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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's little drummer boy.

    It's Trommelbube in German.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai i mean yeah, anything specific. polluting the information environment with massive amounts of non-specific garbage just helps everyone, generally.

    it is your duty to just type nonsense so some NSA guy has to read about you conquering washington DC on unicorn-back and impaling biden with your steed's majestic horn instead of reading something actually relevant to his job

    Actually correct. When done on purpose as a counter intel/counter surveillance technique we call it "data poisoning" in the business.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RIPtotse All pedos should just be hung drawn and quarted in the street there should just be a constant cart dragging dead body pieces behind it through the street everyday until the gene pool is fixed

    “All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and you shall never be destroyed.”
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Balloon Man Who is keffal

    She's some commie 'influencer' that runs a discord for kids where the kids who drank the LGBTBBQ koolaid discuss how to get hormones and puberty blockers. I mean i get why /pol/ took issue with her. She does wants to trans the kids.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Murk Lore Walked into the FBI office and said I saw a prewarning to 9/11 and regarding some fishy shit in San Francisco as well. then I learned about the WUO and remember how many people said they had ties like it was cool. a breakoff of Chi-town 7 'days' of 1970.

    on another webforum one of the guys name Jon told me he used to go to the ralleys in chicago in 1970 and they broke into the FBI office. which then later I saw a PBS on it.

    the Weather Underground Organization was an early form of Wikileaks.

    this world sucks. Obama has no ties to WUO because he was "8" at the time. but he was 21 when the cops in NYC were killed

    he then made James Comey FBI big man. the Obama "Hope" campaign is based on Che Chavez and Chesa Boudin the ousted D.A. of San Francisco was named after Che

    Son of

    David Gilbert (father)
    Kathy Boudin (mother)


    Bill Ayers (adoptive

    WUO and FALN 3 Top Political figures

    Mayor of NYC Andrew Sleezebag Comou pardoned David Gilbert at the request of D.A. Boudine in San Francisco WTF?
    Obama pardons FALM (arm of WUO) but is accused of pandering to Bill Ayers (Adopted dad of Boudin) while responding to Hilary "Your husband pardoned Kathy Boudin and you accuse me of this. but then he pardons FALN member

    Bill Clinton pardons several WUO member. this is not how pardons work. release a boat fuck full of criminals linked to your political agenda.

    another pardoned by Bill Clinton was Susan Rosenburg who is in charge of raising funds for BLM and gave monies to Hilary out of it (apparently) and thats got to be illegal since Bill (hilarys husband) freed the fucking woman.

    and apparently the BLM members (one a male former member of either FALN or WUO) is under investigation. Im not "Jeff responsible for 9/11" bullshit

    Fuck the idiots on here. Harper Reed "Totse forever", Joe R works at because I rolled up on him during a lunch break and recognized his face and he told me "you know the admin (Jeff Hunter) can request to be removed from archive

    Well is that an admitance or just you saying "Anything can happen" without being Syncronicitized?

    lol and finally.. I just found out that this is in fact a Jeff Hunter (I think there were two and related cousins or some shit) 3 Card Monty "not the same guy" same as Muhhamid Atta or some shit

    you people on here dont know what the fuck you got involved with. its fucking real. its played off like silly clown "Take your meds" but the shit is real. over and over again.

    Harper Reed from TOTSE used the Che Chavez image for the Hope campain posters

    and another silly 3 Card monty shell game is too use Jeffery J Hunter (Actor and not his real name but stage name) from Star Trek Pilot episode S1E0-Pilot and Capt Pike and the entire Big-E EEEEEE eeeee? Enterprize aka Nukleo-Weasles

    Weren't the Weather Underground a bunch of far left extremists? And regarding Jeff and your continued research into his whereabouts, identity and history. That must come with a lot of data to sift through, do you do all that by hand or do you use special software and/or scripts to automate the process?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    On topic:I've calmed down, which usually makes me stop and think for a second and go: Maybe i shouldn't end this person, or: Maybe i shouldn't set fire to a block of houses because there is one person i want torched living there. And sometimes: Maybe i shouldn't be standing here inconspicuously getting a feel for an area and note this person's routine for use at a later date.

    I am however going to send a message and he is not going to like it. Everything has been meticulously prepared.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Murk Lore pushboy means a person who can do a cold listen in on your cellphone even when its off by some stored energy.
    forget how it works but you can listen into a conversation even if a phone is off. its called push-pull something

    someone on /pol was posting info on it and I heard this before. Got damn Aldra

    The intelligence agencies have had this capability for a very long time now. Even the FBI got in on the action for 'law enforcement purposes'.

    Lol, okay.

    IDK About the FBI they're a little bit of a wild card within US jurisdiction, but you, yes you as a person don't have anything to worry about from people that work in intelligence. Unless you have gone to great lengths to get yourself on their radar.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lockedin Best: Sudo, Sophie, Nile, aldra, mmQ

    Worst: G0llum, Spectral, Speedy, Hikki, WellHung, Polecat, stl1

    I'd substitute my handle with yours in that list. I also kinda like troon even though he thinks i'm spawn of the devil. But that's ok. Like Sudo who'd shoot me IRL if he could. But he's just a likeable person.

    Hikki is a suicide or a mass shooting waiting to happen. If i were a betting man, i'd put money on self delete.

    The other people you mentioned i don't particularly dislike as people i dislike their shtick. But stl1 has no redeeming qualities.

    Shout out to Richard Burnish. And of course; got murder on my mind 24/7, bless, bless, to all my niggas up in heaven,
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You stating that is my legacy is meaningless.

    There is nothing meaningful about you, period. So i wouldn't worry about it.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also you can fake Aspergers, pretty easy if you were committed to the con.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka You can’t diagnose someone over the internet.

    I didn't give you a diagnosis there did i? I gave you a lack thereof. And yeah, i have a printer too and a text editor, i can make paper say all sorts of things too.

    Point being your picture of a letter is worthless.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka You can keep your assumptions because you’ll never get to know me.

    You're easy to figure out.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra because they can, and because they have weak moral fibre

    why do you reciprocate?

    Lack of empathy, lack of self-control, inability to see beyond what's immediately in front of her in the present. She's not autistic, she uses it as a shield so she has an excuse handy for any bad behavior.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra seems like a roundabout way to brag

    It is.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Steven then she fits right in here

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra attach the power mains to the lock body and replace the fuse with a bunch of pennies

    I could make a boobytrap, if the door opens without disarming the initiator through removing a series of pins in the correct order a slab of TATP/Nitrocellulose putty encased in plexiglass will go off. I can glue shrapnel to the plexiglass facing the door for best effect.

    Good luck stealing my shit when you've sprung a hundred leaks.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I would break into the thief's home and steal all my stuff back and his as well.

    Nothing was stolen though. But hand drill marks are easy to spot.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen CRIME!

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hey speedy back when you were an arsonist for hire, i bet you wished you had my level of sophistication when it comes to means and matters of utter annihilation.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yup, here you are, just typing about it.

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