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cucking a cat

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Just right now I just came back from the store, and on my way, I saw this old lady and her lil girl yelling at a cat, i ran up and a cat was attack a quaker/monks parrot. I immediately kicked the cat and it ran off. The parot had a broken wing I'm guessing from the flood some how. He let me pet him for a second but then ran into a crook in the fence to hide. I walked around the other side of the alley and found the cat posturing position to run back, so I called him a cuck and to get the fuck out before he gets wrekt the fuck up. and chased him into a pot hole of water. I told him if he ever sees me again he's going down.

    I was raised with parots like that by my family being bird breeders and I just couldn't see a cat just slashing him up that easily when he had an obvious broken wing.
    but yeah birds are pretty cool, my parents used to be bird breeders before they all burned in the hoax bastrop fire.

  2. #2
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    I wish this story actually happened. Cats were made to be kicked.
  3. #3
    Do you live on a tropical isle? I can just picture you with a pirate hate and parrot on your shoulder
  4. #4
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wish this story actually happened. Cats were made to be kicked.

    Kom mijn kat schoppen kanker paki, ik hak je kop eraf ISIS style.
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    So sad
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sophie's rules for Glorious Dictatorship.
    • Cats will be our national symbol.
    • Everyone who hates cats is a heretic and enemy of the state and will be executed without due process.
    • Everyone with an IQ below 120 will be executed without due process. There's an escape clause however and it goes like this;
    • If you or a family member has an IQ below 120, the only honorable thing you can do is serve your country by joining the millitary. Only by serving the state in absolute obedience will you be cleansed of the original sin that we call stupidity.

    Vote Sophie for Dictator Omnipotens.
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Do you live on a tropical isle? I can just picture you with a pirate hate and parrot on your shoulder

    nah, just my parents helped make this place over the last 20 years have parots indeginous to this area.
  8. #8
    Everyone with an IQ below 120 will be executed without due process.

    You racist bastard
  9. #9
    We shall become the great khats. We will live off cat meat , bones and skin and harvest them in the remote mountain wilderness of the Canadian Rockies. We should be able to live 1000 years off pussy alone

  10. #10
    Sophie's rules for Glorious Dictatorship.
    • Cats will be our national symbol.
    • Everyone who hates cats is a heretic and enemy of the state and will be executed without due process.
    • Everyone with an IQ below 120 will be executed without due process. There's an escape clause however and it goes like this;
    • If you or a family member has an IQ below 120, the only honorable thing you can do is serve your country by joining the millitary. Only by serving the state in absolute obedience will you be cleansed of the original sin that we call stupidity.

    Vote Sophie for Dictator Omnipotens.

    Deus Soph Vult
  11. #11
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Kom mijn kat schoppen kanker paki, ik hak je kop eraf ISIS style.

    Breng je kat dan, kanker tatta. Ik geef je gelijk ook een trap, Rutte style.
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Breng je kat dan, kanker tatta. Ik geef je gelijk ook een trap, Rutte style.

    Mark Rutte is de grootste cuck van de Nederlandse politiek, neger. Had dan Wilders gezecht ofzo, haha.
  13. #13
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Mark Rutte is de grootste cuck van de Nederlandse politiek, neger. Had dan Wilders gezecht ofzo, haha.

    Hahah nee man Wilders is balhaar, hij's te extreem.
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hahah nee man Wilders is balhaar, hij's te extreem.

    ISIS is toch ook te extreem. Dat was het hele punt.
  15. #15
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    We shall become the great khats. We will live off cat meat , bones and skin and harvest them in the remote mountain wilderness of the Canadian Rockies. We should be able to live 1000 years off pussy alone

    I'm down

  16. #16
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    this thread is now about lazy town / puppets / pirates

  17. #17
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    didn't read thread/assume it's about Bill Krozby raping a girl cat and making the boy cat watch
  18. #18
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    My dad raised birds. I actually have a 21 year old macaw I've owned since I was 6 and he was in pin feathers. Cats are evil. I really don't like cats. Guess in Sophie's world I get executed- meh, it's probably better that way.
  19. #19
    Sophie's rules for Glorious Dictatorship.
    • Cats will be our national symbol.
    • Everyone who hates cats is a heretic and enemy of the state and will be executed without due process.
    • Everyone with an IQ below 120 will be executed without due process. There's an escape clause however and it goes like this;
    • If you or a family member has an IQ below 120, the only honorable thing you can do is serve your country by joining the millitary. Only by serving the state in absolute obedience will you be cleansed of the original sin that we call stupidity.

    Vote Sophie for Dictator Omnipotens.
    Good luck finding a little girl with an IQ of 120. You just created your own hell, where fat neckbeards and skinny dudes in wheelchairs fuck cats because 99.9999999% of all females, let alone children will be executed on the spot.

  20. #20
    Hey, Bill Krozby, all the birds you ever cared for are dead by now and never gave the slightest shit about you because they are worthless fucking birds. Just letting you know.
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