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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Of course it's the jews. Always has been.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka It sounds like the start of a thriller novel esp the favour with no questions asked.

    Can't decide if that's an honest observation or a sneaky way of mocking me.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A while ago in my country they finally got around to realizing some chemicals can be used in the manufacture of drugs and explosives. But instead of going after people like me, for the manufacture of said explosives. They just forbade all businesses from selling stuff to private individuals. They even made selling Methyl Ethyl Ketone illegal to anyone who does not have a state registered business that can prove they need these chemicals for their day to day operations.

    Now i have many tricks i can employ to get around these restrictions, and i don't mean just importing them or buying them on the black market. Although i do wonder whether a Chinese lab would just allow me to buy the quantities i need, and if i pay a little extra, package it fraudulently. I think i may give that a shot in the future so for future reference. If anyone is familiar with Chinese chemical companies without scrupuls(Non of them have any but i don't have guanxi[The right Connections] in China) please PM me the website of said companies. If you manage to find me one that is reliable, i have an incentive for you. I will owe you a big favor. To be cashed in no questions asked.

    I am in dire need of some precursors, well dire need is a bit overstated. But i am running low. In the mean time while i make my preparations for the acquisition of these precursors, i'd like to talk about concentrating hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

    H2o2 can be concentrated by distillation under reduced atmospheric pressure. However i don't have a vacuum chamber big enough to fit my distillation column. Generally when dealing with concentrations of up to 70%, you can simply freeze the water out if you have the ability to control the temperature precisely. Water freezes at 0 degrees C, H2o2 at -0.53 degrees C. I have the equipment to do so. However the freezing process works great when you have those high concentrations. Not sure how it would work out with say 12% concentrated H2o2. Anyone any experience with this?

    Now for the hcl, i can distill that no problem, but i was wondering if the freezing method would work as well. I think the lower concentrations might be diluted enough to perhaps have water ice crystals form. But i might be wrong.

    Thoughts anyone?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny navy is pretty gay.

    Taxi service for the marines and aircraft they carry, lel.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley LMAO, he's just proved my point, what a deluded spastic.

    I could say literally anything and that would be have been your response. The all caps lmao is enough to give away the fact you're grasping, midwit.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley You're too retarded to understand the complexity of the human mind.

    Sit down you gormless twat.

    Lmfao, the dunning-Kruger is strong with you eh?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Tyrant Nice social studies retort, idiot.

    You, personally, rape children. It has nothing to do with your nationality nor your race, it is because you are a mentally sick individual. How do you justify your disgusting behaviour?

    Except i never raped a child in my life. Child rapist accusation is the crutch your whole attitude towards me keeps itself up on, and it's a load of bullshit. You know it is yet here we are. All that tells me is that you are not acting in good faith when discussing the issue with me.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Asking someone for a pic was hardly taking advantage and I wasn't requesting a sexual one either. She's just a fucked up attention seeking Taig cunt from NI who probably self harms. You on the other hand are a sick Nonce piece of shit that no one likes, bar other paedophiles.

    You're not smart enough to make any informed hypothesis regarding people's thoughts, mindsets, personality traits or anything remotely to do with the study of human behavior, psychology or psychiatry. Don't embarrass yourself any further.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Tyrant Only a couple of fellow pedophiles like you, everyone else hates you because you rape children.

    You keep saying i rape children, actually i don't. Also, could this be projection on your part since Pakistan trained the Taliban and they got a thing for little boys? Is that acceptable in Pakistani culture? Like grooming gangs in the UK, almost 100% Pakistani. You feel some kind of blood guilt by being related t these people? Is that why you're so obsessed with it?

    Also, Aleister/Oct has no moral high ground here, i'm just telling this to you because at least you won't have a retarded reply ready that doesn't help anyone. Oct tried to take advantage of a suicidal girl, that's arguably worse than having some pictures some might take offense to, nigga.

    Also Muhammad was a Nonce, the Qur'an and hadithes attest to this, and if he is your paragon of virtue, i don't think you have any leg to stand on when you're trying to lecture me on pedophilia.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny a rear admiral ?

    That's actually pretty funny. Not gonna lie.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Tyrant No one likes you.

    I'd be willing to bet that more people like me on here and IRL than they like you. Besides i don't need everyone to like me, it'd be nice but there's always going to be people like you that dislike me no matter what i do. And that's fine. You're entitled to your judgements.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Shut up paedophile, no one asked you.

    No one asked anyone anything. I'll speak whenever it so pleases me, try and stop me.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Aldra is my favorite Geo-political analyst. He is a man of many talents, and i have nothing but respect for him.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I am going to shop around for a few 27" monitors so I can set up my set up better but I plan to start coding again next month.
    I'm getting tired of wasting my own time but this week I don't get much time to waste anyways.

    Will you be coding for Windows, or Linux specifically? Or both? If you have a good rig you could easily set Windows up with VMWare for coding projects on say Debian. I think it might be beneficial to you overall if you have two platforms on which you're able to code. If you have multiple screens you can have your VM running output to one screen and your main rig the other.

    Once you move up to say coding websites for enterprises or what not, it will not be uncommon for them to have Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/RHEL running as the server OS. IDK if you aspire to be able to do front end and back end, but i would recommend it for the simple fact that it deepens your understanding of the processes involved and all relevant systems to making a site work.

    Then focusing on web application security will be an excellent step, even if you are only mostly interested in coding. Security and best practices in general are essential to building a robust product.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Shit comes from the Germanic people. You claimed you were Irish or Celtic American.

    Celtic people speak Gailic which comes from the Gaels. Gaels were an ancient people of modern day border of France and Spain.

    Gael is an ancient Latin language still spoken by Irish and Scottish people.

    Shit comes from English who came from lower Germanic people

    Irish and Scottish come from latin people and slavics (or it is believed). so SHIT is not a language everyone should use. Shit nor Shite.

    Caca is latin for Shit. Stop worshiping Hitler.

    Actually 'caca' is it's own thing in old English, it comes from the old English word 'cac'. Or 'to shit', in Dutch the old English pronunciation is used to this day but it is spelled 'kak' or 'kakken' for the act of taking a shit. This is similar because English and Dutch are both derived from Proto-Germanic. Only in the middle ages is when we see English incorporate a lot of French words, which as a romance language is derived from Latin. The Latin form is 'caco'. However variants that are very similar appear in almost all the European daughter languages of the oldest common language lineage we know of in Europe, which is The Indo-European language.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker OH MAN, I have you really upset now.

    Not really. But you can believe that if you'd like.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Damn girl you gotta tiny wage. You know i'm a sucker for cheap women. Lmao.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't get it?

    Why was the yellow phone across the street and how did Tommy hear it from his kitchen?

    IDK man, sometimes words just pour out of my fingers. I often catch myself just staring at my nails, a bit pompously a bit bored, a bit in anticipation of what word might flow forth.

    Anywhore. Across the street was needed to separate the location of your story from the location of my story by at least a street. IDK why the yellow phone was ringing. The story doesn't say. Ask Tommy, the man said you'd know what it's about.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ever heard of a monk or a guru robbing a bank?

    Yeah i do it all the time.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The only good color revolution is a dead one. Glad to see it nipped in the bud.
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