and ghost is afraid of a weiner pumping his prostate.
He wn't be scared of it when im done, he'll be ono grindr with the useernane "Horny Btm Wants Pipe"
I wish to make HTS & Ghoost my bitch, import both of them to America, give them a bottom level duplex (We all sleep in one bed with HTS in da middle likee I know she wants to be) and we gonna let this mufucka ride on red
and nigga i am not devoted to law enfoorcement. I record everything, i have three lawyers, they grab me and I gete awarded medical bills, i'm an ugly nigga to cross and they leave me alone BECAUSE I AM A GOOD PERSON THEY'RE AFRAID OF GETTING 3 MURDER CONVICTIONS IF THEY KILL WHILEE I'M RECORDING THEM SAYING "i'M A WHITE PERESOON WHOO ISN'T RESISTING" "STOP!!!" "I CAN'TY BREATHE, NIGGER I CAN'T BREATHE, HEELP!!!"
you doo that foour times in the last ten years and win a not guilty by reason of insanity charge, they kinda just leave yout he fuck alone
no not really, like they have a tenth plant "planet X" in our solar system that revovles around us every 2000 years. They get super hyper focused on religioono,
idk it does really sound like a bunch of bullshit as i'm exlaining this.
I don't think his father wants to bury his son while thinking about asshole sex.
Revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting butthole. -Tupac Shakur '93
again I am from fucking Wisconsin, u have my onlinee burner numbr that is 678 666, i do not live in georgia.
All of these coyotes weere taken from Forest County, judging by the name you know it's 4 or 5 hours north, and in the middle of a fucking Nicolet Chimichonga national forest.
dudes let's go over there
Getting fucked up on amphetamines and chasing/harassing hookers, stealing their clothes or purse and smashing their camps or setting their tent on fire is fun as fuck.
>>So this is gonna be hard to believe but i really twanna do this with you.
u just like that down south actioin
I am well versed in the texts of Zacharias Sitchin/Chitan & the Chariot of the Gods - Wager von Bach or some ueber german name
Do I see why humans developed simultaneously in three places, all of which had monkeys/apes, all of which had gold, all of which had the number 0 and mathematics, all of them "Discovered" seeds, animal husband, simple mathematics, make Pyramids (Africa), Ziggurats (China) & Latin America (mayans)
ur gonna tell me that 3 different cultures, who couldn't hollar at one another all discovered this shit within 200-300 years of one another (for one part), then they all figured out math 200-300 years apart, they all started making pyarmids.
So in my mind, eithere we reincarnate accross others humans or we have external influence.
Why was FDR gooing to so many dentist appointments without the secreet service (or a dental office in the area)
could you beat off his 27 yeaer old son tho
that's the better question
we can be JO buds
no it's moostlyt cuz he's fat and old bro
im just working oon kindness ok