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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † I have one storie that would make Sophie jealous. If he was in my shoes, he'd be locked up right now.

    A proper Lolita story. Crazy.

    He's in prison
  2. Bradley Florida Man
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    OP Is a revolutionary game creator that is 1 fat hit of meth away from unveiling the greatness we have com eto expect from this OneManDeveTeam
  4. Bradley Florida Man
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    that's alright. Humor evolves with time, you'll have to get back into the swing of things.

    WHo are you John Oldjoke (father of old jokes) ?

    is a new motif, you'll get the hang of it.

    Telegram is an App, we have a chatroom I was going to invite you to join it. Very similar to Tinychat except more women and sex.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † You mean the 1791 invention by Claude Chappe? Yes, massive fan. You really do know me better than I know myself….


    u wanna be funny, nvm
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † Who shot ya?

    African American gentleman who tried to arm rob me when I was walking out of a 24 hour liquor store.

    Originally posted by RisiR † He actually, really did. An absolute tragedy. We were about the same age and had similar hobbies and interests. His funeral felt like being at my own funeral and it made me feel like an egotistical piece of shit.

    I'll give u the briefest summary I can.

    Bill Krozby had schizophrenia, he also liked drugs (specially crystal meth code named tek)

    He began hearing an angry black man (Type in 'take off your underwear put your hands in the air' and you can find posts about the angry black man) and getting naked in public because the voices were telling him to do so.

    He thought Austin Police Department was going to arrest him, see final Bill Krozby thread titled im about to be arrested by APP.

    He was in his apartment and thought they had a dog adn were coming for child pornography on his computer (???), so he barricaded himself in the house, came back to NiS one last time to eeeeeeeeeeeeee'EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and took a knife and cut his wrist and stomach.

    The end.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    WOW, that's also really cool. I should've expressed greater interest!

    Well.. I'm interested in hearing more about your homesteading and life now that I know it's full of planting crops, solar panels and of an interest to me personally.

    LOL ;) glad ur back

    Do you know what Telegram is?
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † Oh trust me, they do care (both FEDS, nationally and internationally, as well as the userbase). Don't be jealous because you haven't done so many amazing and interesting things in the last five years as ME. The kinf of Cool. RisiR. Haha…

    Yea, just wanted to say that I'm not dead.

    I moved to miami two and a half years ago.

    I got shot in the face 16 months ago.

    I graduated from college two weeks ago.

    I thoguth that was kinda cool. :(
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't think anyone (feds or our userbase) really care. It's great to see you back but what you've been up to for five years isn't much of an interest to us.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    My nigga is the shit dawwwwwwwwwg
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    oh no he stabbed himself and bled out bruh
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    how long were you gone?
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    wariat when are you gonna start having sex with men
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    ya im a grower and a shower
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder what life will be like in 30-40 years
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † It was a bit implying that I killed him so we should stop talking about it.

    oh he killed himself bro, we have all the details
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    ya i feel like i'mma be just fine
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    why? he would want us to keep bullshitting and talking shit about him bro this community was his life
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † Drones aren't the only problem. I don't know how day to day life feels like in your place but the climate is getting rough over here. Even normies can feel it in the air.

    It's alteady in the minds and thoughts.

    where do you live again?
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