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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    HA I just saw this thread on GOD LIKE PRODUCTIONS you post over there op?

    Well yer both foochin wankers fer poastin sumwhere that isn't ere or the chans, init bruv. I'll do yer nan in yee coont.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    On it, fam.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Lanny lover. Get off his dick and stop making excuses for him.

    I'll fight you for his hand in marriage.

    He was genuinely on the verge of death. What if he had used heroin as his first opioid, like I recommended?

    Well then at least dosing would have been easier. It's easier to measure powder i'd say. Or, or, or, if he had smoked it it would have been impossible to die because you pass out well before you smoke enough to actually kick the bucket.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I do indeed.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I call it: One man's nigger is another man's president.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lanny, you're an irresponsible drug user and you ruined your first experience. First times are supposed to be special, when done properly (not excessive, literal overdose, levels), a feeling unlike anything else, which you'll never fully experience again and eternally chase henceforth. You've wasted it.

    Shut up Malice. It's hard not to OD on your first time of opiates. It's either that or an underwhelming experience. At least taking too much triggers more tolerance build up for next time.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is why we should have servers on the moon. You're all just afraid of getting raided. Today its lolis tomorrow you tell me I'm not allowed to post instructions on how to make and handle TATP. when do you draw the line at fear interrupting freedom?.

    You don't, freedom Trump fear.

    Make America great again.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The price to my heart is eternal devotion. You aren't allowed to want to die if you want to call yourself my wife.

    What would you do when she turns 18?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    oh, pics of helloclarice then?

    There are none to the best of my knowledge.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sophie's country has been cucked:

    Fuck the police. Zeg NEE tegen het AZC.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Pretending you're 5 won't make me like you more.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    pics of cf's wife? im out of the loop and want to laugh at her apparent ugliness

    His girl is HelloClarice.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I just understand sexuality better than anyone else alive it seems. Does nobody remember getting horny as a youth?, I guess I was the only human that developed in such a way.

    The more you want to keep things In the dark and forget about them and keep everything a mystery is why these things are allowed to happen behind closed doors.

    [greentext]>imblying you're the only person on the planet that understands sexuality[/greentext]
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think schiz is much more related to the NMDAR glutamates. Because ketamine and PCP are used to mimic the positive and negative symptoms in animal models, and increased levels of kynurenic acid, a tryptorphan metabolite, is found in schizophrenics. Kynurenic acid is believed to also act as an NMDA antagonist.

    Kynurenic acid is actually an antagonist at all glutaminergic sites. Also, there's no difference between the glutamate binding to AMPA, NMDA or Kainate receptors to the best of my knowledge. Also, increased presence of tryptophan metabolites could indicate a number of things related to the biosynthesis of 5-HT and friends. Anyway, i'm not a neurologist doing research into schizophrenia but i find the dopamine hypothesis most compelling personally.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So i was digging through some responses from a website i was spidering and i found something curious. In the response header there was a value for something called Etag it's valua was a hash.

    ETag: "148335b614041c3830e103c2442ceb83:1458548237"

    When i inspected the related code i found this.

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga('create', 'UA-30742211-82', 'auto');
    ga('create', 'UA-22995010-20', {'name': 'newTracker'});
    ga('send', 'pageview');
    ga('newTracker.send', 'pageview');

    I'm not sure but this looks like an opsec headache to me.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's kind of funny that there's that whole Glutamate Hypothesis of Schizophrenia thing, along with the Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia. Dissociatives are the only drugs AFAIK that alter the glutamate system, while at the same time being dopamine reuptake inhibitors. Mental deterioration drugs for sure but completely worth it.

    AMPAR is a binding site for glutamate too, if i recall barbiturates inhibit AMPA either directly or indirectly which is why they will kill you if you take enough.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    touching some girl's boobiez until she cried.

    You're doing it wrong. When i was like 14, i used to hang out at the skate-park and there was this girl who was certifiably insane but she was a qt3.14. So i said to her, well... You're a pretty cute girl, but you don't have have any tits though.(She had buds, she was like 14 herself) So she said, I DO TO!!! And i said: Nah, i'm pretty sure you don't. So she was like, oh yeah!? Feel for yourself!

    So i did.

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Silly Americans breeding a generation of mongos. Can you imagine Bill Krozby's beaner father calling the school? Haha.

    I imagine it would go a little like this.

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Have you ever considered the fact that saying: May God have mercy on your soul. Is actually a subversive condemnation of a person. If you tell someone that, you're basically saying: What you are doing is wrong in the eyes of God. Now, the most subversive part is wishing God may have mercy upon the person you're condemming. Not only do you remove yourself from the equation by saying "God" thinks so and so, you're also hiding the condemnation part by wishing he be merciful. Yet, i don't need to explain this to you, because you can pretty much figure this out on your own if you're not socially retarded. My point here is, social interaction is often more complex than people think.

    Or what about children blowing out candles on their birthday? One candle for each year that has passed, one candle for each year they draw closer to death. That's some deep existentialist shit right there.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, felt like it at points. Threw up like every 20 minutes for a few hours, swung between feeling like I was going to pass out and being restless, dizzy as a nigger. Damn, would have been embarrassing if I had died from stupid poppy seed tea overdose. Kinda scary because I still have like more than half the tea I made and didn't drink in case it came on too strong, had I just downed the whole thing I'd probably have passed out and choked on my own vomit or some shit. Lasted for like 12 hours too. If that's what OD feels like then those euthanasia niggas who are like "you just drift off to blissful sleep" are full of shit.

    Ayy lmao. That's only what OD feels like the first two or three times. I promise the fourth time you OD you'll be dead before you know it or just wake up in an awkward position a couple hours later, if you're lucky.

    [size=6]Welcome to the wonderful world of opiates![/size]

    Let me personally congratulate you on taking the first step! You're following in the footsteps of many a great man. If you pass the first test you will be rewarded with euphoria beyond comprehension, take heed however. Everything comes with a price. Now go forth newling, make us proud!
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