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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also spectral let me tell you something about variables. Variables are pretty cool, i can give them a value and simply type the name of the variable to call upon the value i specified it doesn't even matter what i call the variable, but it's good practice to use proper variable names, hence the name of PATH in my previous code. What's more variables are, you guessed it, variable, so i can change their value as i go along.

    Say i have a variable named 'int' and i have a value of 1 associated with it and i have a variable named int2 which has a value of 2 associated with it, now i can do some maffs by adding the variables or what have you. Or say i have a variable named list with a value of [10,10,10] now i can make a function to append something to that list which will change the value of the variable.

    list = [10,10,10]

    def add(list):
    print list


    Before you ask, yes i am a sorcerer.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lanny says you don't need to specify the PATH, and he knows what he's talking about.

    Sophie says i do need to specify the path when generating the shellcode because as far as i know if i don't the shellcode will download the main module to the working directory and the working directory is subject to change and i can't have that if i need to point my registry entry to a specific location.

    Also and you may not be able to grasp this but the variable 'PATH' is essential for the proper operation of the downloader.

    PATH = 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Pictures\\youknownothingspectral.jpg'
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like you Lan but that was a horrible analogy. Your scenario has all the restaurants in the same market. In other words they are staffed from a common labor pool, they purchase their raw materials from the same pool of suppliers, they lease or purchase their locations from the same real estate market, and they cater to the same customers. In other words a level playing field. The International market is not a level playing field and you are smart enough to know that. In the real world some markets pay (let's say for example not real figures) 4 or 5 times more wages which affords the people who live in those markets a higher standard of living than those people who live and work in the markets which pay 4 or 5 times less. Without fair and balanced tarrifs corporations can buy all their goods in the poorer markets, and sell them for obscene profits in the richer markets. If this continues unchecked the people living and producing goods in the richer markets soon find themselves unemployed or working for substandard wages in a market they can no longer afford to live in (see Walmart employees). A real world example is when Bill Clinton gave China most favored nation trade status thereby vastly reducing the tarrifs on goods imported from China to imbalanced levels. This has driven a great number of manufacturers from the US to China to take advantage of cheap labor and still be able to sell in the developed markets a much higher profit levels than before. The only ones who enjoy an imbalanced trade situation are the multinational corporate kings. The workers in China are no better off than before in terms of average income/quality of life and the workers in the US have suffered loss of income/quality of life. I know you are smart enough to already know this and therefore must take any further statements supporting a no tarrifs stance as trolling.

    You missed the part where i said.

    "The solution is not subsidizing bad practices, the solution is taking on the underlying more fundamental economic problems that got you there in the first place. "

    My point is, in general when you have a healthy economy it's easy to out-compete other nation-states, problem is the current US economy is anything but healthy. and of course like Malice pointed out, there are some countries which can cheaply produce product A or B, nothing wrong with that, not every country produces as efficiently, getting certain resources cheaply is important for domestic growth as well.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Have you seen Voices of a Distant Star? Your post reminded me of it.

    No it wouldn't, this is such incredibly simplistic thinking. There's a good reason why free trade is one of the few issues with almost unanimous support among professional economists, and it's not because they're "biased" right-wing shills for corporations (most are actually center-left even in the US), but because the arguments against it are moronic and don't stand up to scrutiny.

    This is such a stupid argument. That isn't how comparative advantage functions, and the vast majority of people have an extremely basic grasp of it at best, so they're oblivious to the responses to their criticisms, which they almost never even try, or even think to try, to find.

    Let's use states as an example, imagine they're different countries and ignore how accurate to reality these scenarios are. Let's say New Mexico is extremely arid, water is scarce and expensive to transport in the quantities needed, they're regularly ravaged by natural events that destroy crops en masse. Due to this the natural cost of growing crops in general is 4x higher than it is in California, where conditions are the opposite. Now, would the people in New Mexico be better off if they had tarrifs on the much cheaper imports from California so that there would be a level playing field, where they would have to pay 4x as much for their food as they could be paying, which effects the poor disproportionately? As for jobs, are those farming jobs permanently lost? Look at the history of the percentage of the population employed in agriculture, what happened to all those people who used to work as farmers? Economies restructure rapidly without destructive forms of government interference. It's a myth that these types of jobs are higher paying, on average, than the ones that replace them, and even if they weren't you can't assume that the net welfare gains will outweigh the costs. Agriculture, for example, requires far fewer people nowadays, and those jobs are lousy anyway. How would x percent more people employed in that sector as opposed to another outweigh the massive losses?

    You can find examples like this all over the place in the real world. Japan has very mountainous geography, most of it unsuitable for habitation or other use, some places are very poor in natural resources, some have a much lower cost of living, so when you factor in price purchasing parity the amount workers are earning is far higher than it seems.

    Then there's the issue of limiting consumer choice. Japan isn't a third world poorly paid country, their auto sector out competed the US legitimately for good reasons. Look at the cars the big 3 manufacturers were selling. IIRC the Ford F-150 by far accounted for most of their sales. General Motors largely sold large SUVs with low fuel efficiency. On the other hand, Japanese cars were reliable and relatively fuel efficient. Would limiting people to those types of cars, or steering them in that direction by making Japanese vehicles much more expensive, have been a sensible policy? What about the environmental impact, is that in line with general leftist ideology?

    This is the problem with you arm chair central planners, you vastly underestimate the complexity of the world and the scope of human knowledge, overestimate your own understanding (the pretense of knowledge), and feel qualified and confident enough to enact policies that for all you know you could be inadvertently disastrous.

    AnCap Master Race.

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Would you argue if you were my dog? Maybe I go over board at some points, but at least they don't suffer in pain.

    Acetominophen is poisonous to dogs, soif you have percs best not give them since if i recall percs have like 375/5/10 whatever APAP and oxy.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like that this is a five page thread for I made for Sophie because he is a bretty gool dood but only about five posts recognize the actual topic of this thread.

    kek/kek would not kek again.

    It has my name, it has 5 pages and a couple bros, i couldn't ask for anything more.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    K, hashtag totse is gay as fuck though.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I suspect he's going to bite the bullet and admit that economies that need tariffs to survive are market-inefficient and should fail. It's a questionable position if you ask me but at least it's not hypocritical.

    Lol, predicted what i would say. I just read this now, kek. Also, i'm not saying they should fail, all i am saying is that they should take a long hard look at how they can become more cost-efficient/productive in face of their competitors.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tarrifs are necessary to ensure the market's viability. .

    If you need tarifs to keep your market viable, you have a bad economy. That's like subsidizing people to eat at your restaurent, hey look we suddenly have a lot of customers now that we pay them 20 bucks to eat here. All it's actually saying is that your food is worth -20 dollars and normally you'd go out of business which is good. Market forces work like that, they get rid of the bad businesses and keep the good businesses. The solution is not subsidizing bad practices, the solution is taking on the underlying more fundamental economic problems that got you there in the first place.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pfft, tarifs are wholly unnecessary there are ways in which the government can make it cheaper to source domestically without messing with the market by for instance not obligating companies to pay for their employees health insurance and decreasing minimum wage among other things.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    1000mg? Have fun with that.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    , I really admire his intestinal fortitude.

    Nothing modern medicine couldn't handle at least.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My mother is the devil and anyone who meets her eventually finds that out. She was poisoning my father and I before we left (had a series of dreams warning me someone in my life was doing this since I was like 4—5) and later after leaving and recovering we found out about life insurance policies she took out on me that my father was unaware of, noto mention she canceled her policy years before yet still had my dads policy paid up. There was some weird situations I wont go into since its so much that really confirms a lot of this. So to sum up.. I wouldnt piss on my mother if she was on fire. My dad on the other hand was the best. Sure he had faults like anybody, but he made up for it in so many ways. He was a really coolperson just to be around, even §m£ÂgØL can vouche for that.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but if your dad was really such a good guy why did he marry your mother and for fuck's sake have kids with her? Having children with a crazy bitch doesn't strike me as something a good guy would do.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah mang, it was crazy, it was like I lived out most of a life in the ~30 minutes it took to make a salad (I was tripping pretty hard by that point, obviously, so a salad really did take 30 minutes to make, maybe longer, skewed sense of time and all). I have these "memories" of a life longer than I've actually lived that are more vivid than most my memories of my childhood. I don't know if that sounds unpleasant but it was a really transcendent experience. I hesitate to call it "positive" because it's not like the euphoria you get from other drugs but I feel wholistically better for it.

    Man that's insane, especially the part about having memories from another life i can't imagine how that would feel. Pretty special that you got to experience that, in that way.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Skipping 4 pages of what I'm sure is off topic flaming to say Sophie is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.

    thelittlestnigger, mq and lanny are my homies 4 lyfe
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    At least where I work, there are so many levels of management between devs and people who make the call on offshore development no one knows what the fuck is going on. Or maybe they do and it really does work out, I can't honestly say how cheaply offshore teams work, but I certainly have my doubts. I got a figure the other day, I'm not sure how well it holds up across areas, but it was that, based on by-line and by-commit analysis of the codebase, about 5% of the work done is done by the offshore team while the onshore team consists of less than 20 people. I know at least 5 devs on the offshore team are assigned to work on this project. 5% of the total work corresponds to about one onshore dev so that would mean they have to be paying offshore less than one third of what they pay onshore (and probably less because god only knows how many offshore devs are actually drawing a paycheck for this work). Which is to say nothing of the quality issues that come out of the process (admittedly I'm basing that on pretty limited information). I mean it's possible the figures work out but what I think is far more likely is that offshore is a big money hole that just looks good on paper because you can say "look, here's 20 developers for the cost of 10 onshore developers" and executives don't grasp the vast gulfs of difference in competence that mark software engineering.

    If you put it like that it does make more sense, you'd think that they'd hire a person to oversee all these shenanigans so that the execs actually know what the fuck is going on with their money, your products and the company in general.

    Then again maybe I'm just a bitter cunt bemoaning jobs going overseas. Who knows.

    I wouldn't blame you. This is one of the reasons why the US government should make it cheaper for US based companies to hire domestically by decreasing the overhead faced by employeres these days.

    Yeah, the PST timezone is heavily populated but even then most people are in bed/offline by midnight local time so if you're up after that even "fast moving" sites tend to slow to a crawl. I mean like front page of reddit is still going but that's not where I am. The US surge of internet activity is largely dead by midnight PST.

    It's pretty insane to think actually that most of the internet traffic flat out stops when america goes to bed lol.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know that feel bro. Even just keeping a somewhat late schedule on the west coast means most of the internet is dead within an hour or two of me getting online.

    Also at work we have an offshore team in india. I rarely have to interact with them thankfully but some of my coworkers have to call in at like midnight to catch them when they're awake. Shit is crazy, like I know indian programmers are cheap and all but it seems like between overworking your employees (and needing to compensate them for it since it's such a seller's market) and the lost efficiency of generally undertrained employees, communication issues, and synchronization problems I don't think it pays off at all.

    Word, well i suppose it does pay off at least a little because i can't imagine a company purposefully extending practices that would result in a net loss in terms of profits. But hey, lan lan, don't there live a lot of people on the west coats as well?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I tripped on 1p-lsd once and got hungry so I made a greek salad and as I was doing it I felt I was the patriarch of some minor grecian house on a remote island. I remembered coming home, enjoying the cool ionian breeze, living in a villa built into the steep hills of the islands. The poverty of my people, having but the olive orchards and a small fishing village yet the contented feeling of a life in line with my ancestors. I remember holding my wife, the deep slow sorrow when word reached us that our first son had died in the Macedonian war. All the elements of greek public life. All for the sake of a salad.

    Salad tasted fucking delicious too.

    Lol are you serious? That's intense.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here i am around midnight and everyone in the states is probably out partying. I mean, i had stuff to do tonight as well, i went to the movies it was ok but now i am just sitting here pressing F5. I suppose i could go watch the last Hannibal or Mr. Robot. In fact if i don't think of anything better to do i'll probably go ahead and do that.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
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