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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I certainly am not.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat Maybe I can do a quick screengrab and sent you guys here the vid so you can be sure or help me out here nah?

    If she's a teen that's problematic because 18yo female police cadets can pass for much younger. Also with your history IDK if you can trust your own judgement on these matters. If you're going to find a loli gf, you should extend your social circle in real life, so you meet real life kids. If you actually like the people who's kids they are don't do it. Or find a broken family, because for you to get a young girl to be with you in the way you want she can't have any other influence than strictly yours. Which means you have to break her bonds with evryone that cares about her.

    This is extraordinarily cruel. And the reason i don't do it. Broken home kids are easier, but you should ask yourself if you are genuinely providing value to a broken home girl's life by doing what you are doing.

    You understand that the condition people call 'pedophilia' comes with a lot of serious moral conundrums yes? Are you smart enough to navigate them fairly?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Damn, the first post of yours that has actually been of any interest in a long time until I got to the last two words of the second sentence. For a second I thought you were onto something.

    Oh well…

    How i feel about Christianity and Paganism does not discount the actual history and the sources. I was drawing from real data and not simply expressing my opinion until the last two sentences.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Everyone hates the french dude. They're full of themselves. The beer drinking countries have always and will always be better than the wine drinking countries.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood She bought the box but we are both too unstable to have packed ready big lunches plus I don't eat a lot so I mostly pack snacks and a small thing.

    I see these people with their entire bag filled with like 6 trays and rice and meat and vegetables and I'm over here struggling to finish my pudding and carrot sticks lol

    Are you on Tek? Because a tray with rice and meat sounds great for lunch.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was going to post a long post on how to spot a tail and lose it if you have to. But they're not going to risk a real kid as bait. So do the math.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tbh, Lucy should pack you a bento fam.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence Well I googled Anthony Vincent and he looks attractive, popular and successful so I'll take that comparison on as a compliment.

    Exif/metadata says Google Inc holds the copyright to that metadata. Why?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo I went to the gym today and listened to mother mother, scissor sisters tee grizzley and ynw Melly. I'm pretty sure if I told most females what I listen to to work out they'd tell me no matter how big I get ill still be a faggot

    They don't know you mang.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo I've gone down enough Moldovan porn rabbit holes to discern that being trafficked is a rite of passage.

    Lmao. Next time i'm in the red light district i will test your hypothesis.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My life is Reese's Pieces, this is the last resort. SUFFOCATION.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Man you used to post so much about your polish ultra identity it's funny that never materialized when you made it to Poland. Maybe you're really Moldovan

    Smuglianka moldovanka. Moldovian girls are smol, even when they are [socially acceptable age].
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tom boys are fine.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol Greece. Last time Greece was worth mentioning was about 2500 years ago. Also Greeks are southern euro fucks, they are not 'fair skinned' or 'white' as the yanks would conceptualize them.

    To your point i don't have an issue with Polish girls coming to my country, they work, only thing i don't like about them is that they only speak English and Polish, now i can learn Polish, why can't they learn Dutch? I shouldn't be forced to speak in a foreign language in a social or business situation with someone that lives in my country.

    Also, being the amazing humanitarian that i am i will caution East Bloc people against getting involved with corporations in my country that provide full spectrum everything. Like housing, a job, transport. Corporations have legal protections that you will not have if you are not a naturalized Dutch citizen. You'll be beholden to the whims of the corporation. And that's not a position you want to be in, even if you make five times more than you would in Poland, it's a pittance compared to the average salary around these parts.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence Yeah, no shit faggot. I am making new usernames on a forum. What were you expecting?

    You should keep your current one, it suits you well.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nile surprisingly it hasnt really affected my mental state too much, just adapt to it and go on, i can manage most things as they are currently, so assume when they heal i think ill miss the fine dexterity ill have lost being left with some stumps and my rrduced grip(harder to masturbate) but will b ok. maybe ill get medical benefits even and can find a nice rooming house to idle and slowly rot away in, ahhhh the dream

    If amputation is what it comes down to you should one hundo percent apply for medical benefits.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I would call her a racist to tease her and tell her to calm down and get back in the kitchen

    She'd say: Of course i'm a racist. How can you in good conscious not hate the jews for all the evils they have wrought. How much longer must the white race suffer under the plots and devices of the jew? When will your patience finally run out? When will you stand up for what is right for our people? Perhaps you are hoping, that because you are a good person the jew will treat you as an equal? And that perhaps you can live in harmony with the jew? I for one will not suffer the indignity of living in so called harmony with parasites. The jew is devoid of the good traits you see in man, because the jew is no man at all. And therefore as with any parasite there is only one solution to the jewish question.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Imagine having a GF who bullies you into being NatSoc. 40 pushups every morning at 6am or she kicks the shit out of you in bed. Occasionally she wakes up crying because she was dreaming of Hitler in the bunker and needs to be held. Relentless bullying everytime you develop a gut or can't run 10k in under 45 minutes. She can only sleep with an unsheathed knife so sharp you could shave with it under her pillow. She carries an illegal gun in her handbag, and says she has a bullet engraved with a heart at the bottom of the clip so she can end her own life if her enemies are about to capture her. She requires you to hold her down during sex. You have to move to the country because she screams so loud. She begs you to impregnate her with future soldiers for the motherland. She dresses the kids in camo and tells them that a glorious death is the best outcome in life. She wants to be buried in the garden and an oak tree planted over her corpse so she can provide shade to future generations of her people.

    Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, levels of commitment or bust.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A whole cascade of bullshit occurs in your brain and body when you consume large amounts of alcohol. if you want i can write a Treatise on Pharmacodynamics as it relates to alcohol but the short version is. Certain neurotransmitters get inhibited by alcohol, your brain tries to compensate through various mechanisms, if you get real drunk and then sober up your brain is now over-compensating. Every function that your brain performs is part of a symphony in near perfect harmony, if some parts are not engaged enough or too engaged then you're still making music but the brass section is playing jazz, while the rest of the orchestra is playing a sonata.
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