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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Did you miss the point about the policy being harmful even on the individual level due to means? You're more likely to be victimized by a car with exclusive preference for its driver's well being than one programed to act in the way that maximizes utility.

    If you were a purely rational and self interested agent agent (protip: you are neither) then you'd elect the course of action that maximizes your gains given the knowledge you have. Since you have no knowledge of wether you'll but on the winning or losing end of an automated sacrificed but that more people are on the winning end when there is altruistic programming then you ought to prefer that programming. It's just like Rawls's veil of ignorance

    You're the reason we'll live in The Matrix in 50 years.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Driverless cars will definitely arrive before driverless printers.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm actually 9, this is just regular porn for me.

    You tell 'em Haley <3

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I hope there are a few major (relative to those in other parts of the country) anti-Trump protests here. Ideally I'd tan myself a dark drown/bronze and distribute pamphlets about the inferiority of Hispanics and how we're ruining the country, using genuine scientific knowledge to support my arguments.

    Good god, that woman. People like this actually exist:

    What the fuck did you just say about hispanics? TAKE YOUR PRIVILEGE SOMEWHERE ELSE PLEASE!!!
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    dude this looks straight out of it's always sunny's public access how do you find this shit

    Lmao, i typed "disco in the sky" into jeditube and this is what came up.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This thread is a fucking disgrace to anyone or any community, way past normie terrible but even more immature and just overall unconcionable pedophiliac content. This is why out new "community" is in shambles. 3 confirmed pedophiles. in reality around 11.

    Yes because it's an objective fact pedos ruin everything. This is why masterchan has 1000 users online during any given point in the day and 8chan ten times that.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Steal some from fields (borrow/rent some farm equipment and a truck or van to load it onto), extract the thebaine, convert it to oxycodone, then ship it to someone in the US, have them press it into pills, and sell it on the darknet (Much larger market for domestic US and the Netherlands is a high risk country to receive mail from, which is why it wouldn't be optimal to sell them yourself.).

    They sell this kind at the supermarket. I can just buy a kilo and grow a field for 30 bucks. On the condition i don't haven to pay for the land or anything else. Also, oxy synth is rather involved.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The government could just print money and make us all rich.

    If you don't believe this you obviously hate the poor.

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You have 0 idea what you are talking about. None.

    It's fine though. The more people think it's bullshit, the less problems I have getting ahold of them.

    Also, there aren't any thebaine poppy seeds in circulation, those are very expensive seeds patented by pharmaceutical companies and not just anyone can get them.

    Then you should order from Holland, our poppy seeds are a special cultivar called Lilac Single which only grow one medium sized pod and contain a shitload of thebaine. If you drink tea made of it, you'll get a headache and a weird high.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Last night I had a vision of a disco in the sky. I saw angels and saints dancing together, like a mystical dream inside of my mind. I remembered to move, I remembered that groove, I remember the thump of the bass and the pump of the kick, because my heart was almost out my body. I felt free, I felt joy, I felt things I never thought I'd feel before. It was deep, it was soulful, it was techno... it was disco. A kaleidoscope of sounds. It was an essential mix in the clouds, where we could dance and sing out loud, and everybody loved everybody else. There was no hurt, there was no sorrow, there was no pain. And like children we danced and we laughed, and we played without a care in the world. Without a flicker of despair, it was all about music. It was that thing that we shared. A tribal feast of rhythm, a ceremony of sound in my mind. I must of went to music heaven… because nothing is that divine.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    my guess of what a TOTSE RPG would look like:


  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The song is over 9000 times better than i expected. Why don't i have a theme song :(
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like the idea of a collective project. Like HTS mentioned, the Totse RPG was a thing long in the making and a good idea in general. But we lack the collective discipline and drive to make something together.

    Honestly, we do have a pretty decent amount of potential between the most of us but it's going to be hard directing it into something productive.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In this case i'd suggest you rethink your life choices.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    They got mad when I ran TAILS on their computers they thought I was doing hax

    Calmly explain to them that in the days of mass surveillance, encryption and secure communication is essential to freedom of speech and if they truly are patriotic Americans they should embrace the technologies that promote personal liberties.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Like what

    Letter bombs.
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