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Posts by HTS

  1. HTS highlight reel
    I don't think it'd be safe to let a team of plastic surgeons scale Mt. Cocknose in hopes of fixing it. The oxygen at the top would be pretty thin and would probably impair their ability to perform surgery.
  2. HTS highlight reel
    The fuck are you going to do at Temple on a Monday? Go on the 6th or 7th, talk to a Rabbi, maybe you'll learn something. 😇
  3. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by aldra Do you need marriage for that though?

    Marriage was never just about 'love' or 'monogamy', the purpose of the institution has (I guess until relatively recently) been to signal that a couple are starting a family, to legitimise it in a sense.

    Gays want their performance of the ritual to be seen as legitimate. Gays may not be able to sire their own children, but adoption is an option. They can start their own families, theoretically... unless society says they aren't allowed to. At which point it's like "you can't get married because you can't start a family because we say you can't start a family". Which just begs more questions. And that's disregarding obvious things like sterile monogamous straight couples who can't have kids. If it's a family thing, surely marrying a barren woman or sterile man should be outlawed. It's just as much a familial and genetic dead end.

    From a purely utilitarian standpoint, marriage is about the consolidation of two families and two individuals wealth and power. There's nothing inherent to being gay or lesbian that precludes marriage from serving that function, and the state should recognize that. *shrug*

    (Churches are another matter. Obviously.)
  4. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by aldra In short, gays are fine if they still function as normal people, 'pride' is fucking stupid because banging people should not be the core of your sense of pride and 'gay marriage' doesn't have a good reason to exist.

    I agree with you on pretty much everything including this - "pride" as it is known is pretty horrible. At the same time, I'm pretty sure it just started as "banging people should not be the core of your sense of shame", and it somehow became an annual parade of dudes wearing nothing but assless chaps, sucking each others dicks up and down Main Street.

    I would argue that this is a symptom of a much more insidious, systemic disease and that it goes beyond gays towards our society's general inability to embrace compromise/half-measures/restraint. We live in a world where not having strong opinions is frowned upon. Nobody wants to be a fence-sitter. Communism is THE BEST THING EVER/SOURCE OF ALL EVIL. Capitalism is THE BEST THING EVER/SOURCE OF ALL EVIL. Atheism is THE BEST THING EVER/SOURCE OF ALL EVIL. Religion is the THE BEST THING EVER/SOURCE OF ALL EVIL. Democrats. Republicans. Halo. Call of Duty. PlayStation. Xbox. jedis. Whites. Blacks. Chinese. Arabs. All of them are THE BEST THING EVER/SOURCE OF ALL EVIL to some idiot who can't just accept that they're all "pretty okay" at best. So yeah, some retard sees a queer kid and says "this faggotry is THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL" And another retard decides, no - being gay IS THE BEST THING EVER. And we get pride parades and the time honored tradition of gay bashing.

    PS: Gay marriage has a reason to exist because humans are a monogamous and ritualistic species, and marriage is a ritual in which two people make a solemn vow to be monogamous towards one another. Simple as.

    Originally posted by aldra Oh and fuck trannies.

    Buy me dinner first.
  5. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Sudo The worst adaptation ever though is the preacher tv show. I'm actually mad at it

    You're probably not wrong that it's the worst adaptation ever, but it was still an actual TV show that aired on actual television despite featuring Retard Jesus, and Hitler escaping from hell and rebirthing the Nazi movement. However shitty it was as an adaptation, however much it could have been better, it got away with some wild shit and was a fun watch.
  6. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Kev

    The X and Y axes are just labelled X axis and Y axis.

  7. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by WellHung you have no self-esteem becuz ur a tranny.

    Can confirm.
  8. HTS highlight reel

  9. HTS highlight reel
    I played it up the quest where you go on a hunt with that noble chad dude and had a game breaking bug that set me back like 3 hours of gameplay (because saves are limited based on items and I don't save often if I need an item to save). Gave up then. It was fun though. I really love the combat system, it's simultaneously stiff and clunky but fluid and dynamic. Was hella satisfying.

    Would play again but I don't trust the game not fuck me over and set me back a few hours because of bugs. Technical issues aside it's like 9/10 for sure though.
  10. HTS highlight reel
    Yes, begrudgingly.
  11. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by rabbitweed

    That's the OS they wrote the origin Doom on. The first version was on NextSTEP, windows came after.

    But yeah nah minesweeper though

    That looks way better than Windows 3.1 ever did, goddamn.
  12. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by rabbitweed LISP Machines

    Is that what hiki uses to speak?
  13. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by stl1 Aren't women usually considered to be the less violent species?

    If we really wanna get into it, women are seen as poisoners, manipulators, and indirect killers.
  14. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by aldra It all comes down to reliability really; the HK-G11 is extremely effective and was developed way back in the late 60s

    Kraut space magic didn't get adopted and it's like the gold standard of caseless ammunition. The US government will adopt robotic pack animals to haul more conventional ammunition before they adopt caseless. *shrug*
  15. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Did your highlighter research lead you to this expert opinion?

    The AR and AK platforms and the ammunition they use have been developed and iterated upon for 6+ decades. Developing caseless ammunition and a weapons system that can use it to its full potential would cost a fuckton, and obsolete every rifle in every armory of any military that adopted it (as well as necessitating entirely new supply chains that wouldn't benefit from the well established existing ones). The weight concerns of conventional ammunition are cheaper and easier to mitigate by increasing the carrying capacity of soldiers. Caseless ammunition is possible, it's been done, but the benefits have never (and probably will never) outweigh the cost of adopting it as the new standard for any government.

    If you think I'm wrong feel free to tell me why though you snarky old shit.
  16. HTS highlight reel
    Degenerate piece of shit answer: power through it and smoke more crack.

    Normie answer: stop smoking crack. I know you want to smoke more crack, but you don't need to so like... just don't.
  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by netstat Just do a mass shooting and die by cop

    This remains an option. The right wing racists and the left wing retards all see me as the enemy for their own reasons, be it that I'm a tranny or an alleged racist or whatever. Everyone sees me as the enemy. And if I'm everyone's enemy, that mean's everyone's my enemy (whether I want that to be the case or not). And if everyone's the enemy - if everyone hates me already - I might as well do something to really deserve it. I go to sleep at night thinking about doing pretty heinous shit, a lot of it worse than a simple mass shooting. Nothing I'd ever actually do though. *whistles innocently*
  18. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Kev to spite whom?

    The statistics. I'm sick of hearing "herp derp 42% suicide rate" so I can basically never kill myself at this point. Probably a shitty reason not to do it, ultimately, but it is what it is.
  19. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal HTS - tranny suicide

    Maybe. Doubt it. But maybe. I'm basically resigned to surviving out of sheer spite, but all it takes is one exceptionally bad day I guess.
  20. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Splam Fun fact: sea levels have never been constant

    What's your point? Sea levels have always changed therefore negative trends in that change are impossible? Don't be a retard.

    "Sea levels change therefore this chamge can't possibly be bad."

    "The temperature in my house always fluctuates therefore the fact that my couch is on fire is of no concern."

    Neck, moron.
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