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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ghost god that forum is boring i have to slow my brain down 300% to go there

    I bet. I'm okay chilling here reading Zanick's status reports and giving tech advice if required.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz i don't doubt that it's possible to be honest, but it's not really an interest of mine. william g braud's, puharich's and a fuckton of other thoroughly peer reviewed parapsychological research yes, but not psi balls lol

    as a coder you could actually appreciate the probability research i would imagine if you took the time to realiz it was real, but wat you could do with it if you did realiz would potentially be kind of scary. mayb best you don't get into it

    Look i'm gonna be real with you i used to have a good friend that was really into that sort of stuff too. And we used to get high and roam around and talk for hours and hours about this kind of shit and one night we were walking past a row of lights and it was probably a coincidence but as we passed each light the bulb would pop and stop working. And we were like, woah...

    After that, my friend fell into deep psychosis and it was hard to see at first but it became quite apparent and i had to do a double take. And not fall off the edge into insanity. I realized we were heading towards a wicked case of Folie a Deux. I realized in time but my friend didn't. He's on medication to this day. He's never quite been the same.

    IDK what i am trying to tell you.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz well i never see anyone talk about their inventions here. i'm partial to physical inventions, you seem partial to software which is cool too but not the kind of inventions i was talking about. what are you/have you been inventing? a lot of inventors are paranoid, i understand that

    Mostly creative ways to make people's life more difficult than it has to be. Or easier depending on your perspective. And it's true, as far as making original things, i only have a claim to software. But i'm pretty alright with a soldering iron. Also chemistry, i think we spoke about this before. Oh yeah, haha, shaped charges. Not that i invented those.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz you're a funny kid really, you should learn better english

    Nigger please. I know you're into that shit.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What makes you say i'm not.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Kill me with a Psi ball, fag.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bugz there is more to the narrative here. But I post too long. So I kept it as short as I could. I'm having a conversation with the dude who told me he was going to do it. I was Stickam room. Its like Jumpin or tinychat

    anywho. I thought "this is a coincidence" but also remember the power surge didn't happen for another hour. the surge strip should of stopped it. also, why did the software state it had been multi pass deletion?

    somewhere I have a video. I video taped our conversation requesting the fucker give me the files back. He said he kept them (like a token) before deleting them.

    these guys changed my Password in the room I registered first TheLounge and the fucking stickam admins cared little.

    its an interesting conversation of him telling me he was "ordered by another user"

    I really dont want to upset myself because lots of totse prnt screens were fucking lost.

    Stickam was the original YouNow. Holla at me if you know what's what.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm one to talk, but you could also just you know, study while sober.

    Stimulants are great, but if i get distracted i will get distracted for hours.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Gang stalking is a real intimidation tactic, it's just highly improbable it's being used on you.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra the belief system isn't really anything to do with nazism, the bulk of it is based on Pymander's old alchemical texts

    the nazi bit is that they separate the world's dominant civilisations into 'aeons'; when one emerges from the acausal into the causal world it changes the world and eventually peters out in anticipation of the next. they seem to think that nazism was the most recent emergence of a new aeon, and that its paradigm will continue to smolder even if its overt presence has been extinguished.

    they also seem to think Hitler (among others) was possessed or influenced by Vindex, an acausal 'entity' like a demon or god that is a herald of violent change

    What the fuck did they just say about Mein Fuhrer?
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I remember the name, not the person, or what he was like.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by livingelegy My hypothesis as I stated earlier is that people are wired to try to fit in with a group, and naturally find the most comfort in adopting pop political viewpoints, manners of speaking (for example, the way 16-25 year olds love black speak now), fashion senses, haircuts…

    Nobody is really one of a kind. Everyone is just a slight deviation of a popular social archetype.

    IDK if you know what an hypothesis is. That's ok though. I like the idea of archetypes, but even with a finite amount of archetypes don't you think there's an infinite way in which people can act out finite archetypes and if so doesn't that make people one of a kind by default. Or at least it gives everyone the potential to be one of a kind in the way they act out their archetype. Of course there are constraining factors like culture, genetics, epi-genetics and general social norms and standards.

    I guess all i am saying is that it's a bit myopic to say for sure that there are X amounts of personality types. And if you meant to say that there were X amount of archetypes then you should have just said that.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by livingelegy There may not be exactly 12 different social archetypes but I think my point is perfectly logical nonetheless

    Excellent. Please proceed to tell me your hypothesis.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by livingelegy People generally adopt similar opinions, manners of speech, and appearance to satiate their innate desire to fit in with the group. So naturally you're only going to meet a few different types of people provided you associate with complete normies and not the outcasts such as the fine denizens of NIS

    I am flattered your point of 12 personality types completely crumbled under the prospect of my scrutiny. But i think you give me too much credit. I was genuinely curious about your 12 personality types. That is if it was an original thought and not like i was kind of getting at some INFJ/ENFP pop sci bullshit.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Zanick 63 bots online right now, can somebody technically knowledgeable tell me if this is another angle to explore

    Pretty sure that's based off the HTTP headers. So, if google is spidering your website for indexing in their search results they will generally have something along the lines of:

    Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +

    As their user agent. You can spoof your user-agent, but i am not sure how it would help. Google will also be nice enough to not index stuff that it's specifically told not to index. That's usually what's in robots.txt. Whenever i make a bot, i tell it to ignore those instructions.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Technologist When you stated it, I knew it was a kill shot, as long as it was in the left armpit. Straight through the lungs, through the heart, and if hard enough, right through the aorta; but if you get the heart, you don’t need the aorta.

    Well yeah i knew you'd know it was a kill shot. The trick is that the person on the receiving end would not know until it was too late. Also, i was half expecting you to start rattling off about the posterior artero/venous yada yada, but i guess that's only something i would do because i do love showing off how smart i am.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Technologist

    How about being realistic Nilly?

    Oh yeah. That's definitely above my weight class. Also for those of you wondering why i was so weirdly specific about a free shot to the armpit. Well if you get stabbed in the left armpit you will collapse, pretty much immediately. That's a fatal wound. You bypass the ribcage and go straight for the heart, and if you miss the heart by any chance you are going to seriously fuck up all the wiring. Tell me what wiring we will cut Tech, the anatomical names escape me at the moment and you're a nurse, so...
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Grylls Don't you get yo bitch to do the cookin?

    She can do the shopping. I'll cook. She can also do the dishes. I enjoy cooking. Generally i enjoy creating things, this goes for a lot of things. Systems of all sorts. Electrical systems, mechanical systems, digital systems. Whether it's fucking around in photoshop or writing code. Something out of nothing or something out of a pre-existing set of things. Ordo ab chao. Cooking is just a form of creative expression in expressive creativity. Besides, you get to eat your work afterward. The best part is, if you did a good job, you will know immediately, because dinner will be tasty. And then you can give yourself a pat on the back.

    And Sophie said: Let there be dinner, and there was dinner. And it was good.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Zanick reznor is a shallow dwelling sea predator with an instinct for the mating calls of the exotic migratory

    Now that's funny.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Zanick i wonder why we don't hear about more exorcisms turning into molestation, whether for the priest or the possessed

    Perhaps God is a pedo, and he doesn't consider 'molestation' as such a sin. I think i read somewhere something about not laying with a man, but i never read anything about a cute 4yo girl.
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