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Posts by 6835378gjjsjs

  1. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Elbow As opposed to the front of the head, where the face is located, of course. Race at the back, face at the front. Everyone knows that.

    Well when you cant see you learn alternative ways of recognizing things. I once heard a thud on the ground as me and my friend were walking away from a barred owl and a red tailed hawk that were sitting side by side, so close their wings were touching, about 8 feet off the ground, about 7 feet in front of us.

    The hawk was rather chatty. Almost as if he was complaining to the owl about something. I told my friend "that sounded like a snake hitting the ground with a prey item in its mouth" and sure enough, it was a giant rat snake with a rat in its mouth

    EDII: the snake was spooked by our prescence, and dropped the rat, which ran and hid behind my foot, causing me to scream like a girl and jump into the air.
  2. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Die

    Get him Speedy! Geettt hiiimmmm!!¡
  3. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Im a little tired. I am probably quite insane, but not really violent and have no ill will towards most people, most of the time.

    I kind of want to transform into some kind of god or deity when i die in order to guide humanity and also play pranks on them occassionally. Sometimes i wonder if god himself is possessing me directly. im probably just crazy.

    i had a dream i could control things through shadows. or umbrakinesis... and i could control sounds by hearing them, including thunder. i also was able to control people telekinetically by watching a live video of them, hundreds at a time even. i think years of sleep deprivation made it hard to tell when im awake or dreaming sometimes. i must be insane. i want some kind of spirituality. but im stuck in this rut in life like a hole thats difficult to climb out of. the doctors ran all kinds of tests but could not determine that i was schizophrenic. i suppose they put it down to insomnia. close enough i guess.

    i feel happy usually but really bored often times. sex got boring i xompletely lost interest in it and the insomnia made it impossible to trust anyone so i have no one to talk to usually.

    guess i have to build stuff. i collected some plant matter to extract oxalic acid from. bleh

  4. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    we shall see
  5. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Im feeling like i could possibly telekinetically cockslap everyone at the moment, simultaneously.
  6. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    How did you get unbanned
  7. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Warcry why dont u guys relise induck bitches only for sport.

    hiki wants you to fuck his ass
  8. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Crispy Yeah yeah go die

    Another use for persimmon trees is the fruit juice, which is black, and diluted it causes orange stains. Concentrated, it makes a black dye that gets darker when exposed to sunlight, rather than fading like other dyes. It also requires no mordant to help it stick to the cloth, unlike other dyes, since its tannin based.
  9. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Persimmon trees are biblical. Mentioned in the bible many times actually. Polymer bezoars are interesting in that they do not dissolve on their own, unlike regular bezoars. You start to realize your rectum feels fuller than normal and becomes painful when you need to shit.

    They require surgical removal, or it can cause your shit to move backwards and even end up in your stomach. Causing shit-burps.

    And this can become life threatening.
  10. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Crispy Lay off the drugs you schizo faggot

    Unripe persimmons contain the soluble tannin shibuol, which, upon contact with a weak acid, polymerizes in the stomach and forms a gluey coagulum, a "foodball" or phytobezoar, that can affix with other stomach matter.[35] These phytobezoars are often very hard and almost woody in consistency. More than 85% of phytobezoars are caused by ingestion of unripened persimmons.[36] Persimmon bezoars (diospyrobezoars) often occur in epidemics in regions where the fruit is grown

    I had a lonestar and a large monster yesterday. Thankfully I did not have to shit out a foodball. It did make me shit though.
  11. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
  12. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    "sorry sir, i dont know how this couldve happened but your bad breath is not the result of halitosis. it appears there are rather large lumps of extra hard poop lodged in your intestines. I dont know how this couldve happened. we need to run some tests"
  13. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The globalists are getting all their globalist sock puppets in place.

    Hopefully this prime minister is less of a puppet. Id like to be optimistic
  14. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Someone mentioned in that pol thread that its been suggested Japan should have a Japanese base or bases in the US. Not a bad idea really to be honest. Odd timing though as I saw a Japanese Navy guy at the store recently. I am near sided but could tell he was asian by looking at the back of his head, since the back of peoples head tells which race they are. As I walked passed him, I saw the Japanese flag on the arm of his uniform.

    I heard someone possibly from Army intelligence suggest that it was being considered the Japanese may have bases here eventually but someone also seemed to imply the US and Japan had already built a Japanese base or bases here.

    I was like wtf, figured I was just tripping and then I see that thread. Crazy, but not so crazy when you consider all the land and assets China now owns in the US, and China is not even considered a US ally.
  15. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Crispy You talk a lot, get back to sucking

    Hi hiki, are you in your Japanese school girl outfit?
  16. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman

    Sounds good. Pro nationalist and wants Japans' self defense force to become a normal military.

    Also apparently wants their military to obtain nuclear weapons. That would bring about more regional stability even if some do not agree
  17. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Former defense minister Shigeru Ishiba will become Japan's next prime minister after winning the ruling party's leadership vote on Friday, September 27, the official count showed. Ishiba, 67, beat arch-nationalist Sanae Takaichi – who would have been the country's first ever woman leader – in a run-off.

    After his victory was announced at the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) headquarters in Tokyo, Ishiba smiled and took off his glasses to wipe his teary eyes, bowing repeatedly as his associates congratulated him. "I will do my utmost to believe in the people, to speak the truth with courage and sincerity, and to make this country a safe and secure place where everyone can live with a smile on their face once again," he said in a short speech.

    Ishiba has come close to the top job before, including in 2012 when he lost to nationalist Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest-serving leader, who was later assassinated. The military model-maker with an affinity for 1970s pop idols says his experience tackling tough social issues, such as agriculture reforms, makes him qualified for the job.

    As scandals fuel public discontent with the LDP, "the tide is in favor of Ishiba and his 'fair and square' attitude," Yu Uchiyama, a University of Tokyo politics professor, said ahead of the vote. The conservative party has governed almost uninterrupted for decades and holds a majority, meaning Ishiba will be elected premier by parliament on Tuesday.

    As prime minister, he will need to face down regional security threats, from an increasingly assertive China and its deepening ties with Russia to North Korea's banned missile tests. At home, Ishiba will be tasked with breathing life into the economy, as the central bank moves away from decades of monetary easing that has slashed the value of the yen.

    In the first round of voting, a record nine candidates had been in the running after the LDP's long-powerful factions disbanded earlier this year over a funding scandal. Takaichi, the economic security minister, is a vocal nationalist popular with the LDP's conservative wing. The 63-year-old was close to assassinated ex-premier Abe, whose supporters are still powerful. In third place behind Ishiba and Takaichi was former environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi, a keen surfer whose father was prime minister in the 2000s.

    LDP leaders are in office for three years and can serve up to three straight terms. Unpopular Prime Minister Fumio Kishida did not run for re-election. During his term, Kishida has taken steps to double Japan's defense spending, opening the door for military exports as the LDP seeks to revise the pacifist post-war constitution. He welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to a G7 summit in Hiroshima and has strengthened Japan's often testy ties with its neighbor South Korea. But his rule was also tarnished by scandals, voter anger over rising prices and sliding poll ratings.
    Alright, /pol is saying its globo homo regardless of who became their new prime minister, meaning more brown immigration into Japan among other things.

    Ishiba is the former defence minister and supposedly sees the relationship Japan has with the US as unfair and unequal. Well no shit, the US is still occupying Japan and its about time they became more equal and Japan became more independent and strengthened its military.

    Who knows though... when I said imperialistic I of course did not meant belligerent, simply that being somewhat more imperialist would improve Japans messed up economy and make the country safer. They cannot rely so much on the US military, especially when it appears the US may soon have its hands full with other regions and have its own resources tied down.

    Apparently he has suggested forming an asian version of NATO. I think Japan has matured a lot since world war 2 era and they have no intension of starting any conflicts, only resolving them where necessary or possible. Japan strengthening its military and forming better alliances with neighboring countries could allow them a role as an effective mediator in the region where the US has been potentially increasing tensions and losing support due to political turmoil.

    EDIT: I did my best to clean up the quotes but I probably botched it anyway.
  18. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Gridlocke Do you want nude proof

    I want you to commit suicide
  19. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    anyway, I will be checking up on this thread in a month or so and if OP doesnt follow through on these threats of legal action there is going to be real life consequences, I assure you.

    Keep in mind when you pursue legal action against someone online, if it makes it to court them and anyone they know then has access to your personal information.

    Maybe you shouldve thought about that before cluttering up the site with such drivel
  20. 6835378gjjsjs Tuskegee Airman
    A new ADHD ridden faggot posing as a girl online.

    Oops its not a new one

    zomg two sentences liek stop wit da walls ov text
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