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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A long time ago in feudal Japan, there was a wandering Ronin in search of something greater. One day he came upon a Zen master and said to him: Tell me of heaven and hell. To which the Zen master replied: Ha! You are a warrior, a brute! You will never understand these things. Insulted the Ronin drew his katana ready to strike the Zen master down. Calm as ever, the Zen master simply replied: This is hell. Humbled by the Zen masters answer he sheathed his weapon and bowed in apology. And this is heaven the Zen master responded.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dox thread? Dox thread.

    Name: Frank Lema
    Email: [email][/email]
    Address: 831 Aurora Ave
    Name: Dee Lema

    Lives with Frank
    Home address(maybe)
    1514 Roxbury Place
    Marietta, GA

    White pages

    His facebook

    Jenna Garmlich
    1918 High Eagle Trl 930
    Indianapolis, Indiana, 46224


    her pop the cow man's dox

    srsly, "jennatalherpes" is her YT url
    2nd facebook

    Craig Mansfield (craigbob99, xenomancer)

    6802 SW 93rd Ave
    Gainesville, FL 32608-6317

    BlipFM |
    DeviantArt |
    Facebook |
    Github |
    Gravatar |
    GooglePlus |

  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    8717 Johnson Drive
    South San Francisco, CA 94080
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh cars... Interesting...
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    K, I know some python and im learning c, would be kewl to know like mided peeps, i also know html and css. I have been using A GNU/linux os for about 2.5 years.

    Got a github?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pence, he dismissed the silly "But Trump said this!" Gotchas and moved on seamlessly to issues that matter. One masterfully executed move was when Pence said something along the lines of: You know Tim, i really do respect you and i know you have been pro-life in the past before and i understand that in Hillary's campaign that's not possible.

    Hahaha, for one, he just beat the democrats over the head with the fact the Trump campaign is pro life, secondly he told Kaine he respects him, booyah, doesn't that sound a whole lot more presidential than what basically amounts to name-calling from the democrat side? And thirdly, in one fel swoop he removes Tim from Hillary and blows the wind out of the sails of his opponents standpoints by basically saying: You're a good guy and i know you're only saying this because Hillary is making you.

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nuclear reactions do funky shit wow

    In general they do not, they just sit there converting hydrogen to helium most of the time. Except in the case of Tabby's star. It's brightness varies erratically, which is not something you would expect, except in the case where the light is obscured due to objects passing in front of the star. Even then, there should be a pattern to it, since the things obscuring the star are most likely in an orbit around it. Yet there is no discernible pattern to be observed.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I dont quite know about the irregular comet orbit theory but personally I would wonder if the star is being clouded. Lets say a massive cloud of some space gas has been making its way towards this presumed star. As the less dense outer layers creep towards the star we get the slow dimming effect and at some point the more dense center hits it and we see what appears to be a sudden dimming.

    This is just armchair astrologicalism though.

    It would have to be something like a dust cloud then, because if it's a gaseous cloud we would be able to detect it by performing a spectrum analysis of the light that passes through it.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yep i heard about this. It was proposed by some people that the star changed in brightness because of a device called a Dyson Sphere or something similar. People that actually knew what they were talking about soon told everyone else that if it was such a mega structure obscuring the light from the star we would be able to detect excess heat in the form of infrared radiation. Which we did not observe. Other theories include a swarm of comets with an irregular orbit. Whatever the case may be, it's a very interesting object.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That is not irrelevant. Some people didn't choose to become serial killers, but the world has still decided that they are dangerous and need to be locked up. The world has also decided that pedophiles are dangerous, and so it is also dangerous for pedophiles to openly admit that they are pedophiles to the world. That is why it is clearly not irrelevant how the world has chosen to classify pedophilia, and that is why you will need to have an actual real argument if you want the world to change how the world treats pedophiles.

    Just like pedophile =/= homosexual?

    Anyways, what I personally think about pedophiles isn't what we are discussing here, we are discussing how the world views pedophiles and your argument as to why the world is wrong. Telling the world "you can't make that comparison," doesn't explain to the world why it is wrong.

    Where did I say I agree with the world? Heck, if you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that I stated "I'm not saying the world is right, maybe you are right."

    I'm not arguing that the world is right, I'm simply stating that this is how the world is right now. You're the one who is challenging the entire rest of the world, claiming that pedophilia should not be considered a psychiatric illness. What is your reasoning? What is your evidence? "Hurr, durr, homosexuality," is not an argument for pedophilia. Personal anecdotes are not evidence.

    I do not think you, individually, are dangerous because you like young girls. In fact, if what you have told us is true, if we were to imagine pedophilia as a spectrum I imagine you would land much closer to the "normal" end than to the "100% pedo" end of that spectrum simply because you are able to maintain a healthy, normal relationship with a woman your own age. I imagine that a lot of pedophiles would find that extremely difficult to do. It's one of the reason your personal anecdotes are not valuable in this conversation. Like, how do you know you aren't just an extraordinary pedo, one out of a thousand? You've claimed before that you are an incredibly intelligent person. I believe it. I also believe most people are not that intelligent. Therefore if something like 1% of the population are pedophiles and 90% of the population are not that intelligent, odds are most pedophiles are not going to be that intelligent. So while you personally might not suffer due to your pedophilia, other less intelligent people might not deal with it so easily. All those morons who get caught on "to catch a predator" and all the "creep catcher" internet parodies of the show seem to be fairly incapable of self-discipline and controlling their desires.

    People like that don't seem to be mentally healthy, and they seem to be the much more common type of pedophile. Maybe they shouldn't be treated like criminals, maybe they just need some help and rehabilitation. And sure, maybe some pedophiles are like you and are not a danger to society at all. Kinda like how some people who fantasize about killing their co-workers never actually pull the trigger. I don't personally support thought police, no, but I do think its ridiculous when you make blanket statements about all pedophiles based solely on your personal anecdotes. That is why if you want to change how the world classifies pedophilia as a mental illness, you're going to have to come up with a better argument.

    Also, why does it bother you so much how the world classifies it? For example, you say stuff like "I don't expect anyone to change their minds," yet whenever anyone mentions that pedophilia is classified as a mental illness it seems to really bother you. If you really didn't want to change or care about their opinion wouldn't you like … you know … not care about it? You yourself said that cause was probably some "crossed wires during puberty" - isn't that basically just another way of saying you have some irregularity, or disorder, or illness? Literally, the difference is just semantics. Why does it matter to you?

    I guess it doesn't matter if i get a special classification of my own. Also:

    [greentext]>You've claimed before that you are an incredibly intelligent person[/greentext]

    I don't remember that, but it does seem like something i would say, lel.

    [greentext]>I believe it.[/greentext]

    Thanks fam.

    It's just that i don't feel mentally ill and suffer little to no negative consequences from me liking little girls. I also have a problem with people that think just because someone is a pedo that they are automatically horrible people and a danger to society, also when anyone has an opinion to express about the subject i tend to interpret it negatively, because i am jaded due to the whole fucking world hating pedos. In fact i even hate that fucking word 'pedo' due to the negative associations most people have with it. When i say i don't expect people to change their minds i mean it but i would just like people to judge my character based on what i say and do, not what kind of girls i like.

    [greentext]>In fact, if what you have told us is true, if we were to imagine pedophilia as a spectrum I imagine you would land much closer to the "normal" end than to the "100% pedo" end of that spectrum simply because you are able to maintain a healthy, normal relationship with a woman your own age. I imagine that a lot of pedophiles would find that extremely difficult to do. I[/greentext]

    I am generally not in the business of obscuring the truth unless it's directly vital to my privacy and safety. I do believe that there is a spectrum and there are different motivators for different people. The worst kind i wouldn't even classify as pedo they are in it because they derive pleasure from hurting children. Of course like any sane person i am vehemently opposed to that. Maybe even more so because they make the harmless ones look bad as well.

    Anyway i don't know. Like i said I guess it doesn't matter if i get a special classification of my own.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    kkk. What's my first assignment?

    Your first assignment is for you to try to figure out which area of computer science interests you the most. Is it making software, is it hardware? Do you want to know how websites work, or other kinds of programs like games work? Do you want to know how things on the internet that are not websites work? Like networks and protocols? A big hurdle in the very beginning would be all the technical jargon i would imagine.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know how to log into the interwebs and reset my router when it's acting up. Count me in.

    I can give you a crash course in computer science here in T&T first, after that we'll see.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It would be an honor to join your seekrit club. I'm pretty competent with any scritpting language (whether it's webdev or making a program/api wrapper or whatever), used to be up to speed with java, but am too lazy for that these days. Also know a shitload about PKI, but if I could exploit that I'd be working for the nasa.

    Awesome, shot you a message. Forgot to mention though that we should try to keep our identities from here separate from our identities there.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You can pretend to be a normie for social and economic reasons. But, you can get a shitposting degenerate out of the internet but you can't take the internet out of a shitposting degenerate.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't think anyone wants to mate with children, it's just kinda fun to get them to show you their naughty bits. Haven't you ever got girls naked when you were a kid?. There is a bit of a thrill associated with it because it's something you aren't supposed to do.

    For me it's not about it being taboo.

    Is there a term for prepubescents who are sexually attracted to older people?. It's not that uncommon. When I was like 9 years old I was "in love" with my babysitter and obsessed with her in every way.

    IDK if there's a term for this but yeah it's more common than people might think also among girls.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interesting article. And yeah i wonder how they will try to prosecute the guy. This seems like a grey area as far as the law is concerned.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll implement the fizzbuzz library.

    In all seriousness I'm interested, but realistically won't be very useful.

    Are you reasonably proficient in any particular language? The club is also about learning and i would enjoy having a couple of people from here in there as well. Post an email address at which i can reach you and i will provide you with more details if you'd like me too. I will sign my email with PGP so you can verify it's me.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You can compare them, sure, but like comparing apples to oranges there are glaringly obvious distinctions between pedophilia and homosexuality. The distinction most relevant to this conversation, I think, is that pedophilia is officially considered to be a psychiatric disorder and homosexuality is not.

    So was homosexuality.

    Why? What is your reasoning?

    Because both are sexual orientations differing from the norm, either all different sexual orientations are psychiatric disorders or none of them are. You need to be consistent in your theory of sexuality.

    That's like saying apples are gross, therefore all other fruits must also be gross including oranges.

    This is a stupid analogy, 'gross' is an expression of opinion.

    Something you seem to be forgetting is that whether we decide to classify these irregular mental and behavioral patterns as "disorders" or not, they are still caused by irregularities in a persons brain. It's not a behavior pattern a person is magically freely choosing to have.

    I agree.

    And whether you personally consider yourself to be suffering an illness or not, the world has classified it as one.

    By your logic. If i can't choose, so can't you or anyone else for that matter, hence it is irrelevant whether the world has chosen to classify it as such or not. So why are you arguing with me over this?

    I'm not saying it's right, I mean, maybe you're right about it, maybe in a few years things will change and pedophiles won't be treated like criminals. But if you want to change the world you have to convince people to change their minds.

    I don't expect anyone to change their minds.

    Some serial killers may have a psychological urge to murder people. Some might not even consider them to be truly responsible for their crimes, rather they were driven to commit their crimes due to irregularities in their brains. But it is still our responsibility to separate these individuals from the general population due to the danger they pose to other people.

    You can't make this comparison, because pedophile =/= rapist, just like psychopath =/= murderer.

    Right now the world classifies pedophilia as something more similar to this than homosexuality.

    Does it feel nice and comfortable to agree with the world?

    What is your argument that they are wrong?

    What is your argument that they are right? Does liking young girls automatically make me dangerous? Are you supporting the notion of thought police now?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I didn't say anything about transsexualism. Comparing pedophilia to homosexuality simply because they can both be considered sexual preferences is like comparing apples to oranges simply because they are both fruit.

    Oh good i thought you were on about the tranny thing again. And why can't i compare the two? Apples and oranges is not an answer. If pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder so are all other deviant sexual preferences including homosexuality. I don't think homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder and i don't think pedo/hebephilia is either. Also don't say 'but muh DSM V', because the DSM had homosexuality classified as a disorder as well not that long ago, which thankfully, has since been rectified.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Listen Obbe, transsexualism is a form of body dysmorphic disorder Not a sexual orientation/preference. Give it a rest.
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