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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra it's more just how long and verbose everything is that gets me

    it almost encourages you to just tab > autocomplete everything and constantly fuck up

    Maybe it's because i started out with Python instead of a lower level language that i don't mind the verbosity so much. It also depends on what you're trying to do with your script. Setting preferences in example, are generally more verbose in syntax than writing a server.

    Originally posted by aldra try core deployment, takes a bit of work to get set up but you can choose what 'features' to install in the first place

    Definitely worth it if you take the time to do it, a lot better than LTSC. Plus LTSC has a full suite of up to date security tooling from Micro$oft, which as explored in this thread is problematic, as embedded within those are a lot of telemetry features.

    Also to address one more thing, of course there are PowerShell scripts on Github that help improve the privacy of the user. I know, because i've posted a number, through multiple accounts i keep for various reasons and via organizations and collaborations with other OSS devs interested in this kind of thing. Personally though i like to keep the more, not so much experimental, but unorthodox methods to a select group of individuals. Which is for the most part to discuss my work, provide some insight and hopefully have some insight provided to me as well if and where i've made a mistake or there is a better way to do it. I write these threads as much to learn for myself as i hope to inform others. And i think that's the right mindset we ought to take in the broader context of collaborative development and research.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyway to roll back a bit and speak to something Butt Nekkid was saying about conceal carrying a big ass revolver. I bought a shoulder holster and i think it works okay. Granted i don't have a revolver with a 10 inch barrel, i got about 5 inch and my pistols are semi automatic. Still i think for best concealment i should probably get a summer jacket that's not quite a tight fit. My Makarov with 3.7 inches is obviously perfect for conceal carry. But some days are just Beretta days, you know how it is. Wasteband is fine as well though. Thinking of getting a leg holster for my Makarov though.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley I think survivors guilt is retarded and if someone had to die and it could've been me and wasn't I'd be fuckin thrilled that I didn't get got. Yell act like you got standards how about being blessed and not moping cuz you didn't OD or get smashed when death came for someone and didn't get you.

    Even typing this I can tell you got blessed and yall are sad about it.

    If I had to choose me or anyone I wouldn't feel bad if I win, have some self preservation. Who are you John Selfless ? (Inventor of selflessness)

    Spoken like a fucking coward.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Steven this kind of thinking is caustic.

    just withhold your assumptions instead of posting swiss cheese

    Look at this fucking loser. Go make another alt you're transparent.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley You're overthinking this all of the debris is in the back behind it none of it is in the front and the car is gone forward and veered to the left which would have been a lane of incoming traffic so obviously the bomb went off the car continued accelerating forward she hit the wheel to the left and then as the way was going to the left it continued leading to breathe behind it.


    Do a quick little forum search. Put in "Bomb" and me as the author. Posts and threads are both fine. I know how to ordnance.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you cant use the last two with a moving target.

    Yes you could. I'll tell you how a time bomb goes off on the highway. Knowing the schedule of the person.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hardware and even more so firmware of the car is the most discretionary. It may very well give you GPS, speed, fuel consumption, all the info the car's computer has. But it's complicated to make. If it was tied to the car's system internals i would suspect Intel Ops.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sophie Remote. Timed. Hardware. The least precise is timed.

    Well i should say, the least discretionary.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it was going along a highway

    Remote. Timed. Hardware. The least precise is timed.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley It appears from the spread of debris the car was moving so quite was likely detonated a short term after ignition.

    Where on the vehicle you put the bomb will affect the spread of debris. What kind of explosive material you use will affect the spread of debris. How much you use will affect the spread of debris. What kind of container it is in, if any, will affect.. Etc. Etc.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I knew a guy with survivor's guilt. He forgot to change the toilet roll in the bathroom, his buddy went right in, shat, was left without any toilet paper, then killed himself with a handgun, right there on the toilet seat. Very tragic. If he just had of changed the roll, his buddy would still be alive today. He always says it should have been him.

    Should've been you, dude.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've been thinking about this. And i've been thinking: Cui bono? Who benefits? And it's hard to say. Obviously i don't have complete information, but everyone seems to benefit short to mid term. Ukraine gets a propaganda victory as does the Western Media Apparatus. Russia gets a radicalized Dugin, once he's out of shock. Because what does the guy have to lose now? The only message that was sent was: The enemies of Russia killed your kid. The fact is intelligence agencies know this.

    What i want to know is how the bomb was constructed. Specifically, how it was initiated. Remote control? Timer? Tied to the hardware of the car? A mechanical operation?

    Then we would know if this was a weapon that allowed for precision. If it was, the victim didn't die as collateral damage.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Yeah and he's got a country wide warrant but he has a family member who is in a position of trust with a sports team who likely helped him flee the country. I met him before and got snakey vibes off him and I feel like my friend knew too. I saw my friend 24-36 hours before he died and he said he wasn't hanging with him anymore and wasn't going to the town he ended up dying in. I hate that butterfly effect feeling where the smallest thing could have changed the finality of someone's existence. There should be a name for that feeling. Jimi hendrix syndrome or something

    It's called survivors guilt. And there was no way for you to tell the future. It happens a lot to loved ones of someone that ends up committing suicide. They think: If only i had listened better. If i only had said this one thing. The thing is, sometimes this is just the way things go, no matter what you say, no matter what you do. And The Past has past.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Shoplifting pussy

    Pretty sure that's called rape.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I type them in the notes app on my phone when I wake up, gibberish words, remember more as I type them here. Some are from the past, my earlier posts. But this is my main dream diary now.

    Thanks. When you say 'gibberish words' do you mean loosely related concepts?
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka It’s nadsat slang

    I'm unfamiliar.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka gloopy bratchny

    You're channeling Sploo and it's uncanny.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hey kafka can i ask, do you keep a dream journal? Or are you informally dream journalling in this thread. I ask because i've thought about keeping a dream journal to help me remember my dreams. I generally wake up and feel like i haven't been dreaming. But i'm pretty sure i just don't remember. When i do remember it's generally some off the wall shit. You seem to remember a lot of dreams you've had.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Quality over quantity. Is a good rule of thumb.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ My name is Jizz Lane and I'd like for you to meet my children.

    There is a beat and some rhymes to this i can feel it.

    Jizz Lane
    Biz Mayne
    First class
    Virgin Eyes
    Virgin Islands
    Cash from clients

    We can workshop it.
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