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Posts by trippymindfuk

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib focalin isn't an amphetamine. it's a phenidate of some sort. amphetamine is basically a nutritious, wholesome stimulant that behaves predictably and cleanly. focalin is a 'weird' stimulant'. it's more similar to 'bath salts' than adderal. very weird shit.

    i bought a bottle of it off some 12 year old pothead once, and crushed the entire bottle to dust all at once into a huge tony montana xbox pile of weird powder, which, slowly dissapeared up my nose over 3-4 days. 3-4 uncomfortable, weird days.

    the first day was fun and productive, but then i gradually lost interest in everything. everything. i mean starting on day 2.5, i was doing this thing where i was stimulated at 1000 horsepower, but with no will whatsoever. so i'd sit there and watch my senses drift away. hearing and tactile and taste and smell and sight, everything linking me to reality, just drifted away. and i watched it happen, i was bored. i was bored with it the first time it happened. i saw blackness that was nothing in a more than visual sense engulf everything. my sight was a little warbling marble, shrinking farther and farther away, until "i" was just nonchalantly sitting in some space behind reality and behind my corporeal existence. and it simply didn't matter to me. i watched it happen, and was like, 'oh'.

    this went on for a day or two and eventually i just started walking around because i was getting sick of that happening. oh, i basically sat there without moving, stimmed to the moon, for 30 hours watching reality go away and come back. so i started walking around in a field in the night, and there were ghosts everywhere, and i did not fucking care. i was literally watching black human figures walk around and look at me. if i looked at them, it was on accident, i wasn't interested in them. what does it even fucking matter if there are ghosts all around us. who fucking cares. but i was really hyped up at the same time. about nothing. i was just strolling around. for a long time i guess.

    anyways fuck focalin, that shit ain't right.

    Sounds like fun...I want some....
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Heavy dissociative use along with spice worked for me but like someone else said-it's not as fun as you would think....
  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've been waiting for someday for years now....don't know if it will ever come
  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've had a lot of fucked up experiences with drugs...

    The most scary for me were usually fairly serious cases of alcohol poisoning where I thought I was gonna die for sure. I've also gotten pretty scared when I did some H with my girl and I was watching her stop breathing for long periods of time. But nothing was as scary as some of the anxiety induced by spice. The first time I smoked some in a while (New Year's Eve this year....fresh outta jail) I was put in the rack. There was a wall lamp by my rack at the halfway house I'm in and we put a green towel over it for shade....well every time I look up the lamp is getting closer and closer.....I'm also waiting for the guy that runs the halfway house to bust in our room any minute (he was doing room checks all night...) Granted that wasn't even close to the scariest spice moment I've had, it was the most recent and definitely the most potent I've ever hit....
  5. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Alcohol+Benzos=trips straight to the future

    bundy+spice can also result in intergalactic travels of time and space
  6. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've fucked worse....I would definitely smash it, probably even eat that monkey.
  7. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 Jerk off till you're exhausted beforehand.


    This helps more than any drug you can take
  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I don't wash my hair everyday because I have really bad dry skin....

    I try to shower at least every other day but currently I don't do much to get stinky/sweaty...
  9. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Who says a man can't hit a woman???

    If a woman hits me like a man she gets hit back like a man....

    Hey, it's equality, right???
  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Happy birthday nigga
  11. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject I'd hate to be on probation for 5 years, how are you meant to go that long without breaking the law

    Yeah, I went 2 weeks the first time, got sent to a 6 month program and then lasted 4 months...

    I'm thinking I can walk this 6 months of parole though...
  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Yeah, it's fucked up....

    If it would've been a Class A instead of D it would've been 25-life, that was my original charge but I think 1st degree arson is if you kill someone...

    Yeah, they don't take that shit lightly...

    Also, I'm in a halfway house with people doing time for Class B felonies (10 years or more)...

    One guy has 36 years and they aren't parole, they are state inmates...Kentucky is crazy....
  13. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    OK.....So I told you guys I would give you the details on my little mishap, so here goes.....

    It was back in March of 14....Back then I had an apartment with my girlfriend and at the time we were taking crazy amounts of bundy and getting spice through the mail. It was probably about midnight or so and my girlfriend was at work. I was on bundy (don't remember how much) and kicking back smoking some spig I just got. I was bumping some old Dayton Family and I got a knock on my door. It was my neighbors across the hall, wanting me to turn my music down (I never liked them and frankly thought that they were junkie rats....still do....) so I basically said fuck you to dude and his mom. Well I ended up going up to my girlfriend's work for her break and when I came back the dad was at the top of the outside steps. I walked up to go to my place and he pulled a knife on me and made me apologize to his wife and son. I can't tell you what I was thinking but some how I guess I figured "I'll show them niggas...." and went into my apartment, turned on the stove and poured cooking oil and papers on top of it and left. I went back up to my girl's work and by the time I got there the staties were there and arrested me. Luckily the fire smoldered out and no one got hurt or I would have gotten worse charges. I got hit with arson 3rd degree and wanton endangerment 1st degree and got 5 years....I probably could have got 3 but I took my first deal (like a dumbass) and took a 5 for 5 (Arby's deal, lol) which is 5 years probation with 5 months served. I violated paper twice and ended up getting my time and here I am. Basically, I had a mental breakdown (I've had another since then as well....)

    So the moral of my story is....

    Don't mix bundy with spice and if you do use bundy don't use it every day.....I feel like it was making me schizophrenic because I was so paranoid and I always felt like people were following me....for some reason Delsym did it the worst.

    Just a little retrospection for y'all niggas.....
  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Syn-can ingestion currently fueling my antics
  15. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I will give you guys the whole story some time soon....

    I was just having a good old psychotic break was all...

    I already told it on Zoklet once.
  16. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Yup, that's me...almost done with this shit, though...
  17. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Just did 15 months, out on parole for 6 months. It's great to be back....didn't think this place would still be around, lol...glad to see it is, though. Peace out niggas.....
  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Amen §m£ÂgØL, motherfucking AMEN!
  19. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Alabama Black Snake
  20. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Blue Flowers-Dr. Octagon
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