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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Lanny Didn’t AA teach you about surrendering control and shit?

    No. A lot of AA's principles directly relate to alcoholism and the inability to control it once you're drinking. All that shit about letting go and letting god I don't really get down with bro. God doesn't sit there granting wishes nigga u gotta put in work.

    Do I think when I'm drinking my life is unmanagable and I'm powerless over alcohol? Yeah.

    Do I feel like I am powerless over where I'll be in 2 years? No.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Bradders, list a few things that you'd consider "good things happening to you"

    My vision improving.
    Getting off house arrest.
    Getting some pussy.
    Seeing my dog.
    Catching a large fish.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I've give you an obvious tip on this many many times but you keep ignoring it.

    PAYING them will make all your dreams come true. You can continue for YEARS and YEARS to hang out at the clubs filled with people 20 yrs your junior…or you can take 30 mins out of your day and a couple of hundred zlotties and get that teen pussy you so crave…leaving the rest of the day to focus on improving your life.

    His mom only sends him 400 zoloty a week (100$) after discovering he has a bad speed/drinking problem, he can't aford to buy a prostitute or go to the club.

    He doesn't even have toilet paper
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    did u offer to give her a neckrub? I know that normally works when they're not cops
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    SO when are you gonna get laid next do you think?

  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Well that's a great qustion, Aldra. I prefer good thing shappen to me. I don't want bad things to happen to anyone unless they're jedi or a pedophile.

    But even then I would prefer good things happen to me
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    well the OP is 74 years old
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes "Yo Adrian"

    I'm watching the Rocky series at a rate of about a movie a week, about to watch the 2nd one. Good series so far and I've heard that it is a consistent series as well.


    watches the first of 13 movies

    great series so far xD
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    ^ didn't read the OP at all.

    tldr I'm taking vitamins to improve my brain function.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Folks there are, in my opinion, three types of people.

    The people who believe they have no control over their life, referred to as an external control of life. They are at the mercy of fate, luck, chance.

    Those who have an inner locii of control. Meaning the actions and responses of a person directly effect their path in life. They are in full control of their destiny essentially.

    All people are a mixture. There are stereotypes of both that are extreme generalizations.

    1 person is wishy washy and believes they are the victim of all of society's ills, constantly unlucky and unfortunate, that every bad thing that could've ever happen to them befalls them. THey are typically miserable.

    Then there is the militant athiest who believes that nothing is fated or fortuned into existence and that ones own behaviors and decisions affect them entirely.

    The reality is that life is somewhere in between. One cannot control how little ones dick is in life or when they will get prostate cancer from the all the horny black males they service. Similarly someone who sits there with both hands open, doing nothing to improve things, will rarely receive the Gods' blessings.

    The point is the farther alnog the spectrum you go towards an internal locii of control (That being the determinist position of the path you meander through life with) the happier and more successful your bitch ass is. By not derailing yourself by saying oh i got shot in the face, or I"m so bald, or I drink because my family is alcoholic so I have a heritary disposition you can actually address things and work to better yourself. My blindness isn't that bad/worsening, I just shave my head now, and I have stopped drinking.


    You have to choose to analyze your own behaviors and find the fault that fucks you up and not blame external forces beyond your control for how miserable and shitty things are going for you because remember.

  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I can't wait for good things to happen to me!!!
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    What a wonderful start to the week.

  13. Bradley Florida Man
    left downr ight up left down right up r1 r2 l1 l2
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Because I actaully am a woman, I was just born in the wrong body. It's a thing. Look it up.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    are you gonna start make fun of me for posting as a woman?
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    OP is a big benny whacker.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry holy shit i produce great works guys and am a genius at making people think and wonder about reality and what theyr elooking at guys. look at it now its as if stairs or a city is forming just with a slight adustement to tone or darkness (curves):

    i strill see a dick, some cum, and a face
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    im seeing it
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    i aint cappin
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bradley not for me im drug free but i will smoke t in spirit with u
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