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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being rejected breaks the illusion that I'm perfect. It's why I hate women… if I reject them first, they can't reject me.

    You have some serious mental health issues.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    these stupid niggers have had the same amount of time to evolve, socially, culturally, and mentally, as whites yet they still dont grasp the most basic concept that all other organism instinctively understand: how to dispose of your bodily wastes and not fucking SWIM in the shit. no pun intended. or was…same difference.

    i can confirm through personal experience that niggers are the most backward fucks when it comes to bodily fluids. in harlem, NY their apartment buildings smelled like piss because the stupid fucks would piss/shit on the stairs and in the elevators. they couldnt even make it to their apartments

    on aircraft carriers i was on, the nigger-majority 'berthing' areas (where people slept) smelled like piss and during several inspections there were petrified piles of human shit found. like…wtf? there was a bathroom (head) literally 20 feet away. additionally, there are things called 'phantom shitters' on ships…which are individuals that go and take shits in random, awkward, places. the whites that were busted for it did it for entertainment and protest. the niggers that were busted for it did it because 'deys hads ta go.' full grown, mature niggers that werent housebroken…ffs. additionally, on one carrier i recall about 5 people being busted for it and 4 were niggers.

    while driving down a 5-lane, high traffic road, i saw a teenage nigger walking down the sidewalk, holding its dick, pissing while it walked. seriously…on the side of the road, within full view of traffic passing by.

    in prison theyre famously known to stick their dicks into the vents from their cells and piss into the common area. they would shit in their pants then go to court…or shit in their pants IN court. they are also known to shit/piss in the back of cop cars as theyre being arrested, usually trying to pawn it off by telling the ossifer 'i has ta go'

    Race war when.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You should've met her when she was 13

    BRB building DeLorean.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Doesn't the kernel need to be modified, at least for full functionality?

    And can the hardware of the Galaxy X phones support all the features?

    I was actually about to make a thread about Nethunter, I have a Nexus. This would be my ideal setup:

    MultiROM Manager:

    FluxionWifi Auto Cracker:
    This takes care of typing commands being a pain. Fixes some bugs, adds some improvements.

    Maybe this 3 in 1 cable as well, which is the exact design I was looking for, along with an added power source to power devices, making it easier to supply an external wifi:
    This way you could possibly install it on a USB drive if you wanted to, to save space, use the other USB for the wifi dongle, and the power supply to feed both.

    If you want a nethunter-esque environment on USB i suggest looking into Kali on ARM devices instead.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol how did i miss this thread first time around.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    u mad breh??!?!?!???

    No just curious, why would i be mad?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So if you're familiar with the concept of dark matter you know it's bretty weird. In short, there's something wrong with the mass of galaxies. Among other things galaxies are supposed to spin faster towards the middle of them than they do towards the outer edges. Yet they don't, they spin at the same speed near the edges as in their galactic centre. To account for this, galaxies need more mass/matter. So scientists came up with a term for the missing matter, and they called it dark matter. Now, if you're familiar with the scientific method you know the theory you should go with is the one that relies on the least assumptions. And assuming there's this invisible matter that we can only detect due to the fact it gravitationally interacts with the matter surrounding it, is assuming a lot. I've heard about an alternative explanation that relies on a framework of extended temporal mechanics. Now, that might come with some assumptions as well, but it seems to me, adjusting the way we understand temporal mechanics is a smaller step than blatantly assuming there is a type of matter that has the characteristics of what we call dark matter. The solution of the alternative theory goes a little like this.

    It proposes to solve the galaxy rotation problem thus: The further towards the centre of a galaxy you go the more dense it gets therefore it has greater gravitational potential towards the centre as opposed to the edges. Ergo, due to gravitational time dilation, time moves slower towards the centre of the galaxy relative to the less dense outer edges of the galaxy. Therefore it can be said that there is a temporal retrograde towards the centre and a temporal antrograde towards the edge, however the speed of light is c(The same/constant) from all frames of reference, so, all of the light radiating from the distant galaxy must arrive for an outside observer at the same time. Granting merely the illusion of all the stars having the same rotational velocity and eliminating the need for dark matter.

    Where's Megakush when you need her.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I should xpost this in STEMpremacy, brb.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Vicky was bretty cute when she was 16, you live close to so many cute girls sploo yet you're too autistic to fugg them, this is a crime against humanity.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    seriously Bill Krozby, you need to accept that work isn't just doing drugs and talking shit to niggers. you need to give them a reason to want to pay you, and at the very least show a little respect to your superiors - fine if you don't like them; professionalism means doing your job without letting it get in the way. if that's too much, find another job where you won't have to report to someone you hate.

    a lot of people with similar mindsets to you seem to think they don't need to change, they just need to find something they're more suited to - even in their/your perfect job there will always be people you need to 'network' with, people you report to and some expectation of discipline and restraint.

    even if you were to start your own business, people would not come back for a second Bill Krozbydog after you talk shit to them and fuck up their order due to bongs, adderall and FAS.

    even in the case of total societal breakdown there's only so much you can do yourself and you'd have to maintain relations with other people to keep yourself fed, clothed and sheltered.

    what I'm saying is you don't seem the type who flatly rejects working for a living, but you have a lot of trouble accepting general principles of a workplace. you'd be happier and better-adjusted in a well-paying job you enjoy (or at least don't hate), but there's no way you're getting that 'dream job' if every employer on your resume/CV says you're a total cunt.

    be more professional at work. save getting rekt for after work.

    since you're not in a 'career'-type job, just work hard, don't fuck up and mouth off, and move to something else if you don't like it or get too bored. don't ruin your relationship with previous employers; they'll be the ones your next employers will refer to when deciding whether it's a good idea to hire you.

    Take this advice to heart Bill Krozby, it's the best you'll get on NiS.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So if you're familiar with the concept of dark matter you know it's bretty weird. In short, there's something wrong with the mass of galaxies. Among other things galaxies are supposed to spin faster towards the middle of them than they do towards the outer edges. Yet they don't, they spin at the same speed near the edges as in their galactic centre. To account for this, galaxies need more mass/matter. So scientists came up with a term for the missing matter, and they called it dark matter. Now, if you're familiar with the scientific method you know the theory you should go with is the one that relies on the least assumptions. And assuming there's this invisible matter that we can only detect due to the fact it gravitationally interacts with the matter surrounding it, is assuming a lot. I've heard about an alternative explanation that relies on a framework of extended temporal mechanics. Now, that might come with some assumptions as well, but it seems to me, adjusting the way we understand temporal mechanics is a smaller step than blatantly assuming there is a type of matter that has the characteristics of what we call dark matter. The solution of the alternative theory goes a little like this.

    It proposes to solve the galaxy rotation problem thus: The further towards the centre of a galaxy you go the more dense it gets therefore it has greater gravitational potential towards the centre as opposed to the edges. Ergo, due to gravitational time dilation, time moves slower towards the centre of the galaxy relative to the less dense outer edges of the galaxy. Therefore it can be said that there is a temporal retrograde towards the centre and a temporal antrograde towards the edge, however the speed of light is c(The same/constant) from all frames of reference, so, all of the light radiating from the distant galaxy must arrive for an outside observer at the same time. Granting merely the illusion of all the stars having the same rotational velocity and eliminating the need for dark matter.

    Where's Megakush when you need her.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're right and I'm wrong, and I will come down on you harder than the gust of 1,000 winds.

    Fuuuuuck I was hoping I had made a unique observation and somehow changed the course of astronomy but AS ALWAYS niggas in space prove to know everything.

    Don't give up yet, there's lots of things even space niggas don't know. There just happens to be a small concentration of people with a lot of knowledge on a multitude of subjects here, i'd love for you to join us fam, stay curious.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Its the 10's

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm glad my kitty cat is alive as well.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That was nice of you to help her out, try not to get too emotionally involved. She's too far gone and you'll end up worse for it.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It says the video is not available. It's 'lolis' btw but i appreciate the thought.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There's a good chance he will, and he will make America great again.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your premise is wrong. Our sun is based off the latin sol which yes is also the basis of the term solar. The argument could be made that we are THE solar system (or sun system) and all other systems are star systems but I think of it this way. If there is one fork on the table you can refer to it as the fork in reference to that particular table. It is not the only fork in existence but in that particular dining system it is the only relevant fork meaning that a fork can become the fork which is only so in context. Likewise we can make the case in our solar system we have a sun that is the sun in relation to our particular system. In other systems (but certianly not all) there is an article which walks and quacks in the same manner as what we refer to as our sun so I am pressed to conclude that to us our sun is the sun but to an outside observer it must nesseicarily be a sun. Notice I make a particular distinction between star and sun. I do this because we could classify many things as stars but in my own opinion our star is in a class of stars with particular properties that would result in a number of stars so identical to our own sun in various ways that a distinction would be arbitrary.

    I mean think of the saying "My love burns with the intensity of 1,000 suns". There are obviously more than one suns.

    The fork analogy is a good one by the way. Solar system refers to the concept of a solar system not the name of one particular thing.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When in doubt about astronomical terms, the English language will provide you with the answer. Do we write solar system with a capital S? If we do not we can safely say the term applies to multiple bodies/objects/phenomenon.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck me instead you fucking slut.

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