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Posts by 6835378gjjsjs

  1. Comparing me to a redditor isnt going to hurt mah feelins. Unlike you I have punched niggers in the face before and I say nigger in real life.

    Nothing redditor about that, but I realize your IQ is about 85
  2. Originally posted by Crispy Im crispy man! C r i s p y. Do your spelling words!!! Its CRISPY!!! Not hiki

    Not fooling anyone hiki, you were never smart
  3. Originally posted by Crispy Im normal, into old men, and i hate dogs. Choose someone else to make shit up about. I am CRISPY not HIKI!!! Get it right faggot reddit dude

    Quiet hiki, go finger your ass while fantasizing about being a Japanese girl
  4. Originally posted by Crispy This dude types so goddamn much. Talk less you fucking faggot, i dont wana read your damn essay

    Or you could hang yourself with a dog leash, hiki. Then it wont hurt your brain anymore
  5. Originally posted by Gridlocke you're not ugly

    Just bisexual and into kids and dogs
  6. Originally posted by Dfg Really hope Trump wins, don't want wars and China taking over Philippines. I don't make blanket statements, but anyone who votes for Kamala deserves what's coming to them. It's like zero survival skills. NPC type mindset, I mma vote for her cuz she is Not TRUMP. Hopefully the Diddy stuff exposes the pro Kamala tent, fucking creeps.

    Holy shit youre still around
  7. Originally posted by Gridlocke You type like a redditor

    attempting to insult me cause you noticed i said reddit is retarded.

    Yet you cant provide information as to how other than your severe ADHD that makes it difficult to follow anything more than a few sentences other than hollywood or pop culture references.

  8. Originally posted by Gridlocke I dunno just overly formal speech, a lot of commas, walls of texts, tangents, jèws

    lol walls of text, saw that coming a mile away. I almost never use apostrophes and my style is "overly formal"? Are you smoking crack today by any chance?

    Look at my posts in Backyard Ballistics, have you EVER seen that faggot post anything scientific or technical anywhere? No you havent. His hobbies were music and video games and posting about his bisexual pedophile bestiality fantasies, absolutely nothing like mine. But I realize youre a crack addict with ADHD so anything more than a few sentences that might contain scientific information is "walls of text" in your mind.

  9. Originally posted by Crispy Im 15 and i love old men, i think thats the opposite of him from what ive heard?

    Id be embarrassed if I was you too, hiki

    Originally posted by Gridlocke I thought YOU were hiki you have the same ranty autistic post style

    Mm, autistic in what way? Lemme guess you cant elaborate, other than me being an improvised explosives and weapons enthusiast...
  10. Hello there hiki, you lil munchkin
  11. Originally posted by Crispy My name is Crispy, go back to sucking nigger cock you dumb faggot

    Hmm, you are possibly the angriest bisexual pedophile on the internet hiki.

    wariat may be able to argue that hes not actually a pedophile but youve admitted to being one in the past numerous times.

    The cat is out of the bag now, no need to hide anymore hiki
  12. Originally posted by Crispy Many “white” people act like niggers. Take this forum for example, disgusting nigger lovers

    Calm down hiki
  13. Originally posted by Michael Myers I used to have a Polish friend who did a DNA test and he came out 2% Mongol. He is from the southern parts of the country. He told me how west Poland is basically Germany and that those people aren't the real Poles. That real Poles have brown eyes and brown hair like him. He hated being called "white" or "western."

    Theyre brainwashed to be offended at being called white by the joos that run their countries, mostly russian bolshevik joos. Not uncommon for americans to be shamed into claiming they arent white either. Joos invented the white guilt concept..The propaganda by both russia and germany in world war 2 era has contributed to this, but joos have wanted to erase whiteness long before that. Muslims tend to as well, they play right into the joos hands.

    Ironically russia has more neo nazis than any country including ukraine.

    Whites are a race within a race, distinct from other caucasians in being more creative and intelligent, more inventive. Also the only race that normally has multiple eye color and hair color. Every other race almost always has dark eyes and dark hair.

    Mid easterners have interbred with whites enough that you do get a lot of palestinians with blue or green eyes, red and blond hair etc. But they were already caucasian to begin with. Slavs as a whole have more instances of blue eyes and multiple hair colors than any mid east group, and paler skin.
  14. Originally posted by Crispy I meant arent

    Hitler himself admitted modern Germans are racially mutts. Slavs are whiter than any towel head or beaner is ever going to be. People who think they arent white cause they have more east asian DNA are retarded and fell for propaganda
  15. Originally posted by Warcry yet you srill wanna insult me and cwll me a pedophile.

    I never said that you fruitloop, I pointed out how your behavior looks. Again, fix your life.
  16. Originally posted by Kafka I can afford a lawyer, the idea has been planted in my head and this may be the easiest way for me to punish Lanny, so I will definitely pursue legal action against him.
    Maids cannot afford lawyers. Not your kind anyway
  17. Originally posted by Crispy Polacks are white, and hes 40, he cant get his life together when he has a decade left

    I just said theyre white

  18. a dull blade, easy to please.....

    And if you dont start behaving yourselves, we're gonna send even more of our Indian cousins.

    "And I may have to discipline you myself, and youre not gonna like that cause its gonna hurt me and not just you"
  19. Where did I say I hate anyone or that I disagree in your definitions? You are nitpicking and making things up. I dont hate queers and you really shouldnt either since Kaka is the only one defending you.

    I dont care about the differences in definitions, they change definitions of things whenever they feel like updating a standard dicrionary; who cares? I simply told you how it looks to most people and that wont change with most whites any time soon. I think democracy is a dumb concept because the majority tend to believe what theyre told but this isnt one of those concepts that simply arises from this fact.

    And lets be honest, neither you or Kaka can afford a lawyer because youre more interested in autistically arguing online than improving your lives.

    If you had a wife, nobody would call you gay or pedophile, cause you could simply point to your wife and kids. If your wife works its also two incomes instead of one. You can also tell your kids to say your accusers tried to touch their butts and have them labelled instead.

    But no, you want to lash out at the few people that would like to see their fellow whites do better in life.
  20. Sex is for making babies and raising a family, you can use it for whatever but thats the purpose. You are now verbally assaulting me for trying to discuss this logically with you. Now I am certain you and Kaka have the same brain defect. Perhaps its true that homosexuality is directly linked with pedophilia.

    In any case I think youre better off finding a real woman, preferably 16 to 25 and raising a family but if you cannot notice a difference between 16 and 18 you are mentally deficient. wariat, we are white, not brown or jooish. We are not supposed to be with girls that young as we are more evolved than that. That is why mexico citys' age of consent was 12 recently; brown people will fuck anything that moves.

    Get your life together and start talking like an actual human please.
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