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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I mean you made a thread about it, why is it worthy of reporting to the esteemed Niggas in Space community?

    You realize Trump's policy doesn't align with your purported politics significantly better than Clinton's, right?

    Indeed, the pragmatist in me compels me to shill for Trump anyway.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Daily reminder that taking myer briggs special snowflake test is the moral equivalent of accepting a engorged penis into your asshole and makes one a certifiable faggot.

    Not special... Just a limited edition, i would argue.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    One of the wealthiest niggers in the world wants to rub elbows with our next president, why exactly are people surprised by this?

    Who said i was surprised? Hillary will not become president, if and when that happens... God save us all.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Youre welcome dawg but actually, its probably gonna be longer than a few days, probably between 1 - 2 weeks because 1.I kinda splurged on my first paycheck and don't got that much money till next week. 2. My cash by mail bitcoin guy has gone awol and i'll have to find another way. I'm not lying and not gonna pay, I really will.

    If you fail to do so i will hold you accountable and remind you until the end of time that you in fact are a liar and a fraud.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ESTP Master Race.

    Sadly my megalomaniac narcissistic tendencies tend to over shadow even my intellectual ability.

    Can you taste the irony in that statement. CAN YA PUNK!?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Because people go to the ATM and forget to take their cash. Thats a really realistic thing to wait for mate. Makes a lot of fucking sense.

    I do this all the time, what's more i try to literally burn my fiat currency to jump start deflation. Everyone needs to do this in fact. This is sound monetary policy.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hoard it like your life depends on it.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh, I understand the concept perfectly, but it's a myth. There are no property rights on the net. Just because a handful of fools have unilaterally declared they own the Internet does not make it so. The Internet is a free and open platform for all ideas, suggestions and expressions, and no person can either own or control that, no matter how hard they try. That has been proved beyond all doubt in this case.

    Doth thy server not reside within thine bosom? Hath thou purchased at great value, nought but a lie? Is it so, that thine thoughts as they are relayed hither, reside within the realm of the metaphysical?

    In short no. The internet has a physical basis, one of it's components is for instance a server, i can go to the store right now, buy a server and host a forum. I could even buy a copy of vBulletin software so that i own the very software that is run on my server, hey in fact i could with some effort, even MAKE my own software. Do i not own what i make? Or purchase? I absolutely do. To argue otherwise would make you a communist, quite literally.

    Now i propose to you this agreement. I have invested my money and time into infrastructure and systems that provide for communication. And you good sir, are allowed to use it free of charge isn't that something? All i ask is that you follow this simple set of rules(X, Y, Whatever it's going to be). Now, i will also have you know that you are not obligated to come to my communications platform, good heavens, i would not dare to presume to have such authority over a sovereign individual, but by using my service we agree you are going to voluntarily follow my rules. Agreed?

    Now, if you then come to my forum, ok, i am going to assume you agreed right, and i as owner hold the right to terminate your access to my property at any given point in time as do you as visitor hold the right to leave my property at any given point in time.

    Do i need to spell it out for you more? Numbnuts.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Getting extra money is based on your karma and luck like in the video games.

    Unless you have a Spell of Misfortune(Which is more a curse than anything) in that case whenever you do a luck roll you must also do a 2d6 saving roll against it's effects.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ahahahahaha. I hope there's something good in there and he gets what's coming to him.

    He will get the following: A nice and comfy retirement and 100k+ speaking fees around the world.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Speaking of warmongering psychopaths, have you seen A Very Heavy Agenda?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hey, why are you giving this away anyway? I thought you were dirt poor, living in a decrepit trailer and wearing the same mustard stained shirt for months on end.

    Just because he is poor doesn't mean his trailer is decrepit dude, that's just rude.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The mouth of the just shall meditate wisdom, and his tongue shall speak judgement.

    Hell yes. Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam et lingua eius loquetur iudicium.

    When do we receive the crown of life?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just look at Dfg, as a prime example. He thought that, just because he rented a bit if webspace, and put a cheap server on it, that he was then totally within his rights to disrespect, abuse and generally shit on the community and their opinions. Until he got ddos'd to shit, that is, and lost his entire userbase. Oh sure, he's still limping along, but it's basically just him. Just as good as having to shut it down, to me. And where is old tDR now? Nowhere. And yet tDR was one of the admins. So, no. You can't "do what you want". Not do what you want and get away with it anyways. That has now been proven, in several cases, would you not admit?

    It's not about reactionary idiots, it's about a principle of property rights and voluntary association. But i wouldn't expect you to understand something like principles.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    do you have any actual evidence? I've heard a bit about that but never any hard data.

    Funny you should ask.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ayyyyyyyyyyyy lmao.

    What is the female variety of cuck?

    If she wasn't almost fucking 60 this might turn me Democrat.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    wikileaks has now started releasing obongo's emails. fantastic

    REEEEEEE make a bread.

    In English: Post a thread with a link about it, get the word out nigga'.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    dramatic name aside, it would make sense that they convene as a group to decide on how to handle information requests given how 'carelessly' their candidate has been operating

    It would make sense, it would also make sense for the left to bus people around and put 4 million dead people on the ballots while Obummer says: Hurr durr, wut iz election frud?

    Doesn't make it right.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Libertarian is the best most acceptable choice for any government system anywhere in the world right now and I dare you to come up with anything superior at this moment.

    Tell that to Gary Johnson. I am a proponent of right-libertarian values.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Can i draft your next acceptance speech?
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