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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Incessant No my name is not violette

    The answer to your rhetorical question was the same as mine.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Incessant Was I born yesterday?

    Am i normal in the head? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Incessant Lol bro get over yourself and way to manipulate the narrative by not screen shotting what I actually said.

    Again… All I said was it confuses me when you answer me in threads on here but don't answer messages on discord. Aka I don't know if I should talk to you or not talk to you or if you're about to have an autism freak out. Clearly the answers was to not talk to you because asking a question and saying "I prefer a stream of consciousness conversation" is enough to make you think I expect that from you.

    I got drunk and took aim. Get over it? You're not special. Ask any of the females here.

    Also screen shots are for rattoxes.

    Is your IRL name Violette?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Mizled was probably OK for an old broad but she definitely made zoklet shittier with her heirarchal power loving faggotry and let's be honest you definitely contributed to the demise.

    Gun Lover and 5.56 .223 were pretty cool peeps, wish they followed the crappy imitations to here

    I don't deny it. She always called me Wolf. Pulp Fiction reference. I suppose it was appropriate as a double entendre.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I could have stomached him more if he was.

    The picture with the speech bubbles is funny, blasphemer.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Sometimes she deserves it.

    She is part jew, or so i hear.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well yeah, Baby Jesus isn't a sausage.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Better set up a Slack channel. Because we be talking some real shit, enterprising niggas put in the work.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by troon fuck off, why would i want to see your list of projects forked from actual coders? lmao

    That's a funny way of saying you're scared you might look like the dumb fuck you are when you actually see my work compared to yours.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The gun barrel would be a problem…You'd probably have to have someone send it to you hidden in something else (and from and to a safe shipping address) and hope customs don't notice it.

    I've done that in the past successfully with Direct TV card programming gear back in the 2000s when it was illegal to own and ship smart card programmers…I'd order them from a guy in Canada and he'd ship them in old rotary phones which always arrive safety.

    Originally posted by aldra can they even see the rifling on an x-ray? I'd doubt anyone would notice if you packaged it with some pipes

    Right, if i get unlucky though and my package gets randomly checked small though the chance may be i'd prefer to have it shipped through my relay to a safe house. One where all my other gun stuff isn't at, lel.

    Now hopefully my dude will wanna take a trip to the gun store for me, but seeing as he used to be a Ranger and goes pretty regularly, i think i will be ok(Rangers lead the way!). Shipping from the States will take forever though oh well.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Those are the easiest part as far as casting them yourself. I know ex pappy in law used to cast his own…buy the casing, buy the primers, buy the gunpowder and then cast his own bullets.

    It's a good thing that i can source primers, brass and powder locally. It would just be a matter of getting the correct size for the caliber i need. Also, i need to get a barrel for a Glock 17, and a fire control group.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson See if it will let you order these from Etsy and ebay

    Interesting. I didn't know Hornady made ammo kits.

    Pretty sure i could just get that shipped straight to me, where to get the parts for the bullets though.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well people still make their own ammo here, my ex father in-law did, he was a retired Texas Ranger…I asked him why he didn't just go buy the stuff…he would say the store bought ammo wasn't as good as his…sure gramps..sure…

    He probably just liked to have extra spicy ammo, with more powder than usual.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Oh I thought you were in the US

    If i were i wouldn't need to post this thread, only situation where i would need this information while in the US would be if i had a felony.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Post your programming paychecks

    Post your taxes. I only take crypto.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    You enum the Architecture. So you know whether you're on ARM, x64, or x86. Then based on that info you send your compiled C/C++ binary over or deliver through some other vector so you can start enumeration operations. Inline Asm for different OS'. With regards to Windows, the kernel is the right place to look, you can either enum from the hardware up to the kernel up to the drivers and infer precisely what you are working with that way. Either by dropping a driver, Windows Drivers can generally enum all other drivers by virtue of having read permission in the mode that they operate in.

    Or you need to Escalate Privs on Windows, because there's tooling to do most of the enumaration with standard Windows Utils. From the hardware up to the drivers and daemons.

    REM As you mentioned System Info gives all the info
    REM Interestngly hotfixes too for security &c.
    REM Which can then be uninstalled with the `wusa` utility


    Domain: ********
    Logon Server: \\******
    Hotfix(s): 5 Hotfix(s) Installed.
    [01]: KB4562830
    [02]: KB5003304
    [03]: KB5007401
    [04]: KB5012599
    [05]: KB5011651

    REM this is also a thing
    REM I left a lot out but you can have this tool write out a logfile IIRC

    Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9 CPU
    Vendor: GenuineIntel
    Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 1.2
    Driver version: 1800.11 (sse2)
    Profile: FULL_PROFILE

    Simple GUI goes a long way.

    And if you're going to write a kernel mode enum tool, having genuine certs, or being able to spoof them will be very helpful.

    Anyway, just my thoughts. I realize this is probably overkill for OP's purposes but i had a think and this is what i came up with.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lodger Free Also

    You see how Our thread page any forum menu?

    On as early as March 2001, 6 months prior to 9/11/01,

    In the basic ui, it glowed. Making sure people would click on it. Basically stating hijacking AA and UA and flying into WTC and Pentagon and White House

    It glowed a green over the basic text like neon

    It was fucking strange, and it followed the original ama John Titor being mirrored on most of the popular forum boards

    Fucking hell.. it was non stop threats.gee I wonder who wrote and posted it.

    Aldra.. release the manifesto of totse. Spec is fake AF and never had it

    Between the lot of us we have a a bunch of skills, resources and technical knowledge but you overestimate the cumulative amount of absolute fucking mayhem we could cause if we were of one mind to endeavor to do so. Good luck with that, we may be spooky but we're not CIA, NSA levels of spooky.

    We resist Homeland Security's mission because we know what they really envision.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Very first thing Trump did when he started rallying in 2015 was tell the story of the Old Woman and the Snake. He told it again after he won.

    There once was a tender-hearted woman who rescued a poor, half-frozen snake from near death in the winter cold. “Take me in, oh tender woman,” the snake cries out. “Take me in, for heaven’s sake.”

    So the tender-hearted woman takes the snake into her own home, warms it by the fire and feeds it milk and honey: “If I hadn’t brought you in, by now you might have died.” But instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite.

    “I saved you,” cried the woman. “And you’ve bitten me, but why? You know your bite is poisonous, and now I’m going to die.” “Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”

    Don't forget kids, women can't help it. They just trust snakes. Cast your mind back to the beginning, why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of paradise? Because Eve was tempted by the serpent, which is a kind of snake. Then Eve tempted Adam, and God got mad. You had one job Eve! Don't eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. ONE FUCKING JOB!
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Things like Cash Registers run on Debian, the subway in my neck of the woods runs on Debian too. ATMs will vary between Windows XP and 7, and if you have a payment system that is not directly affiliated with a bank it will almost always run on Linux.

    Those little boxes that can scan your credit card at restaurants generally have some proprietary stuff on ARM Architecture. So that may be a bitch.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    import os

    if 'WINDOWS' in os.getenv('PATH'):
    print("You're on Windows, bro")
    elif '/bin/sh' in os.getenv('PATH'):
    print("Some Linux flavor")

    OS Module has a bunch of methods as useful as those illustrated above. You can compile to exe with Pyinstaller. And you can either download a static binary of the Python Interpreter for use on Linux or pack your Python program with everything it needs.

    If you manage to gain remote access make sure to download RootHelper from my repo to the device you're on. I designed it for enumeration and privilege escalation. Maybe write something in PowerShell for Windows, or just keep everything Python.
    As a matter of fact, for my personal use i have a variant of RootHelper written in C, obfuscated, encoded, and it uses LD_PRELOAD so no worries with regards to compatibility.
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