Like idk if you get this but i want a wife and need somoeoone i can confide my thinkings in that i need to use as a soundbooard and hear cnostructive ideas with for thee betterment of my people.
But like, I get turned on by someone wanting to have sex with me. If they don't, I don't really want to either.
I've never paid or traded drugs for sex like in an arrangement. That's just kinda gross bro.
If I was in cambodia I 100% guarantee I'd be sleeping with two or three transgender people and never give them anything other than gifts I enjoy giving (Candles, favorite beer, good rice, R&B music on USBs) because I"m not a john, i'm not a trick, i'm not a loser lol
Just a bad man who good to his people and a savage to our enemies.
If you don't like Brad now yoou'll like him a lot leess when he's waiting for you in your house.
My boy said that about mee to this kid who wanted to talk shit when i wasn't there and called me cuz hee thought it was funny.