it's not a revolving door if i didn't come back, dumb faggot
and ya i would let HTS fuck me in the ass while you watch, r u happy i was honest about that scrawn? Your greatest fantasy will become reality when I fuck you in the ass while HTS watches too. Sudos gonna drive me.
1 avocado i found in a tree I was hiding in + 1 ramen noodle + Pepper packets +1 Lemon someone gave me cuz it was brown on one side (inside is OK) ________________________________ Dinner
Hey everyone. Really excited to see how our community rallied around being criticized so thoroughly, just wanted to chime in here that my absence was really well utilized. I succeeded in graduating my class for Employability Skills training and the black lady who runs it told me she won't get coffee with me until I'm out of here and that she runs the OIC program, told me she'll make sure I have her as an instructor. Pretty optimistic.
I've drank 2 large espressos and had a huge salad for Lunch and figured I'd return to one of my old haunts NiS. I have mood swings quite a bit in sobriety and find myself with a lot of down time, I suppose I will take it upon myself to post some new BI content and follow the recommendation of my LGBTQ Co-Chief Ghost of trying to post more of the content I would like to see.
I encourage all of you to further documenting your criminal exploits on the internet and NOT being self absorbed bloggers who contribute photos of your life but rather focus on the realm of theoretical ideas.
I will similarly try to tone down my overt homosexuality and negative comments regarding other users in hopes we can grow together as a community rather than splitting the few hairs I have left on my hand.
I forgive all members of our community and beseech you all to find forgiveness in your heart for me. I appreciate the response to this thread and how loved it made me feel, perhaps I was just attention seeking like a 'suicidal' person who calls everyone they know to tell them and get the attention they so desperately need.
I love you all, I will never leave (But will probably make more I'm leaving forever!!! threads) and will forever hold up the tenants of Triangularism & uphold the Temple of the Screaming Electron.
There is no desire to have discourse. No one wants to help me theorize about future crimes that may occur in society. No one wants to do shit other than bicker and use the same 10 insults over and over again. That's not even the worst of it,
the worst of it is the threads like "my memoirs" "candy land" "Fona's Fag Diaries" How are you feeling? What are you listening to? What are you doing?
I get being self absorbed but fuck you all are some straight up boring motherfuckers. I wish something interesting would happen, but nothing ever does. The most interesting that's happened since Kr0z death was WellHung spelling the word NIGGER with individual threads.
There's no scamming, no coupon guy, no how to get free housing from the mormons, no guides, no teks. Just people talking about themselves. This website used to be fun and engaging, but now I don't even feel it in me to shit on anyone because I AM PART OF THE PROBLEM
We have allowed a community of fringe criminals to become a social circle where everyone loves themselves but no one enjoys talking to one another.
I achieve more from talking to myself.
Please ask RIPTotse, WellHung, or Trayvon Martin to contact me if this shit hole is ever worth visiting again.