bad person, simply a loserish guy who still has hope. Working in a pizza shop etc, it's fine, many kids in their early 20s are still in this situation…
Then I found out this nigga is 32, so a special kind of loser, a giant fucking zero.
And finally, I found out that he's a cuck faggot and also an absentee father and possibly a rapist and damn, it all comes together doesn't it?
Seriously. I'm pretty tolerant of a lot. Like even if I had Sophie's PI (which I'd never get because he's not an idiot) I wouldn't do anything with it, because to my knowledge Sophie hasn't actually done anything wrong. He never molested a kid. I may find his sexual tastes disgusting, but as long as they're just tastes whatever.
When my first kid was born I was absentee for about a year (though I still sent money, and not by any court order either) and just busy getting fucked up and what not. I get it, I really do. But his daughter is what, four? And apparently he has *another* child? At a certain point you need to take responsibility for your life. He doesn't seem in the least built guilty about it though. He doesn't seem to want any part in his daughter's life other than just seeing her every now and then to make himself feel better.
JUST that, I could maybe understand. I'm friends with all sorts of people with questionable ethics, but the above in combination with women battering and alleged rape (let me just say I know more than I've let on here) is something I cannot stand for. He is totally and utterly reprehensible. A total piece of shit.
Post last edited by Discount Whore at 2017-02-21T19:03:34.679697+00:00 -
2017-02-21 at 4:24 PM UTC in Petition to ban Bill KrozbyDon't worry. I've been there too a couple times. It will go away as soon as he starts posting.
2017-02-21 at 1:27 PM UTC in The Specified Service Does Not Exist???
10/10 Thanks for helping me access ma pedo files. Fully satisfied Pedo Tech Support client.
I had this happen like a year ago. Not the same exact problem, but something just as aggravating. I don't consider myself a skilled master of tech but I do try to keep up. I just spent hours/days/weeks researching and seeking out more skilled people than myself to help me troubleshoot the issue(Good call on pestering Sophie with this, not so with Spec, he doesn't know as much as he thinks he does.) You learn a lot doing that. Instead of looking at this as a problem to be fixed and move on see it as a learning experience so shit like this is 10x easier next time and trust me... there WILL be a next time. Working with shit off this nature is just a issue waiting to happen. Before my grandma died she had a computer. I learned a few things from that experience every time she touched it she fucked something up, I don't know how (smart lady but very stupid in some areas technology being one of them.) Along the way Linux definitely caught my interest. I'm not ready to ditch windows atm but there may come a time. I'm not really happy with micrococks. Win10 is the most retarded shit I have ever had the displeasure of using not to mention the TOS and the companies history of doing shady fucked up shit.
I believe Linux needs more focus. There are so many distros. If devs could come together and unite on one (or even a handful) I think you'd have a linux os that is more competitive in the mainstream. As is now every one has their own special flavor of ice cream. If more devs understood and acted more in line with this quote, "United we stand, divided we fall" linux might be seen more realistic alternative for the average consumer. There is something to be said for the variety though. Guess when you have an open source you're always gonna have rebels, specialists, and pioneers marching to the beat of their own drum which isn't bad thing either. It keeps the concept of open source legit I suppose when you have so many playing in different directions but is the same reason it keeps in a more niche space than I'd like to see it. Proprietary companies hardware don't make it easy either.
Who knows with Trump in office we all might be running on a linux OS sooner than we thought... Astra linux. Not sure who would be worse having backdoors, Russia or Microsoft? -
2017-02-21 at 9:23 AM UTC in Recommend me a keyboard/mouse combo for my Raspberry Pi.Just putting it out there since we are discussing wireless keyboards/mice a while back I seen or read something- not sure where but something like 90% of wireless keyboards/mice are really easy to hack. I think it was a hacker convention video I saw sometime ago, now I think on it. Guy there spent a bit of time with popular models. When he reached out to the companies, several of them were un-patchable. He was able to take control of the mice, and keylog and I want to say the craftiness went further than that but I can't be 100% sure it was a while ago. Pretty nifty shit, if I do say so myself, since you see a lot of the population using them without a second thought for security.
It'd be something to consider looking into, particularly for you, Sophie, since you seem to value security and should. I doubt you're going to have to worry about being infiltrated by a wireless keyboard... but you never know, and for the average non-pedo/hacker/terrorist this could be a great way for others to get all your personal info, CC#, passwords, everything. What average idiot can resist telling their life story, pet's name, where they lived growing up, and where they went on vacation on the greatest info harvesting site of all time? Add that with accounts, knowing mom's maiden name, the town they grew up in and other mundane shit, and you are on the war path to turning someone's financial life upside down, and who would think the lowly wireless keyboard could be the key to make it all happen?
*Places tinfoil hat on, shifty eyes* Going to just be happy with my hardwired keyboard now... except that some mech keyboards can give away information with each key's individual identifiable clickity clack (another something or other I recall from a bit ago). Shit. Guess I just won't Skype while typing and hope there are no bugs. Determining what's being typed via recording seems more likely for higher ups in mega corporations and government tho... I think I'm safe.
2017-02-21 at 6:14 AM UTC in Petition to ban Bill Krozby
Originally posted by Malice To be fair, it's not like Bill Krozby really had a choice is the bitch decided not to get an abortion. He also said that she was lying about using birth control. I really don't think he's done anything morally wrong, the mother is the one to blame, especially if she knew Bill Krozby was the father. Blame the woman.
It doesn't matter. If you go around fucking bitches like that you have to take responsibility in the end. Don't fuck women you can't trust. I don't know why you would ever trust someone you dont know that well with ONLY birth control. Shouldn't be associating with those types at all. It's a total idiot move, and one I've done too but I got lucky.
Could've *at the least* used the tablets or strips. They're like ~95% effective still. They're both to blame. -
2017-02-21 at 5:25 AM UTC in Petition to ban Bill KrozbyYup, lying about yourself in the internet is definitely on par with abandoning two children. Worse probably.
2017-02-20 at 2:31 PM UTC in Petition to ban Bill KrozbyBecause she's out fucking other men
2017-02-20 at 8:35 AM UTC in Petition to ban Bill KrozbyBill Krozby is a brain damaged manchild but I can't, in good conscience, bring myself to call lowering the average IQ of the place by a standard deviation or more a bannable offense. It's best to think of him as the slave standing behind you chanting "memento mori", reminding you at every moment that had you been cursed with whatever birth defect has done this to him you too might have been an ambiguously gay slut/prostitute in austin dreaming about fulfilling his freudian desires by opening a hotdog stand.
2017-02-20 at 6:42 AM UTC in teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin
2017-02-20 at 3:02 AM UTC in The Specified Service Does Not Exist???Honestly I don't even dual boot a version of Windows anymore. I keep a VM just for required software(specifically rooting software) but I'm trying to move away from that.
IMO, Windows is more for office environments and I guess gamers and of course idiots.
The sooner you learn how to use Linux, the better. -
2017-02-20 at 2:57 AM UTC in Lanny, what the fuck is this?
Originally posted by Captain Falcon Tor is a well thought out, sound idea but at this point it's safe to assume that the best security it offers is noise; you aren't doing anything too important, so nobody is willing to put in the now-low (but slightly higher than if you weren't using anything) threshold of work necessary to fuck you up. However due to the nature of Tor, if someone *is* interested in you in particular then it's easy to target you with a correlation attack.
VPNs, even if you assume they keep logs, offer you better protection with regards to "noise", and also aren't nearly as susceptible to the correlation attacks that can target Tor users.
I'm not really sure what you mean by noise, assuming you're talking about active users, it's large enough that it warrants something more sophisticated than just working backwards.
Connecting to a VPN might appear more benign, but you then put all your faith in a corporate entity. Where the Tor protocol cannot deauthenticate you unless every node is compromised a VPN provider is more than capable of doing so and may even be legally blocked from informing you they are monitoring you.
Also since it's often mentioned, maybe there is a secret NSA attack that can deauth all Tor traffic, people say the same about IPSec. There is zero evidence of either so it's not worth talking about.
Originally posted by Captain Falcon Not at all. Here's a simple example:
This was 100% a correlation attack and of course he would probably be fine if he wasn't a retard and used a bridge or something, or if he hadn't immediately confessed but I'm just giving a simple example.
This is a pretty poor example for the reasons you stated. I'll give you that Tor doesn't prevent people from seeing that you are connected to it, but even so there was no direct evidence it only led them to the right person. He also shat where he ate, had he sent a bomb threat anywhere else nothing would have come of it.
Really the only reason I read about people being busted these days is javascript drivebys. And that can be avoided with a seperate Tor router.This is why you pick a VPN service based outside of the jurisdiction of the country in which you are based, and who do not keep logs. And anyone who says VPN providers lie abou keeping logs is full of shit, because there is no reason to; they specifically do not for liability reasons, and AFAIK there are no laws in place practically anywhere that necessitate log keeping.
The problem is this inherently means you have to trust somebody else. That's a securiy hole no matter how you look at it and no matter who runs the VPN service.
2017-02-20 at 2:35 AM UTC in Being in love kinda suxShe fell down the stairs before she met him
2017-02-20 at 1:04 AM UTC in Ne, ne, ne,ne, ne, ne, Lon Lon-Chonpedophile tech support
2017-02-19 at 6:34 PM UTC in Wikileaks Compromised or More Roleplay?