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Posts by LiquidIce

  1. LiquidIce Houston
    <iwe all know that feel image>]
    Awwww, shit, that made me feel better.
  2. LiquidIce Houston

    It was the breadboard. I moved everything to the left by two notches and now this light blinks when I press the little button. Now I can finally start writing more code to do other things.

    Pics or it didnt happen. Congrats dude.
  3. LiquidIce Houston
    Not being a C-head, the code looks alright. Did you get any progress here? What might help here is to simplify the code to just turn the LED on and leave it on for like 20 seconds - giving you enough time to test things with the multimeter. Like, trying to simplify the situation as much as possible, then add back in the blinking and stuff.
  4. LiquidIce Houston
    Were it tears of nostalgia or tears of STFU we know already? Kek.

    Nostalgia. I can't fucking believe I've gotten so old.
  5. LiquidIce Houston
    I'm not German, but I'm happy you found my text good.
  6. LiquidIce Houston
    That was corny as fuck.

    What did you expect of 14 year olds doing nightops? Remember and infrared? :D
  7. LiquidIce Houston
    I miss SWIM. He was pretty big in BI and a few other &t subforums.
  8. LiquidIce Houston
    Yeah, I guess I'll hold off on this and mess around with the stuff I still got in my backlog. Do you have a mutlimeter? I remember I was fucking around with some stuff with a 4$ soldering iron and 10$ multimeter from dealextreme, but those are pretty much 1-2 use devices.

    Are you messing around with this as a hobby? Or you wanna build something? Friend of mine built this sensor that notified a RPi whether the bathroom door was open or closed so he would know if it was worth getting up from his desk to shit.
  9. LiquidIce Houston
    What exactly is your next goal, and how are these 'walls' preventing you from getting there, SPECIFICALLY?

    To be specific, I'm trying to set up myself as a freelancer, but I'm slamming against an entrenched cancer that has grown and fed on the unmanageable bureaucracy. This would have been easier if I was part of a group of fellow expats, even an online group of freelancers. Then there's the issue of actually getting clients. This would've been easy if I hadn't cut ties with everyone. Then there's the random big market predator ie. insurance company, that's forcing me to waste time, in order to save some money. I'm going the freelance route specifically because most tech companies here either want a) master's degrees for writing html/css b) want to pay you peanuts c) have extremely retarded contract clauses ie. "You must ask for permission if you want to do any work on the side. Also, all your code, even if you write it at home, at night, belongs to us, hurr durr". Fucking fucks.
  10. LiquidIce Houston
    well it seems like sophie really wants to set up a group but hes not willing to unite/ teach so in the end this turns in to a thread where arnox might as well post. I honestly know literally nothing about hacking except that I know it can be done by simple techniques using routers and cell phones. Hell If someone gave me some info i'd be willing to some certain things here in austin.

    He's contributing actively so that's cool and there's a bunch of passive people taking part in those threads. Make a thread about what you're trying to do, those "certain things" and you'll get answers to your questions and coding help and whatnot.

    I honestly think we're on a good path here, but it won't be an overnight thing. Still, having 5+ tech minded (of a specific, totse-kind) is pretty damn good.

    Me, I'm not doing anything cool in this area at the moment, although if I finish some shit this week, I could go back to messing around with my SDR
  11. LiquidIce Houston
    Have you checked pins 27 and 28 with a multimeter to confirm there's current flowing? Just stick the multimeter to pins 27 and 28 and if there's current, maybe somethings fucked with cable/led/resistor. If there's no current, perhaps something is wrong with the code or the board itself.

    I know jack shit about electronics. Always wanted to get into this microcontroller stuff :(
  12. LiquidIce Houston
    Yeah, this place is the shit compared to most any other place out there. I get this feeling too and I've been in and out of some groups like this. Most recently I tried to setup a group with a coworker, but that stopped working when I quit and moved to a different place/job. Most simply don't work out at all or fragment and die off.

    In contrast, the &t crowd has shown a lot of resilience with the constant moving, and this gives me hope that this place will slowly grow, especially since there's a core composed of people who are actively learning and some people who know their shit.

    I wish I could help out more, but I've only skimmed infosec - took part in a few ctfs and practiced some dvwa's n' shit. I'll try to contribute with the networking/webdev/sysadmin shit I've picked up .

    Did you check out SoldierX? I used to lurk that place a few years back and there was a lot of legit people there.
  13. LiquidIce Houston

    Tell me -SpeciaL, are you just a pathological liar or have you actually convinced yourself you're the l33t3st h4xx0r ever?

    >ppl still calling out spectral's h4cking skillz

    I teared up a lil bit.
  14. LiquidIce Houston
    I'm over exposed to totse circa 2005/2006, where the DIY forum wouldn't have had "Last Post 11-25-2015" in the middle of January 2016.

    That was only thanks to Spatula. And maybe people like ap2k with like 25k posts?

    Go out and make some topics.
  15. LiquidIce Houston
    Does it really suck or are you just over exposed to the instant gratification of social media?

  16. LiquidIce Houston
    This is a half rant, half sanity check.

    Up until now I believed that work was a fair transaction between the employee and the employer. You sell a bit of your time and in turn get an injection of cash money to do whatever you want to do. Your employer buys a bit of your time and gets some profit out of it to do whatever they want to do.

    This is of course uglier in the real world. Employees "get through the day" and dream of weekends where their time is their own. Anyone who has gone through the interview process knows how disrespectful it is at all levels - on the lower level you're forced to pee in a cup whereas on a higher level you're forced to solve stupid puzzle games. Both of these activities server to reduce the perceived risk of employing you. As if going through years of schooling and any earlier jobs don't somehow demonstrate this. In return you are promised stability - so how come you can't force your boss to pee in a cup? How can you be sure his promise of stability is without risk?

    This is the highest level of angst against this system. It still seems pretty rational, just a bit broken. Let's go a level deeper.

    Every dollar you earn from your employer most likely gets consumed - rent, food, leisure. A tiny fraction of it might go to a 401k or Roth IRA. However, a large part of the profit your employer makes becomes his operating capital, meaning, he uses that dollar to make more dollars. You're given just enough to get by whereas your employer is growing every minute of every workday.

    In economic terms, his market position is strengthening. He gets more capital to spend, the number their employees grows, his influence and most importantly - bargaining power - grows. You stay in place. You get promotions which just cover inflation. Then, when you decide to change your job, what with your tiny position in the market, you must subjugate yourself to a stronger player.

    In my most recent contract, there was a clause specifying that I am expected to work unpaid overtime in "times of need" of the company. Did anyone ever see a contract that said that the company is expected to reward the employee in excess of his normal renumeration in times of need of the employee? Basically, you are the company's bitch. This is why people are upset about their work - bad working conditions. Why would management improve working conditions if you're not a human to them? If they really wanted to, they could force you to come to work naked.

    This isn't US-centric. Take a social democracy place like Germany for example. There's a tax there that grows along with your income, to some high maximum amount, so unless you're making tons of money, you're making about as much as everyone else. This means you have no way to gather capital of your own, no way of straying from the default path of "work, retire, and die". Sure, you got decent health care and close-to-free higher ed, but that's like having a more comfortable cage. Becoming a freelancer or a small business is highly disincentivized via a massively complicated bureaucracy and high taxes - get this - when you become a freelancer in Germany, you have to specify your estimated income for the next two years and you're taxed, every quarter, not by how much you made that quarter, but on the estimated income. How fucked up is that? Say you broke both your hands and can't work for 6 months - you're still paying income tax.

    This really got to me after getting fired from a startup and seeing how the owner, having gotten a nice pile of capital from VCs, didn't do jack shit, ever. He's getting paid, he's got wage slaves to do his bidding, and he's set with any financial/managerial career after his startup tanks. The straw that broke the camel's back? After getting fired, my ex-coworkers told me about how amazing it is now because they get to generate and build their own ideas. Get it? They not only have to do what they were hired to do, they get to build the business for this guy. This guy outsourced leadership and management to the employees themselves so he can travel and rub elbows with even more of his kind at expensive conferences. What a fucking prick.

    The system is stacked against the individual, no matter how you play it. You can game it to some extent, if you're quick and careful, but you're relying on the big, slow, market entities to ignore you. Once they do, you're done for.

    Hopefully, there's more and more attention paid to this in the form of "why the fuck are we still working 40+ hour work weeks and not getting anything out of it?":
  17. LiquidIce Houston
    The realization that concepts like "free will" and "the self" are illusory, and being able to recognize that we really are all part of a greater whole, are some of the first steps away from an egocentric view of life and towards a greater commitment to well being and the improvement of life for all of us here on earth.

    Are you obbe? You sound like Bucky Fuller. I don't agree with the first half of your statement, but I agree with the second part - even speaking in purely economical terms, cooperation/business creates value greater than the sum of its parts.

    You sound like a buddy of mine.

    But getting back on topic… Individualism will only get you so far. Some is good, but too much can and will alienate the fuck out of you, if you go too far with the whole "having a mind of your own" thing.

    But all in all, it fuckin sucks, because if its going great in one area, its going shitty in another, and vice versa.

    Did your buddy ever turn back from that path? I'm working on that, gonna hit up a few local meetups n shit.

  18. LiquidIce Houston
    These type of things are usually done by foreigners in poor countries where scamming a rich American out of $10 is a big success.

    Can you blame when the system is easy to game and the pay off amounts to half a month's salary? It's like gambling.
  19. LiquidIce Houston
    Yeah, I'm guessing it's something windows specific. Lots of crazy stuff happen on windows, but maybe I never developed much on that platform. The tempfile module should take care of everything for you ie. it knows where to create a tmp file and it allows you to create named files and all.

    Btw, are you going somewhere with this script or is it just for learning? I've always dismissed python as an attack vector because the web always seemed a lot easier.
  20. LiquidIce Houston
    Can someone explain to me what is it and how it's supposed to work?

    I think I've been practicing it for some years now, keeping clear of groups, never joining or forming one, moving from one place to another, keeping my head low, and focusing on my own objectives. Sure, I went from 12k/year cashier to 75k/year junior developer with close to 0 capital investment, except time, which I had plenty cause, hurr durr, I killed my social life first.

    After that, however, I hit a wall. There's only so much you can do on your own. It's extremely frustrating to get stuck in this place and have to rebuild your relationships brick by brick.

    Whatever you're trying to do, whether it's find good work, learning infosec, learning programming, traveling, you'll hit walls everywhere. These walls are usually built by groups of people hostile to your efforts. Whether it's moronic people in HR, asshole bureaucrats in foreign countries, or resource hogs anywhere, it's enough to seriously block any of your plans.

    Unless you build yourself up via ties with groups. Since you're dealing with entrenched groups in your economic sphere, the only thing you can really do is to form or join a group that's stronger than whatever is blocking you.

    Sure, individualism sounds nice on theory, but in reality you'll hit and break against groups of the stupidest people ever and you'll falter for words - how can something so dumb completely get in my way?

    Whatre your experiences here? Ever belonged to a coop? Guild? Union? Ever tried to make it yourself in life? How's it workin out for ya?
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