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Posts by 6835378gjjsjs

  1. wariat, a lobotomy mightve been recommended for people like you and Kaka back in those days, does that mean its not a fucked up concept?

    Why dont you move to an islamic country if you want to fuck a 9 year old? Christ man. Or convert to judaism, I think their age of consent is still 3 years old.
  2. Originally posted by Warcry first off no i didnt. i didnt specify or say sex anywhere you yoU even have proof i tried to meet anyone and certisnly csnt prove it was for sex. thridly 12 isnt pedo its a wobbler some. 12 year olds already have sec and breats hair on vagina etc henc ewhy it was legal inv ictorian times and all the way until late 1800s retard if it wsnt it wouldnt have been legal then would it? none of those news articles mentioned sex and thirldy again look up the temr epdophilia none will say 12 yr olds. and again why would thwt be the age of consenT from dinosaurs all the way to late 1800s if its what yoU claim?

    Jesus, calm down. Im not attacking you but most people would suspect youre into children as a result of that behavior.

    Its not normal, and I think child porn or child art has warped your perception of whats normal. I blame your parents.

    Thats why I dont feel the least bit surprised when panthrax defends a joo with fantasies of murdering innocent people, he had thousands of kiddy porn videos. I dont think 0s and 1s should be illegal but it has clearly warped your mind if you are still trying to justify it somehow. Mephedrone also continues flooding your brain with dopamine inducing dopamine toxicity for days after its out of your system, making you even more twisted. Lay off the crack and get a real girlfriend.

    Although I realize its mostly pointless to say this since for years youve ignored any advice we tried to give you. Why would they arrest you if there was no proof its for sex? Just drop the act man, this whole charade is becoming what defines you as a person and you continue to sink further down the hole every time you defend it.
  3. Originally posted by Warcry ckafka, isnt calling someone a pedo who isnt one but is a hephhile also a crime of harassment and defamation?

    you tried to meet a 12 year old girl for sex.

    You and Kaka are both autistic. Isnt she polish also?

    No wonder she supports diddlers
  4. Originally posted by Kafka Banning us from connecting wouldn't erase the crimes committed and this is an American law he broke. Amanda Todd's harrasser is in jail and that will be Lanny's fate as well.

    In two more weeks?
  5. Originally posted by shitty titty I think I know who this is now.

    who? if youre referring to me, i suspect youve had rhinoplasty surgery and youre from north carolina.

    But i have nothing against you or lanny personally, although he is kind of arrogant at times.

    Nobody here knows although that one black dude from brooklyn has met me in person.

    Jim "fuck latinos" carey has met me in person too.
  6. And not at all with indians pooping in your beaches lmao
  7. Originally posted by Kafka You don't know what I've done to enemies past.

    Kid, you arent even relevant enough to have enemies. You dont have them, you have people online that make steam come out of your ears when they point out that youre a self absorbed narcissistic twat with delusions of grandeur, thats about it.
  8. Feel free to post screen shots of the messages though if they arent just a figment of your deranged low iq homosexual autism fantasies though.

    could use a laugh
  9. Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs But youve never slayed anything, all you do is moan at people on obscure degenerate internet forums and not even the other females can agree with you.

    Your only support are diddlers.

    A typical leftist, confused sexually, full of hate and jealousy. You try to make everything about race and gender but its quite clear to everyone here this is to deflect from your own corrupt and toxic mental state.

    And how many more weeks will we have to wait for you to get the site shut down or Donald arrested?

    You wont do shit. Get a life and grow up, youre delusional.
  10. Originally posted by Kafka Are you that creep who was messaging me? They said they were from Texas.

    No, I am the kind of person who welcomes that label when it comes from autistic faggot diddler enablers though.
  11. Originally posted by shitty titty Wait what? lol

    Bradley B what did you do!!!

    He went apeshit on totse2k after the bum fights comment and any member with any credibility pointed out Bradley was lying and retarded and gay

    Narcissists are rather easily triggered.
    Still better than Kaka though.
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Kiwifarms had servers physically hosted in eastern europe with .tk style domains where the government doesn't give a shit and it was still impossible to connect to the site for months because any route through an ISP would be blocked from the ISP's end. The method is called "ISP Black Holeing"

    Or you could just dose the employees with toxins that take weeks to take effect and dont show up in an autopsy and put IEDs under their cars, or blow up their server buildings physically so nobody wants to do business with them or touch them with a ten foot pole ever again
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ These people out there who like to label and deconstruct and analyze people are just parasites looking for attention and clicks for themselves. They're full of shit 100% of the time.

    Kinda like people who seek validation from corrupt governments when most people are too dumb to spot* the corruption.
  14. Originally posted by Kafka You're a disgusting person.

    Youre a narcissistic diddler supporting faggot
  15. Originally posted by shitty titty I can only really speak for myself but Bradley at least has a sense of humor and doesn’t take himself super seriously. Kafka is an echo chamber of victimization and it’s an old schtick at this point. I want to enjoy her more. Idk why I keep thinking she’s going to lighten up and join in on the fun, but she’s incapable and insists on being miserable bc she thinks she’s a martyr on some crusade.

    Going apeshit on a schizo and following him around to other forums for suggesting he looked like the champion of bum fights is not taking himself super seriously.


    Yeah. Still better than Kafka though.
  16. Originally posted by Kafka

    "3. **Long-Term Perspective**: INTJs do not seek immediate gratification. Their vengeance is often part of a larger, long-term strategy designed to protect their interests and maintain their sense of order."

    Except INTJs can be somewhat intelligent and you are an autistic pissant with an iq around 90 that thinks whatever your leftist diddler government wants you to think.
  17. Dude looks like he also listens to bands that suck up to the US military like Triumph and Megadeth.

    Assuming he would describe himself as right wing, probably supports israel too despite the fact its israel and the US that floods every white country with non whites that stab and rape school girls.

    A lot of right wingers are retarded. The kind of people that dont mind you getting blown up in a war for joos but hypocritically wouldnt do it themselves and make excuses saying they missed their chance to "serve"(serve joo penis with their ass and mouth).

    Imagine being retarded and pretentious enough to pretend you value liberty while supporting corrupt anti white regimes like that. Almost like theyre secretly just satanists that support killing in any form.

    The Nazis were the good guys. Probably thinks people should be labelled "dangerous psychopaths" for telling the truth about these matters. Or I could be wrong, looks can be deceiving. Hopefully he doesnt get milk shaked or doused with DMSO + bromo dragonfly while live streaming by one of the brown people he talks shit about in private while supporting the regimes that replace whites with those brown people.
  18. Literally even wariat or Bradley are less retarded than Kafka.

    Hopefully a person that retarded doesnt actually exist and its just some alt trolling everyone.
  19. Originally posted by Kafka Why don't you try making an account and pretend you're a female here before giving advice? I am incapable of forgiveness and slaying the monsters always makes me feel better. People here tried to kill me and deserve what comes to them. I don't appreciate your mansplaining and would like if you didn't message me again.
    But youve never slayed anything, all you do is moan at people on obscure degenerate internet forums and not even the other females can agree with you.

    Your only support are diddlers.

    A typical leftist, confused sexually, full of hate and jealousy. You try to make everything about race and gender but its quite clear to everyone here this is to deflect from your own corrupt and toxic mental state.

    And how many more weeks will we have to wait for you to get the site shut down or Donald arrested?

    You wont do shit. Get a life and grow up, youre delusional.
  20. Originally posted by Kafka For trying to make me accept abuse you are also an abuser. I want revenge and you can't change that. In fact, this makes me want to act more quickly.

    I wasnt suggesting to accept it, just pointing out theres a lot of people in the world and online who arent nice people and you cant change that so you may as well stop getting triggered by it and do something more productive.

    Also, I want you to act more quickly, get it out of your system.

    Maybe you could look into Soka Gakkai, they may be able to help with your anger problems. I have a relative with autism and anger issues and you cant easily talk people like that out of it when theyre in a rage, I understand, but feelings of rage and revenge are ultimately only going to be destructive to your chances of finding tranquility and purpose in life.

    I would suggest meditation and martial arts. In particular, Adversarial Meditation.
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