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Posts by LiquidIce

  1. LiquidIce Houston
    and follow soe cases or read in the news the type sof charges people get like this guy who attacked a veteranarian and his own dog also attacked and bit her: seems nothing like US of A or the so called land of the free and the brave. Like they dont seem to pile charges on and also you wont be charged I dont think with murde ror accessory to it in poland just for being in a car full of gang memebrs or knuckle heads like you do cosntantly in california hear about or simply because you robbed some guy and he decided to take a gun out and your friend shot him or something.
  2. LiquidIce Houston
    Chomsky's finished. Im starting on but if it's some sad sappy shit I'll switch over to Mainly doing this to look at how good essays are written to improve my own writing.
  3. LiquidIce Houston
    Bumping with The Abolishment of Work ;)

    It sounds like something a baby boomer father would their children. Is your work actually getting you closer to your goal?
  4. LiquidIce Houston
    Have you seen Pupy? Maybe you can get some inspiration from it ->
  5. LiquidIce Houston
    Have you tried tempfile ( ?

    The code looks legit, I can only guess python+windows doesn't like copying to '%TEMP%'. Is %TEMP% an environment variable? If so, you could try getting the value of %TEMP% ie. os.getenv('TEMP').
  6. LiquidIce Houston
    Hurr durr America was founded by immigrants, sure, but way back when we didn't have a welfare state. People integrated into the dominant culture and all was well. Also i don't care about poor people moving to richer countries if they contribute to the economy and not just leech off the tax-payers money. If you had read the studies i posted you'd see immigrants are over repressented in welfare programs while never having paid into the system.
    Yeah, they "integrated" after a few generations of fighting bigotry:
    "Future U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, in his 1902 historical text, "History of the American People", called Poles, Hungarians, and Italians, "men of the meaner sort" who possessed "neither skill nor energy nor any initiative of quick intelligence."

    This integration took decades of being treated like shit. I was hoping that maybe, a hundred or so years later, just maybe, we can avoid treating other people like shit because they have a funny accent? You know, welcome them in society, get them going, earning, paying taxes n all?

    I think the difference between you and me is that in my mind the immigrant-leeches are only a small portion of the whole group of migrants. Do what the Germans do - you gotta have worked and payed into the social security system for at least 12 months to get any welfare. You're not looking to fuck over all the immigrants, just the worst sort. The good guys that come here are more than eager to open their own business and thrive:

    Anyway, you sound like a socialist. And your argument of "maybe these ethnic groups should fucking reevaluate their perceptions of other ethnic groups" sounds nice and all but it doesn't work like that, everyone has in-group bias, and that goes for whites, niggers and mexicans.
    If calling me a socialist helps you then go for it. Don't you think it's worthwhile to at least move towards decreasing in-group bias?

  7. LiquidIce Houston
    Yeah, that one was a big one. I never did finish it completely. You practically have to download the tools and do a little bit of 'action' to stay interested. But it kept me interested.

    Roughly what percentage of internet hacking would you say is web application based?

    Yeah, I did the whole messing around with tools thing. Helped retain the material. That's a really tough question, especially since I've moved away from infosec (temporarily). If by "web application" you mean "anything that serves or consumes HTTP" then a fucking ton

    We got the popular stuff like XSS, with SQLi and CSRF stuff a little further behind. Then there's everything that's related to fucked up application logic ie. file upload forms that enable XSS or remote file access or bad authentication/authorization schemes. I guess we could classify all the "open wide to the internet" technologies ie. redis/elasticsearch/mongo that serve HTTP on or other crazy insecure defaults ( IoT also expose a bunch of HTTP services ( and these services are all web applications of some sort - even if it's just static html + basic auth.

  8. LiquidIce Houston
    The problem I've had with these books is that they're beasts in terms of size and each one takes 1-6 weeks of reading combined with practicing. Like the Web Application Hacker's Handbook - fucking amazing, thorough, and well written, but I'd get lost in it if I wasn't taking notes and trying some of the shit out on DVWB or OWASP's RailsGoat.
  9. LiquidIce Houston
    No Lan, wanting some border control is not an extremist position. Niether is it racist, how well has immigration worked out so far? I'd love to live in a world where immigration is just called moving but when there is a state or more appropriately a welfare state involved this is simply not possible.

    Seems to me that immigration is the reason why the US of A exists. If remember correctly, wasn't the first wave of immigrants (aka pilgrims) coming here to escape (mainly catholic) oppression in Europe? That and the allure of a political clean slate and riches yet unclaimed? Land! Fucking property, just laying there, waiting for the taking. This did have a pretty negative effect on the local population though, I think they've been rounded and forced to live in casinos.

    Your argument relates to poor people moving to better off places, but my personal experience tells me that it's hard even for better off people moving to better off places. You'd be fucking surprised how much animosity and prejudice there is. I've had people go silent and ignore me in middle of a conversation because they found out where I'm from. I've had people go from nice to lying to me with a straight face when they noticed my surname.

    Eroding trust between diverse ethnic groups - well, maybe these ethnic groups should fucking reevaluate their perceptions of other ethnic groups? One way to do this is to bring these groups closer, make them face similar challenges as a single community, sort of like that Lord of the Flies IRL experiment.
  10. LiquidIce Houston
    Well, it hasn't shut down yet, so that's good.

    But I think "" should be changed because well, were probably all white folk here.

    ... but we're in space, right?
  11. LiquidIce Houston
    Before you destroy a payphone, take a picture of it and send it to 2600 cause theyre interested in payphones.
  12. LiquidIce Houston
    I am. I actually have a decent idea for something that I need but not quite the skills. I have most of the skills but I need to learn(or find somebody) that knows a little bit about RasPi development(as far as the physical part goes). It's a security related thing. Searching for something already like it and I come up emptyhanded.

    Hey man, don't second guess yourself like this. I've been reading your posts for a while now, at least since Zoklet, and you seem to know your shit pretty well. I'd say just go for it.

    Know it's been a long ass time since this post was made but on the off chance you're still around it was a cryptography scheme for email that would make subpoenas generally ineffective. Kinda like hushmail but technically better (at the cost of some corner cases being (maybe) unintuitive). It was really fun because I got to implement crypto in javascript which actually worked (despite that being, in general, a bad idea) and tackle a whole host of other interesting but solvable problems (I ended up writing this whole parser-generation framework which served in interpreting emails and email addresses (ironically the RFC specifying an email address grammar (which basically everyone ignores) is far more complicated than the RFC specifying email grammar))). The plan was, more or less, to store public keys for users and encrypt email on receipt before storage which is fairly simple but has a surprising number of complicating cases and pitfalls. It would make providing plaintext records to LEO impossible and thus subpoenas (in the traditional sense of a request for data at a given point in time) useless. We started the project shortly after the Snowden/lavabit thing in an effort to "replace" lavabit (defunct) with something better.

    Whoa, nice idea. What were the pitfalls and obstacles that you ran into? I can see implementing crypto in JS being a pretty big obstacle in itself, what with browsers being a fucking behemoth of shit glued together. Did it ever get off the ground?


    I've been inactive here since August because of work. Now I'm back partially because of getting fired. Luckily, not for performance reasons - half the company got fired too (fuck using phrases like "let go"). Now I've got time to think. Yeah, I know, this ain't my personal blog so the on-topic thing I wanted to shared was that I'm looking at becoming a freelancer purely because this allows me more control over my capital*, and, what more importantly, it gives me a chance to practice all those skills that atrophy when you're shackled to a desk, mopping up shitty code, in an open-plan office, for 8 hours a day.

    My plan is to ramp up my freelance business so that I can support myself but keep my work hours on the lower side to have time to develop a product. That or maybe starting a coders cooperative to increase bargaining power vs. the market.

    *[SIZE=9px] This is a reference to those fucking contract clauses like "all code written anytime ever while this contract is valid belong to the company. Yeah, that sweet bot you wrote while on vacation at 2am? OURS you fucking prole".[/SIZE]

  13. LiquidIce Houston
    A bunch of stuff by Noam Chomsky.
  14. LiquidIce Houston
    Check out Anker bluetooth keyboards. They go for 20-50$ a pop on amazon. I got one for around 20$ and it's a nice laptop-width keyboard that's super slim, and surprisingly comfortable.
  15. LiquidIce Houston
    There used to be this awesome zine that radiated this cyberpunk vibe but sadly it's no longer taken care of by the editor. Shame. I thought I'd share this here since I think some of you will find it interesting :
  16. LiquidIce Houston
    Meh, dont think so. Even if it's a bit quiet, I'll stick around for some beers with the cool folks.

  17. LiquidIce Houston
    Oh shit, nice stuff man. I'll give it a looking-over when I get back from work. I've had good times with a lisp (clojure) but sadly I haven't found a single application for it outside of my own hobby projects.
  18. LiquidIce Houston
    no, because you don't want to throw an exception on a recoverable warning… e.g an empty form input, exceptions are for non-recoverable errors, which I'm sure you know.

    Yeah, I don't see how this would make sense. If you can catch an exception then it's pretty recoverable. If you know what kind of exception you want to catch at least.
  19. LiquidIce Houston
    Too much php up in this thread.
  20. LiquidIce Houston
    Thanks for all the input guys. I kinda forgot about this post for a few…I should've asked in the OP, what is something that(theoretically) you would like to see on a site like that? Is there something pretty rare or unique that you always wanted to try but couldn't easily obtain for whatever reason? It doesn't have to be necessarily illegal or strictly narcos either..I would appreciate the input.

    I think the only thing I'd be interested in are prescription drugs that I could get where I can't get them normally or nootropics. An example of the first is fucking sudafed which is banned here. Fucking savages. Also birth control pills (hard to get in some places). An example of the former could be modafinil, although I've grown a bit disillusioned with nootropics after testing out adrafinil for 2-3 months.
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