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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Sudo I like Kevin gates. His music is emotionally honest and different from most nigs. He's done 3 bids in prison and never ratted. He's from Louisiana which is the only place in the states I really wanna visit. He's also a good Muslim and Puerto Rican.

    He's realer than most but some of his music is repetitive. He has his own vernacular too. I could make a whole website about how you are wrong and I want to eat his cousins asshole with him. Southern njggas b wildin

    Hell yeah reading this made me start liking gates again
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    what a deluger
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    if u come to milwaukee wisconsin I'll buy you some mcdonalds and give you a nice, pair of clean socks.

    More than you did for us, op, in the interum ten years you were busy being a success.

    Now you're a murderer. That's the ultimate evil. My mom said if you ever kill anyone, you go to Hell for sure.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    prayed while high on bundy and it healed itself, posting on it rn niggers
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost "Martin also noted that the store's policy is that counterfeit bills that are accepted by the cashiers will come out of their salary.

    He said he initially planned to just put the bill on his "tab" and that he thought Floyd "didn't really know that it was a fake bill."

    However, Martin notified the store manager, who told Martin to go outside and ask Floyd to come back into the store.

    Martin said he attempted that twice, once with one co-worker, and a second time with two different co-workers. Both times, Martin said, Floyd refused to come back into the store.

    It was after the second refusal that the manager told another co-worker to call the police.

    Under cross examination by Chauvin's defence counsel Eric Nelson, Martin told court that Floyd had been in the store earlier with another man. That man, said Martin, had been caught trying to pass off a counterfeit $20 bill, one that looked similar to the bill Floyd had paid with, Martin said."

    What does his behaviour criminally have to do with whether or not the police officer should've killed him by smushing his neck for 10 minutes?
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Octavİan Why would you want to go over there to fuck disgusting alien looking gook whores when you can kidnap white children from a local school and rape them instead?

    I don't want to have sex with children and neither should you. Thanks
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby and not speaking chinese or at least trying makes sure that the locals will try to rip you off, don't be stupid eurotrash, its not like you have any friends to go with you to china so you might as well be nice to the locals

    That part was entirely a joke bud. I talk really softly when I talk to brown people i hope to be kind or do business with, i nod and smile the whole time, this works even with people you don't know the language of. Yes. Happiness. Smile. Nod. If it takes twice as long, OK we're not having fun, but we're making work fun, friend.

    I have fam in Gambia Western Africa, so I understand how to get through most language barriers with kindness, gifts, and most importantly I always bring the hoes something my mom made for us to share.

  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by livingelegy I fucked the literal dirt once. I stuck my dick in the earth and humped as a pain fetish thing.

    I've considered doing this for spiritual reasons in spring and impregnating the mother goddess.

    I"m really happy now that I saw this post OP

    I thought I was theo nonly who ever had thoughts like that, but you did it.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Jyust got back from the gym, I'm fuckin fallin out bro

    I started talkin to this dude trying to listen to mjusic on a peddlebike

    I ask him if ican come with,

    bike pedlaing sucks ass (maybe the headphonesa nd old age help)

    so I did shoulders
    3 sets T Grips
    Latterall reverse flies

    reverse flies

    latteral and frontal raises

    Got an enerection at one point, pretended I didn't notice it, everyone else did 9I don't wear underpants and am wearing silky basketball shorts and a wife beater_

    No ones pleased

    WElcome to Anytime Fitness

    Sometimes I fart by that alarm thing and hope it goes off, it doesn't.

    My workout partner said Im lucky I'm not ugly.

    I said I must not be very lucky then either.

    Photo of me preshower trippin fuckin balllllz space niggers. Go get you some bundy.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    There wasn't but now i have an orange and blue pulsation going on


    Im trying to use the gigantic tablet to post on here but it's a straight up peace of sit
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    BradleyB and the B stand for a bunch of bundy
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    I can't wait to cough on people and sneeze on railinlgs and shit. Those were the days.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    i bet you just suck on em till you obtain the liquid left over
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    LSD or Amphetamine (all forms)

    Marijauana OK but way less cool now that's legal and everyone is doing it.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    waters free to make piss at most walmarts
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    132 bags 1 pound, but you can get away with like 30 if you put a pound of piss in one of them
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Kevin gates is an anus tasting weirdo who is overrated as a musician, rapper, and gangster

    I don't need to borrow any money, title was just to brin attention to this thread.

    let's figure out some alternative ways to come up

    Those bags at walmart, unused are worth 4 cents a pound, youc an grab as many as you want.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    can i call §m£ÂgØL
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