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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Also it’s not learned helplessness. I’m hypersensitive and being touched unexpectedly stuns me, so I don’t react.

    Which no doubt has led to you being victimized in one way or another, giving credence to my speculation of trauma induced behavioral changes influencing who you are as a person.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler The fact that you’re using words doesn’t necessarily mean you’re saying anything … must always consider the source 🙄

    I couldn't agree more.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your point being?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am going to buy super yacht with a heli pad, attack helicopter plus a compliment of drones included and indoor dock for small motorized boats, to be launched while at sea, the smaller vessels will be armed with 50 cal machine guns and automatic grenade launchers. The yacht itself will have some armaments as well, plus a reinforced hull. Among the arms, anti aircraft ordnance, depth charges and auto-cannons.

    Obviously it will have quarters for the crew, the first officer, the chief of security and the captain. It will also have a deck for comms, navigation, and tactical. Plus a hidden deck, which will house a crack team of the best cyber security experts money can buy, 12 in total to be divided into squads of 4 with each squad having a team leader, who will directly report to me, as i am in overall command of the ship, all auxiliary vessels and the cyber/intel division.

    We will roam the high seas, hacking the planet, while making sure to be stocked up on all resources we might need. And since it's a super yacht we will also have stuff like a pool, a bar, a lounge area, a mess hall. It'll be great.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Kafka isn't really toxic tho like she doesn't seem to enjoy arguing and her vitriol seems to come from a defensive place. Maybe she's just not super emotionally unhealthy or maybe when she grows emotionally she will be toxic idk

    The person that Kafka presents, whether she is aware or not is someone who is naive. Has a hard time understanding interpersonal and intrapersonal matters. Socially and emotionally, her emotions sometimes mismatch social situations and ques. She says she displays these traits because of autism/aspergers but if it is related to autism at all it's more likely PDDNOS, that said. I don't think she's on the spectrum.

    I think she grew up either with one parent. Two parents, but one of them was either distant, negligent, or mildly abusive, while the other was oblivious to that sort of behavior in their spouse and how it would affect their children. Therefore it is likely that from an early age she was already primed to live the traits i discussed above. Which probably caused her some difficulty fitting in, making friends, and developing socially to a level society would consider normal.

    If she was in fact raped, it was at a younger age than she is comfortable admitting, it happened multiple times. Multiple times by the same perpetrator. The reason that could happen was plausibly due to learned helplessness, which would suggest sexual abuse before the encounter she spoke of with the guy getting her drunk. Probably someone close to her family or in her family.

    Trauma induced social and behavioral changes are compounded by her inability to understand her own emotions on a deep and fundamental level. Which is why she is the way she is currently.

    Anyway that is my tentative theory of mind for Kafka.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Foh

    Don't know what that means, and i don't think i care either.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka He pretended to be my friend all that time, I ditched him because he’s misogynistic and tried to mess with me, then he tries this, doesn’t apologise when I confront him just tells me to cut myself and threatens me, is probably plotting something else right now. I kind of knew he’d turn out to be abusive and was waiting for the facade to stop. Some people don’t deserve friends.

    Irma, if that is indeed your real name. I am always plotting something and rarely does it involve awkward Irish girls. That said, 'kind of knew', you suspected, because you are paranoid. You were paranoid, because people had been whispering in your ear. Some of them with the intention of getting you to the point that you would do something to dynamite any rapport we had built up. A drop of poison, with a drop of honey. A bittersweet cycle. If i had wanted to fuck you at any point it would have almost been romantic.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Kafka is a highly trained killer.

    Just like you're a highly trained hacker right?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I knew he wasn’t gonna keep up his civil act for long.

    Bitch please, if you drop someone because your politics don't align with the other person. You are not worthy of civility.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny all advanced countries use stolen tech from one another, you think the US rocket tech and germ warfare tech are natively developed ? you think your countrys gun and armament industries are natively developed ? even your beer industry use stolen technology.

    Nah. Actually developed countries innovate, and collaborate to create new technologies and thus weapons systems. Also, who said i give a shit about US capabilities? I can dislike the US MIC and the CCP at the same time ya dingus.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the only countries that dont "steal technology" are african countries. all others do and the onky difference is that china does it on a chinas scale.

    China is a corrupt shithole, that killed or scared away it's best and brightest. The CCP sucks at anything that isn't domestic repression and foreign espionage.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and forget about doctrinal dicktates. drones are just tools, its up to the people to deploy them according to their capabilities, and not the other way round.

    Doctrine, as in military doctrine encompasses that and more.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka No and I’ll probably forget you by next week.

    That's a shame, it's relevant to your little letter opener. And i guess we'll see in a week.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny have you tried ?

    That's like saying: Oh you don't like being tortured? Well, have you tried?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster i dont even like kafka as a forum poster let alone find her attractive. in fact, i often troll her and give her shit because i think she is a trainwreck.


    Originally posted by Rape Monster fact of the matter is, shitheads like u will always be on the lowest rung of respect

    You'd think that. I found Falco's hypothesis, while unsubstantiated, pretty compelling. Although personally i prefer the term 'neuro-enchanted' over 'charm-groomed'. Besides my actual friends who do in fact respect me, most other people simply get neuro-enchanted.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Migh Starting forest fires will show the world?

    Nigger logic, like Jiggaboo said.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I restrained a guy with that Versace tie and used this on him.

    Wow, scary. You do recall seeing the pics i dropped in that one directory don't you?
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny but why do you have such a strong aversion towards boys ?

    before puberty boys and girls have little physicsl differences and most boys do look like girls and as fsr as i know people who are attracted to little girls would also be attracted to little boys if they dress up like a little girl.

    a little acorn between their legs isnt going to change anything.

    I don't have an aversion. I'm just not into boys.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump This thing the Russians have sounds basically just a 2.4Ghz and a 5Ghz microwave emitter.

    Aircrack-NG, Yersinia, or Airmageddon running on a Nexus 7 with a kali nethunter ROM and a YAGI antenna will probably be enough to 'jam' drones that communicate using those bands, lmao.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny china drones are smarter than western drones.

    China drones use a lot of stolen tech, and while China can upgrade stolen stuff. The difference is negligible. Besides, you need to take doctrine into account, and the type of operations these drones will be deployed in. Are they suited for the job? Are they multi-purpose? Is their ammo, mass-produce-able?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I’m not actually meeting you, don’t want to be trafficked. But if you come to Ireland that’s okay.

    So what happened with all that stabbing business?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sophie There are many. Which neighborhood?

    Tick tock, waiting for you answer baby cakes. Talk is cheap, much like the persona you put on.
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