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Thanked Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    I'm sure a lot of you know this, buy unless you're good at stealing which most of us aren't, shit costs money.

    And not a little bit of money, I can see why most of you n ever leave the nest when your mom keeps feeding you well into your 30s.

    Some have accused me off this sin, hoping to discredit your boy, but i will have all of you know, my mom does not like faggots, homosexuals, queers, or transgender people at all. And for that reason, she will not welcome an AIDS HAVING COCK SUCKIN QUEER TRANNY LOVER HOMO into her home except for 1-2 visits a week.

    Can't make that up folks, and bless her heart, cuz much like your mom's regret over passing up on that abortion your dad offered her eight times in as many months, we all have our right to our opinions (Unless you're a child, then it's your parents obv)

    Just took a shower feelin pretty fresh, might go tot he gas station, back on topic:

    Gas station got that shitty handsoap, pass on this unless you need it, you wanna end up with that dial by the time were done. Now i will say this, the gas station often has a cuppoard that will have like that poo poo spray stuff (grab that if it's ove rhalf full). The biggest money maker you wanna get is toilet paper, not gonna lie, windex and clorox and shit that's all great, but if you were a clean nigga or a nigga that cleaned, you wouldn't be stealing toilet paper.

    You! Should! Never buy a roll of toilet paper again! If you follow! these steps!

    Take a backpack with you everywhere you go, you know them brown paper towels, they're not great, but they WORK, and that's the most important thing to me at least in an item i'm gonna steal not steal but lift cuz it's free if you shitting, while steal it while you got your pants down, not theft.

    all that soap and shit we're gonan grab and the cleaners, and if they got ANYTHING ANYTHIN new in the package my nigga, grab that up. Swear to god, do you got money for air fresheners? Do you got a cat? You got a nigga in your life that's car smell like shit?

    Grab it. Don't take the plu nger, no mattewr how tweaked you get, stealing the plunger is a fucked up thing for your bag to have in it, no one' sgonna wanna buy it, youa lready got 1 (or 4 from stealing them and hotels and shit) , you don't need more, same thing for that weird little brush thing, fuck that brush (see: Your dirty ass aint gonna clean shit part above)

    alright my nigga, load that backpack, go buy you a pack of steel reserves and ap ack of newports, that
    'll be approximately 9.95, peep that penny dish are there any silver my nigga?

    Grab that silver! AFter you do this a couple timse they will expect you to do this and welcome your actions.

    Ask that nigga "Hey you guys give out packs of matches? Can I get two? Thanks"

    walk over to the mountain fountain sodas and get a cup, don't get a paperone, them bitches break down, grab you a fatass plastic cup,

    "Thanks!" as your wallking out the door.

    Now take your bumass to the library, we're getting computer paper next.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Bradley Black Hole
    Kinda can't see everyone butt fucking some queer and they go "That's what you get you dirty cock sucker"

    actually I can, I download shit like that

    So what the fuck, how does allahu ahkbaring a homoseuxal with 45 minutes of anal play make people less gay?

    Doesn't that make muhammed and the other seven dudes banging him out as hard as they can kinda complicit?

    They're doing a straight up creampie 8 men, bang bang x8 men one after another, no lube, just each other.

    seems almost as gay as fucking a tranny when you got a rat face and burning your pointy v shaped chin straight into a fat tranny's sweaty asshole after a long day of her playing Gayaonline until 2:34am daily sex time

    Is this why your father said he'd shoot you if you came back to his cabin?


    God I can't wait to bang HTS infront of everyone
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra who cares lol

    that nigger whow anted to come over and play with her footwear some more probably do
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  5. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost i play mario and talk to myself

    dude if i lived with HTS I would hang out with her 24/7 and get her in good ass shape and work her out bro you have like so many oppportunities and you're just sleepin on it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Bradley Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Bradley Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Bradley Black Hole
    you'd look nicer if you had a larger chin ismtead of a face that is shaped like a rat's V outline
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  9. Bradley Black Hole
    remember when trayvon martin killed that little asian girl in oregon at the community college and had to drive to chicago and live amongst the negros before his new nigger roommate took his phone for a night and never came back?

    Kinda romantic if you ask me
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  10. Bradley Black Hole
    idk we'll have to play it by ear
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  11. Bradley Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Bradley Black Hole
    I was molested by a fatass dab hit
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  13. Bradley Black Hole
    niggers the fbi isn't coming cuz im puttin a bike lock on a wheel barrel at the gardening store and lockin that bitch to the fence

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  14. Bradley Black Hole
    Ya especially if they have a dick and you're like sucking their dick and shit bro im pretty sure that's 100% gay

    ejaculating in ur beard, ur spitting it into her mouth, she's sayin BRADLEYB93 amd snowballin her cum around in her mouth.

    Pretty gay tbh
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Bradley Black Hole
    What we're gonna d is go to dollar general and purchase some bike locks. We're lockin shit up and shuttin shit down. now im not tellin u to go and lock up some gates, some windows, some doors, some rims, whatever and take a photo of it and upload it.

    That's immoral.

    but i will tell u that like a nigga say do

    im lockin shit up, shuttin shit down, all april space niggas.

    REmember when u put that lock on that motherfucker, do not hang around and wait to see what's good, you already done your thing, poppped ur shot off and u doin the dash on em


    Whose with me
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  17. Bradley Black Hole
    i got a paddle boat i named paddle pal, i've only used in three times cuz i don't drive. i got him next ot lake michigan at my firend's crib nd im kinda scared of taking it out. it's a paddle boat

    i wanna get a kayak, pontoon boat, fishing boat,, lil bit of dib and dap but i don't gott money for that

    I wanna get boat to boat capturing. that 100$ paddle boat almost broke me! i had to get a uhaul when i moved away from my tranny last summer so i could take it.

    anyone in wisconsin got a free kayak? I'll give you fishing supplies, fuck your wife, smoke you up, whatever we gotta do.

    Like bradleyb say do, hook it up nigga.
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  18. Bradley Black Hole
    I live on a river otter farming community actually. We breed them both commercially and for domestic consumption. They're primary value is derived from the sleek fur that is used to make bestiality themed sexual pariphinalia. The milk is also used by our people to make a variety of cheeses.

    Honestly, when it comes to these guys, I don't know what we'd do with otter'm.
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  19. Bradley Black Hole
    Joe BIden is honestly the only captain that's gonna get us through this storm

    cuz he's a salamandorian reptile from the xth planete the annunaki left to run our nation

    that's why hunter biden gets such good crack at low competitive prices

    John F Kennedy died so they coulnd't steal the Jack Ruby until Fort Knox had been emptied.

    This is all in the bible and nostradumbass proved it in his books, i watch the history channel, i like pawn stars, i know what my shit is worth!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    niggas in otterspace
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