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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by troon you're a dangerous person sophie. even just by virtue of your tech skills in the bh community, it would be too dangerous to associate with you. anyway i mine my own bitcoin. i haven't struck lucky yet, but when i finally mine one it'll probably be a big one. i don't need your blood money.

    I respect that. Bona fortuna, i'm sure you'll strike it lucky some day soon.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so in other words the parasitic EU leeches the most from your country ?

    my condolences.

    Yes. I am 100% for Nexit. Fuck the EU.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Crack is lame and stupid, get meth instead

    Substitute crack with straight up coke and that's what i'd say if i were a poor fuck.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Haha, that's what you get for trying to do stupid shit like Botox in your 20s

    Being afraid of aging to the degree that you are is retarded. You're going to be like those people who keep getting plastic surgery to the point they are far uglier than they were before starting

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I had leftover carne asada n garlic sauce n tatziki from the bbq in pita with grilled peppers n eggs n cheese fpr makeshift breakfast sandwiches. Tortelini n garlic butter with arugula fpr dinner.

    I had a home cooked pizza for breakfast, spanish salami > italian salami and pepperoni.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I do have another job, where you'll be dealing with just me. Simple package relay.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You haven't heard the amount of BTC yet, lel.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If so i have a business opportunity for you.

    Pros: You'll get paid big baller money in BTC
    Cons: if you fuck up you'll be spending some time in prism, and worst case scenario a terminal case of lead in the head.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Who are you, John Joke (inventor of jokes)? Shut up child molester

    Ask again when you're sucking on my dick, make sure to articulate properly when you do it. I'm going to ignore you after this post, so you steam in your own shit while i live rent free in your head, molesting your inner child.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Honestly it was the worst club experience of my life people just wouldn’t stop trying to touch me they were like hovering around couldn’t turn anywhere

    If you're miserable in these situation i don't know why you put yourself right in the middle of them.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i didnt realize the nederlands are chocked full of anti china propagadas,

    all solid military doctrines can be summed up into a line or less.

    The netherlands isn't full of anti china propaganda i'm informed when it comes to matter of geopolitiks. My government got wise to CCP shenanigans early on. And unlike the UK for instance, my government makes it a point to not sell critical infrastructure to the CCP. Including commercial ports, and industries vital to our national security interests. Furthermore, my country is in the top 4 in the EU when it comes to prosperity, per capita, we contribute the most to the EU in terms of economics. So there's no amount of money the CCP can offer to debt trap parts of our economy or government.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo How often do you prey?

    God is loli.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll pray for the both of you.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SBTlauien How do they get started in this type of stuff?

    Depends on the nature of the spam operation. Super basics is go to a data broker, buy relevant info including emails, get mail servers legally or otherwise, offer services to other BH's.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SBTlauien They aren't doing it for fun though. They must be making money from it.

    And lots of it. I just don't enjoy the work, i'm more of a payload person.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra

    it's an android debug tool; basically you install it on your computer, put the phone in recovery mode and plug it in (usually power it off, then hold the power button as you plug it in) and you can use the terminal on your computer to control the phone, such as wiping userdata

    it's usually easier just to use manual recovery (depends on the phone, you'd have to look up how to boot to recovery but it's usually holding one of the volume buttons as you turn the phone on) and use the wipe option from there but sometimes you can't

    Let's see if he manages to press the right buttons if he doesn't i'll tell him how to get to recovery through the command line with adb.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Hahaha verdomme, ik had je net een uitgebreide privéberichtje gestuurd waar in ik vrijgaf dat ik LSD voor het eerst heb gebruikt en nu zie ik pas je reactie hier. Even eerlijk, ben je er niet van een beetje geshockeerd? Je kent mij namelijk langer dan vandaag en je weet dat ik meer aan mijn religie vasthou dan anderen dat doen. Ik was gestopt met roken op mijn 18e, op mijn 25e (vorig jaar) waren dingen zo slecht dat ik weer begon met roken (voor een maandje of twee). Ben alweer gestopt! Alleen laatste paar weken heb ik wel drie sigaretten in totaal gehad, omdat mijn vriend zat te roken en hij beweerde dat het zijn laatste zou zijn, dacht dat het wel tof zou zijn als we samen zouden stoppen tegelijkertijd en dat ik hem ermee kon helpen maar toen chillde ik later weer met hem en bleek dat hij gewoon zat te roken weer. XD Toen had ik ook een sigaretje met hem gerookt. Maar ja, nu is er een hele nieuwe wereld voor mij geopend en ik vind deze shit wel geweldig. :) Het probleem is alleen dat ik op mijn vriend moet wachten totdat ik het weer kan gebruiken, in plaats van dat ik het zelf ergens koop. Ik ken niks betrouwbaars plus ik ben van nature al paranoïde en ben bang dat ik foute spul krijg die niet echt werkt. :(

    PS: Ik had het op kamerstemperatuur bewaard (in de kast in mijn kamer). Mijn kamer is van nature al best koel dus dat was geen probleem haha. :P

    Haha, ok. Ik heb je een berichtje terug gestuurd. En er zijn plekken waar je je lsd gratis kan laten testen. Gewoon klein beetje opsturen dan vertellen ze je precies wat er in zit en of het echte LSD is. :)
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I looked it up the anaesthesia causes fluid in the lungs so the person feels like they’re suffocating/drowning/panic.

    IV potassium chloride in the right dose will cause cardiac arrest in minutes. If you just chug it in large quantities there is a good change you'll get Rhabdomyolisis. Which is what ended up killing Juicebox.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley I can't wait to see how evil I am in a city that's constantly over 75F and doesn't sleep.

    Apparently cocaine is 40$ a gram and pure as fuck. They sell quarter grams for 20$ all day and a qp be 4 or 5

    That's so much money

    Is it? It comes in grams and half gram packages unless you buy a slice or a brick, but half a g is 25 for quality stuff, 50 for a g. And if you know the right people you can get flake like 80-90% pure for 60 bucks a g, but good luck finding someone like that, at least in my neck of the woods you gotta run in the same circles as middle management typa niggas before you get deals like that.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Breh with this heat you probably should put that in a tupperware box, with a baggy of those decanting beads and put that shit in the fridge. Also, LSD is quite an experience. Last i heard all you did was smoke the chronic, and blonde marok beetje zoals jij :P
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