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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood come to canda we like sexy brown girls

    The only ethnic population in Arabia that has attractive women are Yazidis and girls with Persian heritage.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmG Nah I want as many Afghani refugees to be sent abroad so they can pursue a happy free life outside the control of TaliBANs.

    Fine. But only in places like Qatar, The UAE, and Turkey.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they re going to plot for the right time to kill you, rape all your lolis and run off.

    They'd been conditioned for multiple generations to do as the white man said. Only significant slave revolts that happened were in Rome 2000 years ago and Haiti 200 years ago.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra some news sites have already picked it up so there's probably not too much to be worried about now, but if you look at major US-backed news institutions and diplomats in the country it's pretty easy to tell who those people are

    regardless of the chances of it actually happening, I can do without getting doorknocked to ask why I'm naming CIA assets

    Yeah Five Eyes is a fuck.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The only good things about Poland is that they're not woke. They're Catholic and traditionalist. That's where the list of good things ends.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat why do you guys fink there are so few wokers in poland and so many racists or narionalists here?

    Because all you faggots come to Western European countries to earn a living wage, Poland is poor as fuck, receives subsidies and loans in the hundreds of Billions from the only 4 member states that actually have the wealth to keep "Welfare Europe" afloat. Your country owes my country literal Billions of euros.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    To be honest me too. I hope they shell the airport to smithereens so non of the Afghans can flee either, we don't need more muslim immigrants driving trucks of peace through crowds in Europe.

    For every terror attack on the west, there should be a Christchurch type event in retaliation.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Mike Lindell What secrets?
    I am into kids?
    I think I was mk ultra’d?

    You people seem to think anything I have ever posted here is something I would be afraid of the public knowing
    It’s hilarious

    Well i got other ways of making your life miserable should i so desire. But i'd prefer it if you could just accept that i genuinely just want you to be truthful with the things we discussed, kev has this idea about the interactions i had with him, which you then harped on and acted like i was interacting with you in the way he claims i interacted with him. Which is simply not true. And kev is exaggerating,because he deluded himself into thinking he's some sort of victim of my antics.

    If you're just honest about the way we interacted in PM instead of lying to amplify kev's victim narrative we wouldn't have a problem.

    So stop lying about me, because i do have the database records that document our interactions and they're nothing like you portrayed them to be, which is why i felt compelled to get those records in the first place.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So. I have a special C program that does some special things. It's designed for windows but doesn't make use of the Windows API. Or stuff like MAPI, or NUMA, in that case i can just compile this on Linux right? Below is an example, it's not the program in question but the same principles apply.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h> // Realistically i could just leave this include out right?

    #define TOO_MUCH_MEM 100000000
    // Placeholder Shellcode
    unsigned char buf[]=

    int main( void )
    char * memdmp = NULL;
    memdmp = (char *) malloc(TOO_MUCH_MEM);

    memset(memdmp,00, TOO_MUCH_MEM);

    ((void (*)())buf)();

    return 0;

    As you can tell it's a simple AV Bypass where in example the place holder shellcode would be exchanged for dropper shellcode. I don't really need to include `Windows.h` if i don't use anything that requires the Win32 API right?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not that i strong armed Lanny into anything i would never do such a thing. Besides Lanny's cyber-fu is formidable.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra did you get a hold of the PM tables?

    Yes. I got them specific to my account, i don't have your dirty secrets, except the ones you told me. I told Lanny i'd understand if it was too much trouble to drop the tables related to my account in which case i would have to bot all the PM's in my inbox. So i got the tables.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny living in a constitutional monarchy ?

    so am i.

    but a refferendum is generally a good measure of the will / sentiment of the people.

    ie, if a majority of the nederlandicks are pro-NATO, then naderland is pro-NATO.

    So you're Thai. Got it.

    Also, we're in NATO because we are a smol country. And back when the Soviet Union was still a thing we kind of needed NATO, because Germany is our neighbor and the Soviet Union extended half the way through Germany with the DDR. Interestingly military strategist on both sides figured the US would strike first in a nuclear war(Which is just typical), to disrupt troop movements from Poland into the DDR and beyond. In response the USSR would nuke Rotterdam because it's a big ass port of entry into the European mainland for troops coming from The UK. The Hague would get a nuke to decapitate the government and Amsterdam would get a nuke for good measure.

    You can read about it in declassified stuff from the Kremlin from Soviet days. Also interesting, even in the event of a US first(Tactical) strike, the USSR would try to keep the nuclear engagement limited to tactical nuclear warfare. For instance France wasn't on the "to nuke" list. And it's probably not because France has nukes too, because contrary to popular belief we have nukes too. Now officially they are American nukes, 16 of them in total, that are chilling out to this day at a military airbase not too far from me. There's a US skeleton crew there but mostly our personnel that operates the base.

    Now you might argue 16 nukes ain't that many which is true but it only takes 1 to annihilate Moscow. Or any city really, think of that or the Soviet union for that matter what you will but a nuke is a nuke.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    IDK bro, i can only get bundy that has gauf in it. Which sucks bigly. Although thinking back on my dissociative experiences, and M-holing on MXE also feeling like i was getting my face torn off on 3-MeO-PCP, i think i'm Gucci.

    Although MXE is pretty interesting and i am convinced it can induce some type of ego death or something of the sort. I did some a while ago with a couple of friends and they were saying stuff like: "Am i even me?" I just turned into a jet fighter and took off. but i've had some intense experiences on the stuff.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do they also tell you you are worthless? Maybe that you should hurt yourself or others?
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think it's funny you're trying to get ahead of all the crazy shit you've told me in PM.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny lets see the refferendum.

    What fucking referendum are you talking about. Besides we live in a constitutional monarchy. A referendum isn't binding because the government only allows 'advisory referendum'. One because we're not a direct democracy two because the government will generally do what it feels like geopolitically speaking anyway.

    Last referendums i can remember the people all voted against the government. Most notably with replacing the Guilder with the Euro.

    Also, like i said we're in NATO. If you don't know what Article 5 is or means, you need to go do some reading.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whoa,

    black naderlandick kettle calling black american expresso machine black.

    Tell me about Dutch foreign policy. Camp Holland was NATO Article 5 obligation and i am opposed to my country participating in forever wars anyway, which we don't.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah i heard. I can't bring myself to care.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Mike Lindell Oh you’re many things but “big” and “strong” are not them.

    Funny guy.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    The Omar clan were deeply involved in genocide back home, and glow like the freaking sun.

    I just know I am grateful they aren't anywhere near me. Keep them away, evil bulb headed scumbags.

    All Somali's have bulb heads. I used to work with two. One of them took infantile pleasure in telling me he fucks my sister. He didn't btw, he was just like: Walasha wash. *giggles*.


    So i got the other one to teach me how to say: That's your loss, she's ugly anyway. In Somali. When i said it he looked at me with a dumb look on his face then proceeded to giggle some more, lmao. What a fucking weirdo.
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