2022-04-19 at 5:33 PM UTC
What do you do for fun?
i also like studying DNA phenotypes and how they relate to people's facial features in ways you can see which characteristics were inherited from the mother/father, I enjoy seeing this in fish (because i can breed guppies every 25-35 days) and watch how they come forward, with humans it becomes a lot more interesting from my perspective in that you can also see mannerisms that are less obvious in the members of a family.
Like i've noticed a lot when i used to work in restaurants this stuff because I am an avarice person who watches and saw they speak the same, talk the same, look the same, and even have the same mannerisms. Very interesting when you watch teh same behaviour in non white families.
I had a dream I was driving to my ex girlfriends house in the ghetto and it was getting late and I wanted to get their before her daughter went to sleep at like 11, so it's like just shy of 1050 and im pulling off on the ghetto exit and i see 2 sleeping women all bundled up on the side of the road sitting/sleeping and like 5 awake little black kids playing around them and it kinda bothered me some when i looked them kids int he eyes and they were all starrin gat some white boy in a cadillac pullin up.
2022-04-19 at 5:25 PM UTC
What do you do for fun?
all world war history
boobie traps (specializing in Vietkong)
antiquated weapons
guerilla warfare
the language of khmer
cambodian culture
2022-04-19 at 5:23 PM UTC
What do you do for fun?
also breeding birds,
airsoft rifles,
DIY buildings.
2022-04-19 at 5:22 PM UTC
What do you do for fun?
I learn; i choose different subjects/interests and devout to them a near savant degree of attention for a couple months to years until I feel like I fully learned what i wanted to, then I give up on it.
I did this with
Quick Books
Shooting up Cocaine
Histories of about 20 countries
Research CHemicals
Body Building
Author Jodi Picoult
Poaching Birds
Breeding Freshwater Fish
Mushroom Hunting
Small Boat hulls/Kayaks
Japanese RPGs
Bunch of stuff like dat,
I also watch a lot of porn and jerk off like 5-6 times a day.
I enjoy learning about things for merchanting and doing merchanting of consumer goods.
I look for sales online and apply for offers to get free shit.
I used to like to have hook up sex with strangers but haven't really much in the last 3-4 years enough to pursue it.
Drink, Use drugs, both daily.
Plot future come ups, harass my enemies.
I call my friends that live far away that dont' know how to use computers cuz they're old and don't text for same reason.
I spend a fair amount of time talkin to about 5 or 6 friends i have from other countries and keep up with them regularly.
I write 3 different people in prison for more than 20years+ and am their only support except for a couple female family members.
I also steal from big box stores and sometimes i steal shit and give it away to people I think who need it or who i want to give gifts to.
I also like to walk around waterways with a fishin gpole in my hand because as long as you stay in the stream wisconsin's wetfeet law says you can keep going into other people's properties as lon gas you never take your feet out of the water to access where you are.
This allows me to follow a creek very deep into people's properties, legally, just peekin around and seein what they got. 90% for hobby 10% out of genuine interest.
I pray to Odin.
2022-04-19 at 5:14 PM UTC
Fona 4-18-2022
i didn't liek the new episode, no jumpscares like we encouraged you
2022-04-19 at 5:14 PM UTC
How many beers do you drink?
people say they don't know how i'm not fat but this old man taught me the secret long ago, don't eat when you get fat.
u know what i'm going on vacation on Thursday night for about 6 weeks, i dont need to get super drunk until then.
2022-04-19 at 5:12 PM UTC
How many beers do you drink?
Today I'm having one 8% reds appple wickled ale as my lunch, gonna go to walmart in like an hour and gte two four packs of steel reserve and another redds apple ale apparently there are two r's in the name.
2022-04-19 at 5:10 PM UTC
How many beers do you drink?
i dirnk 4-12 20ounce beers of malt liquor every other day or so. sometimse more often, usually not more than 12 in a day tho.
gadzooks why did you stop posting?
2022-04-19 at 4:38 PM UTC
my boy just bought me a red pair of slides my nigga and they're red and white for wisconsin so i'm thinking some black sharpie actiona nd i could have a matching set of slides to go with my nikes
It's good to be home
2022-04-19 at 4:35 PM UTC
i had a long car ride on sunday okay, like 55 miles, got pretty drunk and spend Monday resting. The snow kept me in too, FREAK SNOW STORM 4/18, we got like 4cm but most of it melted i think, or some sit i was sasleep, now the weathger's awake againa nd i figure i'mma go downstairs and get it loud and poppin
my phone died and i lost the charger so i/m kinda isolatin
I'd let a fat bitch sit on my face if no one would find out about it, but i never had anyone piss on me but i have pissed on people both sexually and not.
i heard they were anti pedophile and anti polish, you wouldn't be welcome.
2022-04-19 at 4:30 PM UTC
Finally it happened ....
I bet it was a guy who could've been your friend but now will just tell people negative things about you.
kinda sad you had to call the cops to tell on ur cool ass girlfriend who puts up with you everyday
haha @ u had to come back to the only place you have friends. that's so fuckin funny/true.
welcome back my dicks like a shotgun feel free to bite the bullet
don't call 911 on people u love bro
2022-04-19 at 4:22 PM UTC
Do you like skirts?
i think kilts are gay on dudes and women with no booty should wear blue jeans.
2022-04-19 at 4:22 PM UTC
Do you like skirts?
i love them a lot and think most women look nicer in skirts,dresses, and short shorts.