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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanks bruh, i like you too.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have an interest and at one time was semi proficient. But I have not worked in a network lan/Wan admin role for over 6 years and have become obsolete. That and my home network has gone from 4 servers and 12 clients with a 32 port programable 3Com 2u rack mount switch to a Verizon FIOS router and an LG G2. But I still have some interestand enjoy reading what others are doing from time to time.

    Oh sysadmin eh? Nice, i never knew. It would be cool if we can put some threads together on similar subjects if other people show an interest or can contribute in general, i personally don't have a background in IT but i consider anti-security as somewhat of a hobby. Learning about cool stuff is something i enjoy anyway and in this particular field the learning never quite stops.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Check out my relevant thread in T&T. I'm kinda' polling what we have and what we want content wise in the thread i linked to.

    The power in infosec and IT in general is our ability to open source knowledge in a productive manner, it's good shit. Please check out my thread if you're interested.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I seem to remember on redfern we had about 15 people with a general interest in all things cyber security and i wonder how many of us are left here. What would be cool in my opinion is to have more threads on the subject and some more in depth discussion, hell even if you don't know the first thing about cyber security, there are still enough people here to dump some cool knowlegde on you i imagine(Lanny, SBTlauien, aldra, etc). The good thing about having a number of people with the same interest is that we can share resources, tools and stuff like that so that we can educate ourselves in a collaborative manner. I'm a skid myself and still have so much to learn but i'd be happy to share any knowledge or tools that i am able to.

    So if you have an interest in cyber security related materials let me know, and let me know what kind of content you would like to see in this forum and i'll do my best to arrange it for you, whether it's tools, tutorials or a generally related question, i'll do my best to help you out as far as i am able and it'd be cool if everyone else that's able does the same since the power in infosec and IT is our ability to open source knowledge in a productive manner.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've never been banned.

    Sounds almost as plausible as you being able to hack.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Philosopher Kings, i dig it.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [TD="class: alt2, width: 20%"] [/TD]
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    Well said.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I would have made it sound like they could be a mod and I just needed their password so I could add them to M&A. Now be quiet, rat.

    Not how it works, admins can simply adjust the permission settings for the account in question from the adminCP.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Evryone here laughs and scoffs at everything you post.

    Indeed we do.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    . Unfortunately they got fucked because Germany and the thin eyes had very few resources to contribute to italy.

    What did you say about the glorious third reich you little bitch? Italy was total fucking weaksauce during the entirety of WWII, they lost in Africa so Rommel had to come clean their shit up, then they lost in Greece, then they fucked up and their islands got invaded. If Mussolini wasn't a little bitch faggot all those troops could have been spent fighting the Russians instead. Also, Germany had lots of resources like steel, ever seen a Panther Panzer? That's what i call a tank son.


  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The problem with laffer curve arguments and their ilk (like this anti-minimum wage argument) is that they always presume to know the shape of the curve and that we're on the suboptimal right side of the peak which, so far, we've been presented with absolutely no evidence of. An exhaustive list of things that could happen to employment rates if we increase minimum wage: they go down, they stay the same, they go up. The onus is on you to demonstrate why the former is the case. So far you've given us "employers will automate" which assumes that the tipping point for automation cost-efficiency is somewhere between the current and proposed minimum wage (although we don't even know what you think those are since they very place to place) AND that the cost of investment in automation is zero or trivial. Neither of these are obvious, in fact the latter is obviously false.

    When i talk about minimum wage being bad i talk about cases where the government has set the minimum wage above what the market would normally correct for. So if in actuality the market dictates labor should cost 9 dollars an hour and the government sets the minimum wage at 12 dollars we have a problem. Here's the proof you requested.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Probably something to do with lolis spraying goo all over eachother. I dunno' man seems a little too autistic for me. Anyone ever play it? Frankly i think it looks gay as fuck.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Roshambo, you should shave under your lip bro, also yeah sploo grow a manly beard. It's very fashionable, all the cool kids have a beard. 4J, Panny, Aeon, Sophie the list goes on and on.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cool thread bruh.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyone who knows anything about pop, sell, and vbulletin or any other set of scripts for a BB knows that the administrator doesn't need to ask for your password you senile buffoon.

    True as well, the entire plan is stupid. And you'd guess if he can access lanny's account why wouldn't he be able to access anyone else's? Lol.

    You're full of shit spectral as usual.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=14px]ever since the decemeber ive been literally sceard to death about this thought! like how earths just a round planet like all i see it as is just a round ball! that where all balacing on its scary asf…. please help its scaring me to fucking death Literally help please! how do i stop being sceard of it[/SIZE][/FONT]

    Balancing? We're actually falling into the sun, only thing that keeps us from falling in entirely is our angular momentum.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't even know what's going on anymore.
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