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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    really great thread. I wouldn't recommend taking opened or used gifts from our community and then consume them on cam. Someone is gonna send u something awful
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i think that black lady is related to the i can't breath nigga
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Discuss. Also discuss is the health/safety of it all.

    I have pulled my shitty weiner out of the butt and made someone suck it. Not proud of it, a lot more OK with it than if i had been the sucker.

    Routinely I try to pull my dong out and receive head, most of the time they have cleaned themselves so it's not all super duper shitty.

    but like right up there with eatin ass that's gotta be really like unhealthy for the body.

    Made some people are really just shit eaters, this has to be a semi common phonomena.. Every girlfriend i ever had sucked my dick after I stopped having vaginal intercourse with them, often. My first girlfriend wasn't on birth control at first. That poor latina got so much sploogins cuz she didn't want to get pregnant at 13, haha. What kinda white wash mexican american shit is that

    I would never knowing ingest feces and think it's prevalance in the gay community is a sign of the times. I've never had my ass eaten either.

  4. Bradley Florida Man
    fuck lanny i wanted to do a poll can you put this in the trashcan/suggestion box
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Discuss. Also discuss is the health/safety of it all.

    I have pulled my shitty weiner out of the butt and made someone suck it. Not proud of it, a lot more OK with it than if i had been the sucker.

    Routinely I try to pull my dong out and receive head, most of the time they have cleaned themselves so it's not all super duper shitty.

    but like right up there with eatin ass that's gotta be really like unhealthy for the body.

    Made some people are really just shit eaters, this has to be a semi common phonomena.. Every girlfriend i ever had sucked my dick after I stopped having vaginal intercourse with them, often. My first girlfriend wasn't on birth control at first. That poor latina got so much sploogins cuz she didn't want to get pregnant at 13, haha. What kinda white wash mexican american shit is that.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    someone get ratface
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    damn today's friday i've been drunk for three weeks in a row what the fuck

    Time to go talk bout my sobriety with other drugged and drunk addicts in our twoseven room, see you there!!!!

    gallom come cam up
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    hell yeah that hard liquor is my enemy, i'm sorry for being obnoxious. I waned to ask you, do oyu have to still wear the mask at the ymca or anytime or is it now optional if i got vaccinated 4 times
    12:05 PM
    Message by You: It's like this everytitme i ever start drinking, it just gets worse and worse and i end up pushing everyone i know away. Then i do so good at not drinking and some dumb shit just hurts me and i start back up drinking again, Friday, April 16 2021, 12:08 PM
    It's like this everytitme i ever start drinking, it just gets worse and worse and i end up pushing everyone i know away. Then i do so good at not drinking and some dumb shit just hurts me and i start back up drinking again
    Message by You: And i hate the most of all the things about myself, i hate my alcoholism because it really brings out the worst in me a hundred percent and makes me someone that i don't even love after awhile, Friday, April 16 2021, 12:08 PM
    And i hate the most of all the things about myself, i hate my alcoholism because it really brings out the worst in me a hundred percent and makes me someone that i don't even love after awhile
    Message by You: i feel like a bad person sometimes like it's a different part of me and my personality changes almost immediately from when i start drinking, Friday, April 16 2021, 12:09 PM
    i feel like a bad person sometimes like it's a different part of me and my personality changes almost immediately from when i start drinking

    I hope id idn't lose a friend last night, he tried telling me he was stronger than me and could whoop me and i got all excited and tried to make him do it and then called him a coward who tells lies. I hope he forgives me.

    eitherway, that alcohol is the fuckin devil and one of the worst things i have to deal with, and kinda ruined my childhood

    tho i will say, without it, i may not have been born.

    Todays the first day i haven't drank since my friend cassi died a couple weeks ago. Fentanyl overdose, she was 25 and my fat ex's best friend.

    the last thing i got tos ay to her was her asking me for pills in mid march and i told her to look in the carpeting

    kinda fucked, can u imagine being the detective goin through all their fb texts lookin for the guy sellinlg the fentanyl cut dope and you just see funny ass bradley G telling dead dope users to find the pills in the carpeting

    brings a smile to my face like when i knew the gay middle school librarian was aware of the nasty violent gay sex i was peaking at
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    hi everyone!!!
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe

    Rat faces??

    There's a lot of race fat going on in this picure.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    that bitch shoulda hit CASH OUT
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    i was a rich man but now i am a poboy
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    is a poboy just a sub made by a retard
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Is HTS actually sick? :( Tell her I said get better.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    i can tell from your personality, ghost, you have a lot of cock sucking potential or experience, can't' tell which but i promise it's in you.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost Trans girls are mostly mentally ill drama obsessed tripping on estrogen more than a menopausal woman. They are like highschool girls it's kinda refreshing because trans girls remind me of scene girls from the 2000s.

    There are a lot of goth/emo trannies out there it's just a style that works well with trying to look feminine and they kinda ack like that too and play the same video games as me and all have anime girl profile pictures. They all try to be the girls that I wanted when I was young, and now that i'm old those girls no longer exist except for the traps with dicks.

    It's become a crazy world.

    Please don't call them traps, i really hate how transphobic you've become scron. You used to be such a fellow friend to the transcommunity, now you just come off as somebody that masturbates to loliporn on jailbait type sites and then hides his ratface to his friends on the internet.

    Wanna cam up faggot :D!!! I'm done typing about my sadness, i'm just really happy i finallyl got to document this and show people I'm not a fettishizer, ya I suck tranny dick, I don't really want to, but i suck dude's off too. I like to make people happy and receive head.

    You probably would be really good at it, scron, if not we can work on it, but you really gotta stop being so mean to transgender individuals and alienating them because you liek the idea of a 14 year old girl with a cock, cuz that's really not prosocial.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    This is gonna be the best summer I ever had! -What I said in 2019, 2020, and again in 2021

    I'm take so many photos, but she's 3 1/2 hours away and getting new flooring put in and hanging out with my plug and her wife. So maybe IDK I told her about how I remember when she got really stoned and was eating mayo with a chicken slice spoon lol

    When my plug got married it was the day before i left, they told me i could come to the weddin gand the afterparty at the bar, then my ex told everyone not to invite me to go to the after party at the bar and probably had sex with someone else.

    Two weeks after I moved away she started dating a black guy whose name i couldn't pronounce so i called him "Orville Niggerbocker" and accused my ex of adopting a discount slave from the retard farm no one else wanted. ("except I do like his name" i'd say at the end, cuz i made his name up)

    See HTS, you could have this for you but instead your busy playing Mouse Trap
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    she thinks i need to not fall in love really fast and become co dependant while getting massively drunk and feeding her this pipe.

    So guys, i need to figure how not to fall in love really fast and become co dependent as their is a 90%+ she will get really irritated with me before October 1st. but that's okay is today is my time.

    Heute ist mein tag, cockenball Suekkers
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    if anyone wondered that's where i've been in 3 years.

    I told her even if this doesn't work out the third spring in a row,w e need to do this li ke once a year every spring for like 30 days cuz i got like the other 11 months to work and be succcessful or sad or whatever i need to be able to relax and have someone rub my fuckin back after i get done making straight plays no simalac
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    So i've been saving up (most my 30k tax return which im using to get spick rims on the batmobile i don't have) and i have about 200$


    but i have 3 dab carts (new), and 1 marijuana, i think one sec. Yeah i found that mufucka, i had hidden him while iw as at the bar dirnking with my mom yestera7y. I hurled a beer can at her car because she got really mean to me like abusive and im like i did not drink all this tequila for you to be mean to me mom!

    anyway, so i've been really sad the last two weeks with my dead friends, knowing 0 cambodian lady boys, umm vindicky vinny told me i can basically like not have sex tourism be a lifegoal without him calling me a pedophile and telling everyubody liek hey look there's that chomo from the internet i'm gay with

    so i was crying and masturbating while drunk (Not at the same time) and looking at pictures of me and my tranny ex and i'm like yeah she has an onlyfans, so i'm looking i shit u not, im looking up how to use onlyfans for free (you cant without giving them details i refuse to) so

    back story, in 2019 i was living weith th is very fat white woman and her half negro son, i lived with them in a meth town up north in a trailer, and i got the kid off meth, i had a lot of sex with him mom which i did want to do, i was gonna go fuckin get tyhis k ids enemies and shit they started calling them selves KILL THE BLOODS and we stared rolling around in his mom's whip looking for these KTB fags and i said kid if anything happens just get teh whip home

    he stole from me, dumb 15 year old kid, im the only father figure he ever had and like it odl his mom "I feel llike im the first black guy Jay Penis (His initials were JP but since we got sotned a lot and he was like my nigger son, i called him jay penis)

    He said i don't wanna have the name Jay Penis, I said aihght aight aight, now u JAY WEINER~~~~!!~!~!~

    was extremely good at dark souls 3, i taught that littlenigga how to work the ribs in a fist fight so other kids wouldn't have to tell on him

    his mom said i'm a good influance i said no lady im a brad influence

    i was way better at rappin than this kid will ever be and gettin resin out of pipes, im relly ggood at that too

    so i go on this date like uh in two weeks it'll be 3 years on the 30th, so she's an ugly tranny but hey you know what she seemed kinda nice

    Was fuckin retarded like straight up, i didn 't know what a trasngeder person was supposed to be like, how would I'm a dopeboy from the hood who told everyone he was gay at like 22 years old, i learned how to give a handjob just the other day

    anyway, she says her name is Jill and i say "Like is your dude name Jack?" and she said "No it's xxxx"I said Oh ok

    she kissed me 1 time and iw as already kinda past this weirdo LARPing as a chick but im a nice guy, so i paid for dinner too. I will say this, at htis point in the story i have not had a drink in 4 years between 2015 and 2019. So i'm super past wwatchin ga tranny drink 1 beer and start talking funny (i'm a drug user so)

    i go home, masturbate (to gay porn), start playing like ummm it was the fallout not 3 not 76, i think that's 4. The one that everyone really likes, and i message Jildo (as thelove of my life calls her) and she says she's not really that into me and i said " cool i really just wanted to be in you but ok"

    So an hour later her transgender friend messages mne and like FUCKIN FIRE BRO I have never seen a girl this pretty in my life and liek she wanted to hang out and go to the nature board walk thing int hat city and it's a town of 10,000 people and like my father is someone up there to bad people and it clicks in my head "Lady you're teh most beuatiful person in this town, but like this seems too perfect"

    so she sent me a photo of her dude ID from the year before and her new ID with her name, with the same address on both years apart, googled and saw it was a family home, i said alright let me get ready and i'll be there

    I fell in love with her, umm honestly within a few hours of knowing each other. It's like you have two hands and obviously it's a right and a left, they're different obviously, but it's the same. That's how I found my best friend.

    Fast forward 5 weeks and we're living in a house together with this huge lesbian that loved to smoke weed a nd tell jokes. She was like a papa bear to me.

    I get into a fight with her and tel her to fuck off, this is the first and only argument we've had this far. For 5 weeks she did not leave my side except at one point she had a kidney stone which she went under for and i waited outside the operating room for hours reading our books and thinking about how much I loved her.

    so she leaves me just like leaves the house, grabbed her stuff an hour later, and pealed out, I never got to talk to her again. The lesbian said ya i don't want you here now, i said that figures, and then i moved to my father's farm about two hours away even more in he bum fucky up north no where. A week later i'm really high on meth an d start doin gthis weird dehydrated crying cuz she didn't answer the phone and i grab the everclear i used to make plant medicines and just started chugging swallowfuls after about 3years 8 months of sobriety.

    I don't remember the last couple weeks, and i have been actively drinking since that date in 2019. FWithin a few weeks i was thinking about killing myself almost every day, all day at times, just getting high, logging, poaching, masturbating, crying, and thinking about death.

    she visits me 3 times at my dads over the ensuing year, each tiem she came to visit me i remember every smell of her hair, i remember how she looked, i would look at the photos but in my mind i remembered everything about her. I would have mail order her clothing and gifts and saved up weed for weeks so we'd just be able to get faded all day and night and fuck and my father loved how happy it made me.

    It's like I didn't withdrawl from alcohol when she was there, i would take 1/2 a xanax (i was extremely nervous and HARD for days before she'd come) and we'd sleep on my yoga matts and make food, and 1 time she ate a whole thing of mayo with like 3 pieces of turkey and ya we had no mayonaise for weeks after but like

    the sex is always better everytime than any sex i've ever had with anyone ever.

    So fast forward to 2020 and i'm living back in a city like closer to eople and im living with my gay roommate who i wasn't have sex with. He likes to get pumped full of the semen of strong negros and much like a boofer the testosterone just hits his blood stream and he talks all this shit and gets all big and bad, but then he takes a shit and becomes a massive bitch once aagain.

    one day he threw a glass at me because i told him i'm not turning off the light if i want to fuckin read OK

    so ic alled her, cried for ten minutes, and she dropped everything sh e was doing, threw her tiny dog into the car with all of her bullshit, and just drove to me within two hours. Aint nobody ever done anyhtin gthat kind for me, iw as so happy i left half my shit and 80% of my bonsai trees and like half my clothing there, idgaf i didn't need anything I got my best friend back. This is the most important thing I could ever have to me. I love my best friend and she loves me enough to come help me out of fmy bad sitaution.

    We spent like April of 2020 to August 2020 living together, it's at this point she sees how bad my drinking is and how drunk i stay, I was attacked by a man with a knife after he kicked in my ex's front door when we weren't home, i defended mysef and i deeply regret how it impacted her family hearing about what i did to the man who tried to take my life.

    Cops said I"M good tho and my lawyer told me i'm lucky it was all on camera when he stopped the car and started charging me on the dock, the super market caught all of it, :P

    After i got cut and this happened it was my birthday (end of july) and i needed to move, and i had no money, none of my stuff i left at that fags house was getting returned, i have a massive drinking problem, and i have no vehicle as my girlfriend is leaving

    she off and on wanted to be with this other man, he is a user of heroin has 3 kids, their best friends and he is a homophobic/transphobic person and won't be with her. She gets his name tattooed over her heat

    and then i about just taking my paddle boat and a brick and just dying while iw as drunk fishing int he local lake with my boat all fucked up like every other day

    but i didn't, i dusted my shit off, said fuck it, and with tears in my eyes i rented a uhaul and drove back to milwaukee to go face my enemies and go face my demons and tell my mom i love her before i die fighting my ops

    so i spent all of august and september sitting out by this light house, drinking half vodka half soda out of a bottle just crying, i caught 2 fish total, b u t iw as out there 14-16-18 hours a day, i would bring a yoga mat and just kinda dare myself to just start undressing and see how far i coudl swim in the middle of the night

    so i prayed to Odin and because i am an alcoholic, my reelationship with him isn't the best as i am an alcoholic and of little use to anyone i feel like, at least to a god. so my life got better and worse and better and not really anything just time passed ,i go throughw inter, i stoped drinking hard liquor (sometimes i do a shot or four) and i'm down to drinking about 5-6 steel reserves a day (I have had nothing to drink today, but yesterday i pissed myself cuz i got too wasted and stared doing other drugs) at some point i block my ex and refuse to masturbate to the pornography of us that i have

    So i'm kinda sad right and horny and not really up to much yesterday so i hit up my father's ex's daughter whose dating my ex's and I's plug, we'll she's married to my plug now, but whatever i say hey i gotta talk to my ex i really am not doing good, all my friends are dying and i haven't yett and im really sad about it. can you let her know i'm trying to get a hold of her, sh e yes yes, my ex texted three different phone numbers (all old burners lol)

    Finally i get her on Facebook.

    She starts just going on andon about hwo my gods a piece of shit (this used to bother me) about how all my firends are dying cuz they're drug addicts, how my dad made the news three times in the last year cuz he's a piece of shit criminal too, and i let her go on and on and on and on, i tell her i know, yep, i know.

    Then I said "Is this because you found out i was planning on moving to cambodia to teach english and study khmai lady boys?"

    I've never ever ever loved anyone like I love my best friend and I hope one day, if God is good, she'll be my wife and we'll have a family and a lot of pets and when I have nothing, I will look into my heart and find her there

    might get really drunk and tell her to give me that boy pussy as i furiously masturbate this water bottle size cock on webcam

    stay tuned
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