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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil You know thats the basis of a vision quest, yeah you're all fucked up cuz ur starving or ate that mushroom but the subjective personal experience and message is valuable.

    Guess i am lucky i don't need shrooms to come to profound realizations, lol.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil Go and garden. Sell some daffodilz or nutmeg. Get to ur roots.

    Maybe i should just go hunt and forage, drop the thoughts and situate myself in the world.

    Why? Sometimes it may be uncomfortable but learning deep truths about myself and the human condition and morality and such is useful and interesting. And hey, sometimes a lot of good comes from it too. I think it's important to think about these things and perhaps confront the shadow as Jung might put it.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil …..good talk.

    Agreed. Also, i could do this for hours, bro. I literally spend a good chunk of time each day thinking about these sorts of things.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil Stupid brain pulling meaning out of thin air, delusion is a hard thing to deal with because the mind starts making a bunch of spurious but seemingly significant links that create a whole unified perspective.

    I wish i could have had things work out and i could have done my entheogens and take my dives into myself without being cast into a world of distrust and paranoia. Casting doubts into a world of suspicion to a man who can sometimes indulge in solipsistic skepticism is a cruel thing. Fuckers.

    In all things Reason and Moderation and if insanity comes a calling its better to think, sit and come down to the earth, garden or swim or something. The intoxication of power where the only relation is domination and control and direction can be seductive but it's…… No. NO.

    Yeah but there's a deeper level of analysis to be had here and i am pretty sure i m not delusional even though that's what a delusional person would say. And my brain wasn't pulling meaning out of thin air. The meaning was in myself, it was my brains way of warning me, you talked about a doorway earlier and not being able to step back. It was like that. If you do this, something will change, was the message. You might think you're deep into the rabbit hole now, but open this door and step through and we'll see just how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. And on the one hand i was worried and on the other i was excited, and then i decided not to do anything unless i am 100% committed. because then, no matter what happens at least i can say i gave it my all.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The point is take some time to understand people, people. If you won't then i'll stop. And when i stop, bad things will happen. Not to you, just generally.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil Hmmmm. I'm not so sure.

    Imagine a doorway, beyond which if you step through you can't go back, strip back the veil and gaze upon all with no judgments and then try to explain the grand tableau and interconnected nature of all things, good and bad, with a frim if forlorn acceptance. Then to try and affirm it, all of it. Or at least that was the project i embarked on.

    I ended up in the desert.

    Is it lack of curioustity, fear of losing grip of their convictions or comfort in their judgement(s).

    If it's lack of curiosity they're not worthwhile to talk to, because they are not interesting. If it is fear, then they are cowards and if it's comfort in judgement then they are sadists, they just haven't realized it yet.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The fucking thing is, i could do whatever the fuck i wanted an it would feel great, i know i'm smart enough to get away with mostly anything if i plan it out in advance. Here's a window into the depths of my insanity. I was planning on committing an act of great evil, and had been for a good while, and as the goal got within reach and i started to visualize myself accomplishing this act of great evil. In my minds eye i went over the steps i would be taking and would need to take, and in my imagination everything became crystal clear. Then hyper real, and all objects around me took on meaning it was if they were speaking to me or bearing witness to what was about to unfold, and everything was symbolical and the very air around me was thick and time seemed to slow down. And then i sort of snapped out of it but still felt this feeling lingering and i thought to myself, you're insane Sophie.

    So then i made a pact with myself and i said, left or right, up or down, it doesn't matter which way i go as long as i am 100% committed. And i agreed until such a time i would go nowhere, figuratively speaking.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If simple doesn't mean dumb it means 'not intellectually curious' at the very least, surely.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil Nobody wants to be laid bare, I'm no monster but I know some shit i think about and try to come to terms with is repugnant to most people. And when you spend your time plumbing the depths sometimes those monsters can pulled to the surface and dissected in the daylight. Decontextualised disgust for the simple man who happens to be looking.

    Very well put. In essence the conversation is about what is right and wrong, or what others perceive to be right or wrong. I try to be a good person, but i know i am capable of great evil, not saying that to be edgy or whatever it's just the way my personality works i guess. I'd go into more detail and be specific but context and simple men and all that.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You have a good heart mQ. You are genuine and sincere, intelligent and funny.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd be way scarier if i wasn't lazy. (-_-")
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nil I'm tryna b the change i wanna be but i dunno, im too dimmed by intoxicants and comfort right now. usually you guys can break the surface tension of the mundane with ur insane bullshit but ur letting me down.

    I'm full of insanity, i usually try to restrain myself. Because i fear oversharing what actually goes on in my head will make everyone do a double take and i ain't talking about the noncery specifically.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ I've personally became less depressed this year. And less alcoholic. It's been a rollercoaster but I'm finishing the year on a high note. I feel good about things to come.

    "Less depressed".
    "Less alcoholic".

    Doesn't sound like a rollercoaster to me buddy and i've ridden many a rollercoaster in my day and still do. I'm somewhat of a rollercoaster enthusiast. In fact i am typing this from six flags, as i ride a wooden coaster. And you know bud, what you're describing doesn't really sound like that. It sounds more like a subway to be honest with you, bud. And i really hate the subway. Mostly because it smells like piss, piss up to your ankles. And the occasional magic hobo.

    This one time, i was riding the subway to the city. And a hobo walked into the compartment i was in. He cracked open a beer. Got out a station later, then three stations after that, i swear to God, this hobo comes aboard again, beer still in hand.

    That's how i met your mother, i mean the magic hobo. True story, like for real i didn't make the hobo or his teleporting powers up.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra I've got a few weeks off, might post some projects if I'm ever able to finish them

    I think you've said something like this before but you never actually do. I remember two occasions the last 5 years, the water cooling your pc episode and the one where you were etching one of your knives.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Yeah the people don't like nonces are the REAL crazies. Unlike those sane child molesters.

    It reminds me of Obbe thinking I'm mentally ill because I'm not a socialist.

    Degenerates project so much.

    Not sure how you got me calling you crazy out of what i said. As a certified nonce it has been my experience that the people who absolutely flip their shit at anything even remotely resembling pedophilia have often been the victim of child sexual exploitation. Your point about projection isn't as meritless as the rest of what you are saying but it is myopic nonetheless.

    And i don't think it's much to do with how you think pedos are made as it is to do with your general lack of understanding of human psychology.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Linux is user friendly, it's just very particular about who it's friends are.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If you spend all day around blacks you get used to them.

    Yeah but 'used to' and 'wanna fuck niggers' are two entirely different things.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It was a controlled demolition. I am not 100% clear on all the explosives used in the demolition but a nanothermite based compound was definitely used.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by rabbitweed apart from you, octavian and vinnie, who else is a pedo?

    hikki maybe.

    Even degenerates like Bill Krozby and scron aren't nonces. You know you're fucked up when you don't even met their standards.

    Scron is a Nonce. Don't let him fool you. And you shouldn't be so sensitive. I promise i will never even so much as look at your children, even in the eventuality i somehow end up doxing you at some point. And no that's not a veiled threat. I'm not angry with you or anything.

    You seem pretty angry though, could it be that you are a victim of child sexual exploitation? I'm sorry if you have. I just don't think projecting your deep seated feelings of worthlessness, guilt and anger on me will help you heal.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, in that case, i regret to inform you there aren't a lot of 'right thinking individuals' here.
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