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Posts by HTS

  1. HTS highlight reel
    Do you think he will take the 'shrewd politician' approach to campaigning, or the 'I'm Mother Fuckin Donald Trump' approach, where he thinks he knows best? I guess it depends on why he is running in the first place. It sure isn't for the money, unless he is playing the long game. I don't know too much about the guy, but if he is running for his ego's sake, I think he will be a terrible politician.

    I don't think he knows how to take the "shrewd politician" approach. That's kind of the problem. Or if he does know, I don't think his ego and sense of "what is right" will allow him to be properly shrewd. His idea of political strategy is as deft as "chainsaw surgery" is in medicine. He's good at office politics (or was at one point),and I think he's smart enough not to go full-on 'I'm Mother Fuckin Donald Trump'... but I don't think he's smart enough or serious enough to prevent any of that ego from slipping into his campaign, and that's what's going to kill his chances.
  2. HTS highlight reel
    whats hts stand for, highlighter to sphincter?

    "Highlighter Tightly Stuck" has always been my favorite.
  3. HTS highlight reel
    I was going to say that trump is quite popular because, not in spite of his reality show, but then I thought for a minute and noted the language of your post, how you used the word 'credibility', not popularity. Big difference. I'm high. I also liked how you used the word 'goon'. I like that word, 'goon';. Good word. I really don't know what to think about how his show affected his credibility, but I do know that he inherited a ton of money and knowledge from his father, and also he is known for 'tactical bankruptcy'.

    I agree that he is going to say something really stupid, he almost can't help himself.

    Also I find myself wondering what his policies will be like. I bet he will be like a carbon copy of guiliani; who, I heard, is going to be his running mate. In other words, he will hate guns, love cops, and crack down on drugs and misdemeanors.

    I changed my mind, fuck trump.

    Eh, Trump is a good businessman, and he's definitely wealthy enough to pay for his campaign for the nomination as well as a presidential campaign. Which is all that matters. He's definitely "popular" too, but as much as people like to joke that it's all a popularity contest... when push comes to shove, the number of voters who'd think of his stint on The Apprentice/Celebrity Apprentice in a positive light is minimal. Like you said... he will love cops (for sure), and will probably crack down on drugs, but he'll also almost definitely be pro-guns. Not because he actually cares, but because that's one of the easier partisan issues to take a stance on to guarantee votes, like abortion. It's nowhere near as complicated or tangible as immigration, which is sadly the one big area where he comes across as laughably infantile in his understanding of the issue. On the bright side, there's a slim chance that Trump's shrewd business sense would lead to a push for the legalization and industrialization of Marijuana (although he's smart enough not to run on a platform suggesting that). Kinda like how Obama is the "drone strike president" despite running on a platform that opposed that kind of shit. Once you see the books and have all the information the president is privvy to, you're liable to change your stance. That's probably how he'd justify legalization anyway.

    On a semi-related note: I think Giuliani is "anti-gun" only because previously he was running for mayor of NYC, and republicans in NYC are more afraid of getting shot at/robbed by the dirty poors in the streets than they are about protecting their right to protect themselves. NYC and Californian republicans can be pretty liberal by "heartland"/Texas standards. He could probably swap his stance on that for a presidential race and keep the republicans who voted for him in NYC, just on the merit that he's not a democrat. When it comes to the country at large, I can all but guarantee Giuliani's stance would find a way to slowly become the opposite of what it was in his time as mayor of NYC; assuming he could pull that off without politically handicapping himself too much. Being a "flip flopper" is bad, but Giuliani isn't a political dunce like Trump so there's a chance he could justify his different opinions on the issue without getting skewered by the media. He's more politically savvy than Trump, so he knows how to play the people for election season. In fact, if Trumps pride allowed for it, I imagine he'd be running as Giuliani's VP rather than vice versa. He'd be the Palin to Giuliani's respectable McCain.

    EDIT: Of course, God only knows how accurate this assessment of that ticket is. I'm Canadian and barely pay attention to the madness that goes on south of the border anymore. I just felt like rambling.
  4. HTS highlight reel
    I probably won't vote anyway. I just think it would be great to see trump get into the white house and start firing people and slashing budgets.

    I think it would be great too, just in the sense that it'd really be the cherry on top of the "American politics is a cartoonish reality show" sundae that the rest of the world has been consuming for the last decade. It's just never going to happen, because either Trump is too proud to hire speech writers or too proud to say what it takes to win. His willingness to speak his mind is his greatest detriment. He has like... zero understanding of what the American public wants to hear from its politicians, not to mention his utter lack of credibility since becoming a reality show hosting goon.

    I honestly think it's sad, because he really could be a pretty good president if he wasn't completely and utterly oblivious to politics/the American political climate. Every speech he gives is guaranteed to contain at least one snafu that'll bite him in the ass.
  5. HTS highlight reel
    Trump is a political retard. arthur treacher, you won't vote for Trump because he has less than a snowball's chance in hell at receiving the republican nomination. You're fucking dreaming if you think you're going to see Trump's name on the ticket. Goddamn.
  6. HTS highlight reel
    I don't get it.
  7. HTS highlight reel
    It's not antagonizing, it's just telling the truth, like I've always done. The Totse crew had, not one, but TWO chances at a decent platform, which could have lasted decades, but instead, everyone just stood idly by while the power abusers and kidiots ruined both of them for everyone. And of course, the power abusers and kidiots had to get theirs in the end the only possible way that was left, and because of that, everyone lost. What was I doing all that time? Trying every option available. Speaking the truth. Giving warnings, advice, and completely accurate predictions. Getting infracted, Getting banned. Getting permabanned, because they don't like hearing the truth. Still played with their heads big time. Pissed off the power abusers and the kidiots relentlessly in an attempt to jam a round peg into a square hole. Basically, waged the war all on my own, while everyone except a few, like DaGuru and Slave of the Beast and jackketch, just sat around guffawing. Well, nothing to guffaw about now is there? It's all gone. And now you're finally arrived to complain about the loss and hold it up as something that you profess was worthy fighting for? Now that it's all gone?

    Oh lay off it you old bag of farts. You poisoned the well and made both of those sites less enjoyable for your miserable presence. As long you exist, bitching about perceived abuses of power and "kidiots", there'll never be good things. You are why we can't have good things. You are at least as guilty as the kidiots you decry, and people have been telling you that since day 1, but you never shut up. You can say you were fighting the good fight all you want, but don't act like you were the lone soldier fighting off waves of the enemy from atop a hill. If you were, that hill was made from the corpses of better posters than you, posters who you played as much a part in killing as "the enemy".
  8. HTS highlight reel
    HTS-noob, is that you?

    The one and only.
  9. HTS highlight reel
    Actually, I have noticed that people that that think they have high IQs, are usually idiots.

    I've noticed that people who think this way tend to have tested with low IQ, and are too stupid to find another way to shield themselves from their supposed inferiority.

    Which of course says nothing about how intelligent you are, for multiple reasons. Whatever. I can't believe these sites are still chuggin' along.
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