lazy ass nigga won't even go look up a video to prove his own argument
2022-12-03 at 6:58 AM UTC
Sorry this was kinda confusnig to following, candy are you also star? Forgive me for not knowing the dh backstory.
WellHung r u gonna come to my graduation ceremony? I have 2 tickets for my family but no family to give it to.
You're such a racist Wozny
obbe why don't you fucking TALK instead of just posting links
Don't be the new STL1
Folks I always like watching about scary stuff and I go into little spurts, favorites have been 411 series, horror stories, being buried alive, shit like that, now my new one is WHEN CAVING and/or CAVE DIVING GOES WRONG
shits so fuckin dope being thousands of feet underground x_x and your light breaks or the earth shifts or you stir up too much dust and now you're perma stuck in your tomb.
The cave diving shit is the most dangerous because you have to decompress when you rise to the surface so if anything bad should happen to you, you still have to spend like 10 minutes at each of like 4-6 levels or you'll get the bendz where basically your brain breaks and bubbles pop in your blood vessels of your mind and if you do survive your retarded.
Couple that with carbon dyoxide drunkenness, that other sickness you get at great depths where you become drunk and lackadaisical with your safety.
But even just the caving ones are cool,shit like the M cave or finding where serial killers stuffed bodies or bandits hid their loot sounds super cool, but more than likely you jsut end up falling,breaking your leg and without the ability to climb, you die of retardation coupled with dehydration as you suffer exposure.
Pretty horrifying, I don't feel bad for these "explorers" cuz it's a bunch of dumb cunts climbnig into cracks in the earth, FOR WHAT? there's no diamonds there, no valubles, you're literally just bored and gonna do it so you can make a map of the outline of the system. (Why??)
And then after 1 Lewis or Clark does it, why go if you're not gonna go deeper/farther/harder? So you can also risk your life to go through the maze of rock? Fuck that shit. Why would you want to go into something so tight and small that you have to compress your body in spots to get through the "squeeze" where the tunnel comes together.
Like if something bad happens, you fucking deserve to die. It's like testing alternatives to parachutes, if shit doesn't work out #NoSympathy.
ya but wouldn't the vodka make you gag
how massive do you think your carbon footprint is woznY?
yeah if they're parents are rich that's ok I guess the kids are probably really rich too so fuck em
My finals are next week Wednesday and the Monday after next