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Post number 16 decides if I post Bill Krozby's phone number or not

  1. #81
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo He must have confused reality with your fantasy then.

    They must be so proud of you.

    And your baby mommas.
    And your drug habits.
    And your shitty dead end job.
    And your alleged rape victims.
    And your illegitimate children.
    And all the women you've beaten.

    They hated my baby mammer and told me I should leave her and go have kids with someone else.
    And they don't know about any alleged rape victims... why would I tell them that.
    I don't even do drugs bro, not habitually anymore. Like I took mushrooms and acid in the summer. But now I don't even blow kill, I just drink. And the last couple days I've been stone cold sober, you must fantasy land.
    And I only beat one woman and she deserved it, yet she still follows me around like a lost puppy and I want nothing to do with it anymore.

    I've been dating a nurse and she's awesome.
  2. #82
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby And I was not neglected as a child, I grew up upper middle class and my mom and dad helped me with my homework and studying for test.

    I can see that upper middle class education really paid off
  3. #83
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny I can see that upper middle class education really paid off

    yeah yeah I saw that insult coming a mile away as if I haven't already had that mud slung at me in this thread. Step up your game nigga

    I hated school but at least I know the fundamentals like reading, writing, and how to count and stack money
  4. #84
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I've been dating a nurse and she's awesome.

    Can she give you a lobotomy?
  5. #85
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 this is a really immature board. Grow some numbers.

    Kill yourself, shitwhistle. Not even gonna expend an "I'll kill you" on you.
  6. #86
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Kill yourself, shitwhistle. Not even gonna expend an "I'll kill you" on you.

    Shitwhistle, nice.
  7. #87
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo Can she give you a lobotomy?

    nurses don't give lobotomy's , doctors do. Step up your game and your pussy game cause I'm sure its pretty week, you simp,

    and also I suffer from bipolar d/o and its just something I have been coping with and that made school a challenge for me. I mean I graduated and I never failed classes. Except I opted out of chemistry because that wasn't my thing.
  8. #88
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nurses don't give lobotomy's , doctors do. Step up your game and your pussy game cause I'm sure its pretty week, you simp

    Guess I'll have to do it then. See you soon darlin :)
  9. #89
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    My dad would threaten to sue the Austin independent school district because the teachers were literal cucks and liberals and he's against all that stuff, that push their bullshit agenda.

    Your real education is out in the world, I come from the school of hard knocks.

    INB4 "i don't watch Bill Krozby vids, dreeerrrrp"

  10. #90
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo Guess I'll have to do it then. See you soon darlin :)

    blow it out of our blow hole
  11. #91
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by bling bling do u ever cross dicks in playground

  12. #92
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby blow it out of our blow hole

    is "our" blowhole your mouth?
  13. #93
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Kill yourself, shitwhistle. Not even gonna expend an "I'll kill you" on you.

    Corruption everywhere. that fat cat is too cush with a silverspoon fed asshole to run things. completely off the grid of reality as you guys are. only he was bred stupid, What's your excuse besides following corruption down the rabbit hole.
  14. #94
    The blowhole is why we can never go back to SeaWorld, son.
  15. #95
    You guys are all a bunch of cowards and faggots. I hope your families die in a car accident and someone kicks your door down and rapes you in front of your wife and kids before sacrificing you all to Allah.

    Bill Krozby is the real american, man. You fakes and haters are so predictable and stupid. Bill Krozby has posted on these forums with these people way longer than me. You know what I notice though?, while he posts about his life and stuff all the sheep do is rip on him, its dumb, over and over again. Bill Krozby actually tries to improve himself physically and mentally every day while living under all kinds of draconian restrictions from a nazi government. What do any of you do besides rip on people all day long? Do you see Bill Krozby doing that, its an endless bullshit cycle with you people. Bill Krozby can be preisdent one day if he shapes up and stradles the line. He is actually independent in his own city and takes steps to make his life better every day, unlike you people.

    Also RisiR played you all for chum. I had no idea he was spinning an epic web of an yarn spanning months, years, hundreds of threads, thousands of man hours to making the userbase of NIS hate Bill Krozby and succeeded 110%. I can't fucking believe it. He fuckikg played yuou retards WOW, dfucuking gullible the lot of you, the whole lot. I was the only one who didn't fall for it. I stood up for Bill Krozby 100% the entire way because he's a good guy, good heart, intelligent, wants to start a business and go to the gym. I look up to Bill Krozby.

    I think Bill Krozby, Risir and I could all hang out for a brew some day. There is none cooler than us 3.
  16. #96
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby My dad would threaten to sue the Austin independent school district because the teachers were literal cucks and liberals and he's against all that stuff, that push their bullshit agenda.

    Your real education is out in the world, I come from the school of hard knocks.

    INB4 "i don't watch Bill Krozby vids, dreeerrrrp"

    Lol, tell us about what "skills" you've acquired Bill Krozby
  17. #97
    Originally posted by Lanny Lol, tell us about what "skills" you've acquired Bill Krozby

    I bet he can spin a mean pizza.
  18. #98
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump What do any of you do besides rip on people all day long? Do you see Bill Krozby doing that

    Yes, his random unprovoked hostility is like half the reason people hate his guts
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #99
    nah it all startted way back on rdfrn with people like Cocklin and fanglecuck. THe hate on Bill Krozby fad is an old meme, only faggots take it seriously.
  20. Originally posted by Lanny Lol, tell us about what "skills" you've acquired Bill Krozby

    Socially engineering his mom's bank account
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