2022-08-31 at 2:13 AM UTC
I fucked this up
Fuck guys I feel pretty healthy just not drinking 16 steel reserves nowadays. A lot of this is coming as a shocker. I'm not sure if I can handle this.
God isn't gay, he just wants some head
2022-08-31 at 2 AM UTC
BradleyBs wariat thread
what? You're surprised I'm like taht or something? I love choking people and slapping them and sodomy and spitting on them.
2022-08-31 at 1:58 AM UTC
BradleyBs wariat thread
I agree. As long as someone loves me I'll be really happy. I just want companionship, someone to spit in their mouth while I fuck them, and someone who holds me while I sleep.
2022-08-31 at 1:56 AM UTC
I fucked this up
My friend is a "foodie" hopefully she will be able to set me straight.
2022-08-31 at 1:52 AM UTC
I fucked this up
im having some raisen bran and peanut butter yall fags got a problem with that
2022-08-31 at 1:46 AM UTC
I fucked this up
i thought a slow cooker was like a dumbfuck in teh kitchen
2022-08-31 at 1:44 AM UTC
I fucked this up
I eat a lot of preservatives so that I will live a long time.
2022-08-31 at 1:44 AM UTC
I fucked this up
isn't that the same shit as beef stew in a can
2022-08-31 at 12:54 AM UTC
BradleyBs wariat thread
Decisions decisions I kinda think I'd be happier with a hispanic non binary transgender person who loves me than some immigrant who only wants dat paper