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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It would make me uncomfortable as well.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Western civilization is well and truly fucked. We're destroying our countries by pandering to niggers and inviting in hordes of low IQ third worlders, meanwhile China is poised to master genetic engineering in the coming decades and breed a superpopulation with an average IQ of 125 that will rule the world. Dark times ahead. I think I'll kill myself soon.

    Killing yourself seems such a waste, if you really are prepared to die, i'd suggest mass murder/suicide, to make s statement.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If some bitch punched me in the asshole, i'd knock her the fuck out. Thankfully i live in a civilized part of the world, more or less.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    take or leave the following - I'm not a poet, nor do I read a lot of poetry (though oddly enough when you posted this I was reading Oscar Wilde's Ballod of Reading Jail):

    I won't really deal with content because I feel it's overemotional without saying a lot, and probably couldn't give you balanced or constructivee feedback

    I think in terms of structure though, you seem to have committed to the rhyming scheme and written around that - unless you're extremely confident in having a such large vocabulary that it won't be a problem, it restricts how descriptive you can be and how well you can convey ideas. I might recommend writing your ideas down in a way that flows, and once you're happy with the narrative, break it into stanzas and start working on the rhythm and rhyme (though a poem does not need to rhyme).

    Actually I might also recommend you have a look over the poem I mentioned; it uses a similar rhyming scheme and may give you some ideas:

    Solid advice.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I suppose you're pretty relieved that Lanny supports your pedophilia, eh, molester?

    The general consensus seems to be, no matter how shitty Sophie is, Bill Krozby is worse. Feels good man, besides Lanny is a good guy. Pedo rights when.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Did you guys have something special? If so, don't blow it, and Godspeed.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The "racism" "problem" going on in america is just another way for the jedis to cuck you, your taxes already go to their defense, your money gains them interest and you bending over backwards for spooks will just be another nail in the coffin, they're trying to do the same over here with dunecoons,

    I can use this excuse for why I'm mainly attracted to asians and hide my weebness.
    Honestly though if it aint white or asian it should be shot(or drowned, I mean i don't want to spend and money on these degenerates)

    Asians are aight, just the other day i was discussing with my gf how often people get into fights with azns? I never in my life got into a fight with an azn, plenty of niggers though and some white people as well of course.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When does that in to being as fuck poor?

    English, do you speak it? Surely you have 5 dollars for some cranberries and some juice.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol quit white knighting you loser, plenty of women are drug addicts, just talk to "hydromorphone".. Just because I chose to touch on real human issues, you become a piss pant instantly. And my style of writing isn't Stephen king or dean koontz. I'm more on par with Bukowski or Jay Randall. You plebe.

    [greentext]>on par with Bukowski or Jay Randall[/greentext]

    Sounds legit.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why are you thanking him?

    Because you're a faggot.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You did a good job on this thread sploo.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Institutional racism is human nature. The blacks approve of racism in their own communities. Black lives matter but white cops deserve to die. Whites and Asians are also racist behind closed doors along with native Americans (get the fuck off our land you ruin everything).

    God made us to be racist. But the best genetic diversity comes from breeding out of your race. That's why blacks are more attracted to whites.

    God doesn't exist and neither does institutional racism.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If she's on your property, i think you have the right to shoot her if she doesn't leave after you ask her to.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lynch the niggers, gas the kikes. Race war now. But seriously, niggers are fucking stupid.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok so i figured it might be worth our while to post some interesting google dorks. I'm not specifically looking for XSS and/or SQLi dorks i got them covered basically, feel free to post them though if you'd like, but personally i am more interested in some less known or exotic dorks. One i saw today was for insecure FCKeditor files.


    Lot's of files including source code and such can be found like this.

    Index of admin, with config.php. Only need FireFTP for firefox to access the file server and get the data you're interested in. There are a couple of others i found interesting like these for example:

    inurl:"server-status" intitle:apache "cgi-bin"

    sitemap.xml filetype:xml intext:"cgi-bin"

    filetype:sh inurl:cgi-bin

    inurl:cgi-bin "GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI"

    inurl:cgi-bin inurl:printenv intext:SERVER_ADDR

    To look for websites that are vulnerable to shellshock, yes they're still out there believe it or not. Which reminds me, if you have a lot of URLs and want to test their related hosts for shellshock you can use a script i wrote in bash to assist with that.

    Here is another one to look for insecure files on a remote host.

    filetype:xml inurl:/WEB-INF/ inurl:ftp:// -www

    This will display results of xml pages with the host's info. What we want to do is get to the server's root directories and in order to do say we take a URL like so:


    And just get rid of everything after the dot it like so:

    Anyway, if you got any cool dorks to share i'd be interested to see what you have, specifically i would like to see a dork for Server Side Template Injection vulnerable sites if you know of any. Thanks guys.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lmao, what the hell were the COCKodiles for?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bill Krozby, you're the biggest, dumbest piece of shit on this site, so you randomly talking shit on people in threads for no reason is an absolute joke. You know even if sophie did rape some kid (which, by all available evidence, he never has and has no intention to) they'd still probably have a better chance in life than you've managed to give your daughter. Think about that: you've done more harm to a human being than a child rapist. That's a pretty phenomenal accomplishment. Even hydro, with all her problems and a far more serious drug addiction than you, has managed to do more for her kid than you have for yours. A lot of shitty people have passed through this community over the years but I can't think of one that can actually match your accomplishment of creating and subsequently ruining an innocent human life. You really are the asshole of this community, the lowest most socially taxing degenerate to reach for a keyboard and the cosmic irony of it is you actually think you're hot shit, you don't even have the self awareness to realize what trash you are. Literally a walking illustration of dunning kruger. You stumble your way from one parasitic clusterfuck to the next, not even aware you're doing it, convinced the next thing is going to turn it all around for you. But it's not, you're not smart enough to fix shit in your life and you're too arrogant by far to take the advice from someone who is. You are doomed to live in this cesspool, everyone around you looking at you like a dumb shit worthy of their pity (until you backstab them) or a cheap fuck they don't want to tell their friends about until you die. Literally the only way anything is going to change for you is by it stopping, at the point that you die. Enjoy everyone looking down on you, shit for brains.

    Yee blood. <3

    I assume most countries take census, even if they're not as relentlessly spastic as ours. basically just a set of questions to build statistics off - age, race, sex, religion, income, stuff like that.

    it's on a set cycle, once a decade I think? where they mail out census forms in a set period (I think the date sent was previously staggered on a geographical basis so as not to hammer the postal system and the people processing it). this year, though, they decided that it needed to be done online and that everyone needed to do it on the same night. I'm not really sure why, but the result was pretty much what you'd expect from an idea that bad on shitty intranet infrastructure - site got thrashed/nobody did their census that night and the government blamed 'hackers'.

    census are supposed to be anonymous to preserve the integrity of the data, but this year they dropped the pretense of not being a police state entirely and announced they'd be binding your address details to the submitted information. what's more, if you don't fill in the census, it's not a standard punishment, it's $140/day for every day you refuse to fill it in.

    as it is, there are three options:

    1. fill it in honestly, because the government (and majority of the public) are stupid, hedonistic and greedy over being blatantly malicious, and hope you don't get vanished in a few years
    2. try to work out some 'safe' answers that aren't likely to get you targeted
    3. be a black one-legged circus juggler who worships African death gods and has 23 children because fuck them

    oh yeah, as a bonus they're running heaps of radio and TV ads stressing that the database is 'safe and secure'…. two weeks or so after they blamed hackers for bringing down the census itself.

    Thanks for elaborating i kind of heard there were some shady things going on with asstralia's census. Also, we don't get a census day in Holland. But that's insane, how can they even get away with this crap, fining people 140$ a day, i'd be pissed as fuck.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tell me about this thing you people call "census day".
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hahah nee man Wilders is balhaar, hij's te extreem.

    ISIS is toch ook te extreem. Dat was het hele punt.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Breng je kat dan, kanker tatta. Ik geef je gelijk ook een trap, Rutte style.

    Mark Rutte is de grootste cuck van de Nederlandse politiek, neger. Had dan Wilders gezecht ofzo, haha.
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