we're talking about how you are heterosexually incompatible given your current lifestyle and erect status when eating a blowpop around other men.
white people at cowboy themed bars are turning up to this music
i was pretty successful yesterday at keeping the Orange Juice down, folks normally i don't let my drinking get this bad. THis is the third time I end up with intermittent vomiting and anorexia.
On a positive note, barely eating for three months has caused me to lose an exorbitant amount of weight and I look really good.
Figure the next thing I should do is when I feel better go to the beach like I've been wanting to for weeks.
i drank two mugs of water and vomited them up, drank another mug of water and I'm holding that down, I have zero hunger and very few things are appealing to me to eat, I am thinking if I just eat what I'm craving (mostly cold cut style sandwiches, salads, and fresh fruits)
Pretty sure that's a sign you're suffering from a vitamin deficiency. But compared to like hispanic food where it starts out with a scoop of grease or lard or butter or oil that ends up becoming a component of the meal like not just for frying, it ends up staying in the rice and beans with cuban characteristics, also huge amounts of salt.
Thinking about googling out to make cucumber sauce and getting some lamb and onions and doing a pita bread wrap
can't remember waht they're called Gyros or something.
2023-06-27 at 8:45 PM UTC
low rider girls, nigga is 60 and a lifelong resident of the american south west and doesn't know they're called chollas.
By day 4 I will be back to as normal as I can get
You're welcome Jigga, this is a blog about my life recovery, I'm hoping it lasts more than a couple months this time.
What's really difficult is my roommate wakes me up to swearing in spanish wanting me to clean the entire house with him today randomly and im laying next to a puke bucket i've been using, so I get up when he doesn't stop after a half hour, and I drink some water and I'm sweeping and then I Just start puking and I look at him and tell him I need rest and he goes back to swearing.
I'm doing better, yesterday was brutally difficult for me physically between shaking and wanting to be able to sleep but unable. I Finally managed to fall asleep at like 8 or 9 am, still struggling to eat more than a 1/3 of a meal but I'm forcing myself to drink a lot of juice and water.
I feel less shitty today @ 36 hours which is pretty good, often these things can last for me for 2-4 days. I haven't had any medication but i think i'm gonna start takign my anti depressant when I can keep food down reliably and rebegin my multi vitamin.
Everything used to be better, this is the evolution over 33 years world that we reflect a userbase that is as descended as the modern world.
2023-06-27 at 11:13 AM UTC
Trouble with the number 8.
I've always struggled with the old ocho, whether it be in pricing, mathematics, or remembering.
Do you have a number that's really given you issues over the years?
2023-06-27 at 7:39 AM UTC
I need a lawyer
normally they dont allow electronics at night, no?
2023-06-27 at 7:38 AM UTC
I need a lawyer
r u still in the mental institution
is this how you offer blowies to everyone
My body hurts a lot and I feel really uncomfortable so I'm laying here watching Youtube Horror stories and shit posting.
2023-06-27 at 6:50 AM UTC
hey fuys
Yes, you're very much helping us provide high quality content with threads such as these.
he then went into a mental instituion for like 30 days, he put the livestream of him doing it on youtube lol