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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

    ^ This only finished uploading after 5 hours because I went home and used wifi.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. G African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Usually they steal item(s) and then return for a gift card. The gift is traded for cash, And the cash is traded for drugs.
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  4. Originally posted by STER0S i want an orgy with barely legal kazahk bitches

    Shut the fuck up pedo. I will kill you.
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  5. Listening to §m£ÂgØL when it comes to politics is like listening to one of those Hollywood stars on the subject...just as they should stick to what they prancing around in front of the camera, §m£ÂgØL should stick to being short, fat and picking fruit.
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  6. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    I was lifting the heaviest weights I could find at planet fitness, in the zone working up a good sweat with my shirt off and then out of nowhere I hear WOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOO The god damn LUNK ALARM it was flashing a bright blue light, I had no idea what the hell was going on I thought I popped a fucking blood vessel in my brain.

    Then staff walks up and starts talking shit saying I have to leave now or they will call the police. I had no idea what was going on, was still trying to catch my breath and drink some water and these women got all up in my face saying I was disrespecting their policy. They revoked my membership and told me never to come back

    I thought they were having one of those feminine episodes so I got out of there. Went home and googled "lunk alarm" and this is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen in my life, had no idea this existed.

    I was barely even grunting and yeah I was dropping the weights all over, it's what I do. I guess it's against policy to be too fit at planet fitness, more like planet fat ass.

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  7. Soyboy 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting African Astronaut [scrub the quick-drying deinonychus]
    Originally posted by Kev It wont for long, in the coming decades it will stagnate and then drop sharply. birth rates are decreasing at an accelerated pace across the world.

    Not in Africa.
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  8. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Im late voting but Bill Krozby is the biggest loser for September.

    Congrats Bill Krozby.

    Anyways i dont have any hard feelings about him lying to me.
    It's not like he lied about smoking my weed...

    Bill Krozby is a cool cat tho. I do like him.

    Deep down and at the end of the day I just want the best for everyone and want everyone to be happy.
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  9. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls Pressing a single button on a kettle is a lot more convenient retard

    I press 2 buttons on my microwave and dont have to clean out some stupid machine after or even buy it in the first place
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  10. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
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  11. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by A College Professor Well Brady you have quite the assortment of sardines there. If you want to step your game up, try these gourmet hand-packed sarsdines from this like 100+ yr old cannery in Portugal;

    They are pretty pricy as sardines go, like 4 or 5 bucks for a tin. I'm gonna order some once you try them and tell me theyre good. I like Crown Prince brand pretty well, theyre better than Nugger Of The Sea. I like em in tomato sauce, mustard, or oil. I used to love canned oysters as a kid but once I ate oysters off the shell later in life the canned ones just don't call my name that much but maybe just cause i've only had cheap canned oysters.

    I have like 40 cans of these in the garage. were 40 cents on the discount rack n theyre good thru 2022. Fish for DAYS.
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kev Pogroms are an intention for genocide, so is everything else you described. whether the holocaust is being exaggerated and weaponized by the jedis to get their ways is one thing but denying outright that it happened is counterproductive.

    Pogroms are just outbursts of violence when one community has irreconcilable differences with another, usually the larger one handing out the beatings. There have been plenty of pogroms in the US against black communities (the later part of the Tulsa riots everyone seems to be talking about are a good example) but nobody's arguing they were genocidal, or even leading up to genocide.

    As for the camps, everyone does it. It makes no sense to allow an openly hostile group to roam and act freely during wartime. At the same time the US interned Japanese and German residents.

    I definitely agree that using them as slave labour and working many to death was wrong, but I've never seen any real evidence that there was an official program to exterminate them which is what the 'holocaust' mythos is explicitly based on. The firsthand accounts are often completely insane and unreliable (pedal-powered brain bashing machines, masturbation machines, rollercoasters of death etc.), nowhere near 6 million bodies have been found and incinerating that many bodies is mathematically impossible with the hardware and time they had.

    What's more there are no 'gas chambers' still standing - the initial claim was that all of the German camps were extermination camps, but the ones investigated by the US and British were determined not to be. This leaves only the camps the Soviets took and wouldn't allow foreign inspectors into, and it's now been admitted that the 'gas chambers' at Auschwitz and others were actually 'reconstructed' after the war.
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  13. Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz

    Just wanted to clarify, I am not saying you shouldn't be careful or that this virus isn't dangerous.

    It's kill rate may be low,but the real issue isn't the kill rate, it's the fact that after people recover, and testing turns up no antibodies or covid presence, your arteries and multiple organs have likely taken damage.

    Should you panic? No, and I don't believe masks do any good.

    Instead, people need to consume less salt, saturated fats, and abstain from cigarettes & alcohol.

    Will people do this? Likely not and that's why the USA is hit hardest with it's largely processed food diet.
    I nick-named it the 'kosher' virus because it seems people are more adversely affected when eating things like pork.

    I'd suggest consuming less pork and salt, avoid cigs n booze, and consume more foods that are heart/artery friendly.

    The British were nicknamed limeys because at some point, after the discovery of scurvy, during a war, limes were planted everywhere so soldiers would be able to consume them and ward off scurvy and other diseases.
    Black currant, an England native was another high in vitamin c.
    The USA government is owned and controlled by pharmaceutical companies in large part and they do not want anyone to self medicate/eat healthy as it will decrease the need for their lab produced drugs, although we have the agricultural power to produce the crops that would help us all survive this, it likely won't happen. Plastic nation. Plastic people. They likely want most of you dead. Covid19 seems like population control more than anything else. "Plandemic"
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  14. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    LMAO, the dude from the 'present day' (1835) goes and visits the church of sex-with-black-women, and the white preacher has constructed a perpetual motion device to fly around him and fan away the odour from his wife.
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  15. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    but it belongs to this jackass.

    Who Feloniously beat the shit out of his own daughter Serenity Raphael.

    And could sure use a trailer warming present cuz they just moved to a new park,+Bay+City,+WI+54723/@44.586658,-92.4563252,1160m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87f82759cfcb19b7:0xa928561d5ec15fca!8m2!3d44.5890529!4d-92.4575793
    ^right there.

    Actually he moved a while ago but is just now getting around to updating his information with the child support police.
    They had to get involved because him and his wife got a divorce.
    Now his children have a broken family.

    My lawyer called and said I cant get any money out of them because they already have so many civil cases again him and his ex-wife.

    Just look at this shit.
    And that is only 1 court.
    ^This case alone is $10k
    $15,763.19 in this one for fucking property damage?
    What the hell did you damage?

    And they aint doin so hot with him driving under a suspended license all the time.

    Honestly I just keep feeling worse and I find out who the fuck I ever even bothered trying to be friends with.

    Here is his Facebook
    Here is Whitney's Facebook (the baby momma)
    She works here
    Check out how hot she is guys

    This is a picture of their children.

    And if any of you guys want a girl with daddy issues here you go

    What stupid ass fucks

    Ill beat your ass any day dude.
    You ain't nothing but a piece of shit.
    Get some help. Maybe another court ordered psych exam or another round of anger management.

    And guys, I have a feeling there is a whole lot more to our old neck bearded punk ass pal Brady Raphael (rotlf)

    But I figured I'd drop this and let ya'll have some fun too ;)
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  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Someone requested a refund through Paypal and got it the day after I shipped. I had to get it re-routed back to my house.

    Was trying to sell a Buck knife

    i didnt know sellimg buck knives was your core competency.

    why r u selling knives.
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  17. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    I said I would come with some more fan art. here you guys go. Kinda goin for a Beavis and Butthead style here

    open to doing commissions
  18. Octavian motherfucker
    Lata attempted twice to meet the girl. At the first meeting May 16 in Aquatic Park Lata reportedly struck up a conversation with an undercover officer assigned to wait for him, asking if anyone had seen the 12-year-old.

    Lol "protect the kids"
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  19. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Wariat what about wes watson tho? what would he domifmhe met the cart narc?

    This is what my friend who is currently serving time wrote to me:

    “ok so wes watson is another common ‘guy’ in the feds. They come in all pumped up on shaw shank redemption fantasies & delusions of grandeur wanting to run with "that" crowd. They lie to pump themselves up but usually end up hurting themselves because of it since when stories don't match up people begin to wonder if you are lying because you may actually be a rat or something. The ‘guy’ will come in talking about dealing big dope or making his crime sound worse or different than it was but he will have less time than people who actually did those things get; they usually don't have much time at all and are just passing through. They want to feel part of it though since for them this is just a short ride. First thing convicts think when you have less time than you should for the crimes you say you committed is that you are a rat. They then end up getting pressed real hard to prove they aren't by some very not nice people and if the tough/arrogant act doesn't immediately evaporate at that point then ‘guy’ might get hurt. Usually they get real docile at that point though and explain the truth but if they don't tuck tail after that and still want to live that prison fantasy there are serious convicts who will take advantage of that to send them on ‘missions’ only an idiot or someone being disciplined would do. We call this type of guy ‘The crash test dummy.’

    BEST CASE scenario is he spends most his time in SHU. They usually figure out/have a sense for who they can talk tough to and who they can't, their whole demeanor changes when around a cant and no... high level gang members from any gang don’t just go spreading that stuff around. Being a leader or ‘shot caller’ in any sense means more time in the feds so thats never something anyone wants to let come out their mouths.

    well its pretty simple, if you have to declare something with a statement like that.... The real killers & big dogs don't need to... everyone already knows.

    In fact declaring something like that is one of the elements needed to get a conviction and just isn't touted by people who have really lived that life. The most powerful connected and dangerous dudes I have met are usually really quiet, fly under the radar, don't have many tattoos and almost never discuss illegal activity while alternately laughing at or manipulating the wannabes if not just ignoring them. That being said Im at a med security facility and in the feds being connected to a STG(Security Threat Group) automatically means that a med is as low as you can go WITH GOOD BEHAVIOR. So bottom line if you are documented in that kind of gang and made it to a MED facility (ww has said he was in levels 2, 3 and 4) its because you weren't doing gang time. “

    Me: Ok so like can we conclude that if WW ordered others to “put in work” which he talks about a lot like for example cutting up the face of some “chomo” and stuff, he would at least have gang charges right?? Since the feds have an STG task force n all that?

    “If he was ordering people to put in work at the level of assaulting a chomo he would NEVER NEVER EVER admit that, since that is a hate crime and he is implicating someone else as well. People who do that ‘work,’ work very hard to make it seem like the assault happened for any reason other than that so they don't get the more severe hate crime. For him to openly admit that a hit was because a guy was a chomo is endangering the person who is ultimately on the hook for that hate crime (which is NEVER done) but also himself. He just also openly admitted CONSPIRACY to commit a hate crime and conspiracy has the least evidentiary rules to prove. If he is really a member of AB he is also opening himself and every other member to RICO charges on organized crime. With those admissions a prosecutor could easily get a conviction IF that had actually happened to anyone while WW was doing time. The fact he hasn't been prosecuted is damning for these as well as the fact that if anyone had done that they would NEVER give themselves up as the leader of the hit which carries more time especially considering there is no meaningful statute of limitations on hate crimes. My guess is law enforcement has probably already examined his crime claims and found a very good reason why he can't be prosecuted... it didn't happen.”

    If he doesn't put his cart back, he's just another lazy bones.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
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